javax.el.MethodExpression methodExpression
boolean tranzient
MethodBinding binding
boolean tranzient
javax.el.ValueExpression valueExpression
boolean tranzient
ValueBinding binding
boolean tranzient
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
javax.enterprise.event.Event<T> viewScopeInitializedEvent
javax.enterprise.event.Event<T> viewScopeDestroyedEvent
ArrayDeque<E> behaviorStack
javax.el.ValueExpression originalVE
Location location
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
javax.el.MethodExpression m
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
Integer i
javax.el.ValueExpression orig
javax.el.ValueExpression orig
int start
int index
IterationStatus status
Object key
javax.el.ValueExpression orig
javax.enterprise.event.Event<T> flowInitializedEvent
javax.enterprise.event.Event<T> flowDestroyedEvent
String id
String definingDocumentId
String startNodeId
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _navigationCases
Map<K,V> navigationCases
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> _views
List<E> views
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> _methodCalls
List<E> methodCalls
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _inboundParameters
Map<K,V> inboundParameters
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _returns
Map<K,V> returns
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _switches
Map<K,V> switches
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _facesFlowCalls
Map<K,V> facesFlowCalls
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> _facesFlowCallsByTargetFlowId
javax.el.MethodExpression initializer
javax.el.MethodExpression finalizer
boolean hasBeenInitialized
String name
javax.el.ValueExpression value
String id
javax.el.ValueExpression fromOutcome
String id
javax.el.ValueExpression defaultOutcome
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> _cases
List<E> cases
boolean postInitCompleted
boolean preInitCompleted
ManagedBeanPreProcessingException.Type type
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream output) throws IOException
ConcurrentMap<K,V> sessionScope
ConcurrentMap<K,V> sessionUsers
WebsocketSessionManager socketSessions
WebsocketUserManager socketUsers
ConcurrentMap<K,V> viewScope
String channel
Map<K,V> sessionScope
Map<K,V> viewScope
WebsocketSessionManager socketSessions
WebsocketUserManager socketUsers
javax.el.ValueExpression type
The fully qualified class name of the ActionListener
instance to be created.
javax.el.ValueExpression binding
The value expression used to create a listener instance and it is
also used to wire up this listener to an ActionListener
of a JavaBean class.
javax.el.ValueExpression name
The name of the attribute to be created, if not already present.
javax.el.ValueExpression value
The value to be associated with this attribute, if it is created.
javax.el.ValueExpression dateStyleExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression localeExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression patternExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression timeStyleExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression timeZoneExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression typeExpression
String dateStyle
Locale locale
String pattern
String timeStyle
TimeZone timeZone
String type
javax.el.ValueExpression currencyCodeExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression currencySymbolExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression groupingUsedExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression integerOnlyExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression maxFractionDigitsExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression maxIntegerDigitsExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression minFractionDigitsExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression minIntegerDigitsExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression localeExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression patternExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression typeExpression
String currencyCode
String currencySymbol
boolean groupingUsed
boolean integerOnly
int maxFractionDigits
int maxIntegerDigits
int minFractionDigits
int minIntegerDigits
Locale locale
String pattern
String type
boolean maxFractionDigitsSpecified
boolean maxIntegerDigitsSpecified
boolean minFractionDigitsSpecified
boolean minIntegerDigitsSpecified
javax.el.ValueExpression basenameExpression
String var
boolean maximumSet
Flag indicating whether a maximum limit has been set.
boolean minimumSet
Flag indicating whether a minimum limit has been set.
javax.el.ValueExpression type
The fully qualified class name of the PhaseListener
instance to be created.
javax.el.ValueExpression binding
The value binding expression used to create a listener
instance and it is also used to wire up this listener to an
property of a JavaBean class.
javax.el.ValueExpression regex
javax.el.ValueExpression VALIDATOR_ID_EXPR
javax.el.ValueExpression target
The target of the value attribute.
javax.el.ValueExpression value
The value that is set into the target attribute.
javax.el.ValueExpression maximumExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression minimumExpression
double maximum
double minimum
javax.el.ValueExpression maximumExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression minimumExpression
int maximum
int minimum
javax.el.ValueExpression maximumExpression
javax.el.ValueExpression minimumExpression
long maximum
long minimum
javax.el.ValueExpression type
The fully qualified class name of the ValueChangeListener
instance to be created.
javax.el.ValueExpression binding
The value expression used to create a listener instance and it
is also used to wire up this listener to an ValueChangeListener
property of a JavaBean class.
int maxCapacity
Throwable cause
The underlying exception that caused this exception.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Reconstruct FacesMessage
from serialized artifacts.
- Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.ClassNotFoundException
- Class of a serialized object cannot be found.private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
Persist FacesMessage
artifacts, including the non
serializable Severity
- Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.String viewId
The view identifier of the view that could not be restored.
FacesMessage facesMessage
FacesMessage facesMessage
Behavior behavior
PhaseId phaseId
FacesContext context
PhaseId phaseId
Object oldValue
The previous local value of the source UIComponent
Object newValue
The current local value of the source UIComponent
String channel
Serializable user
javax.websocket.CloseReason.CloseCode code
Object data
int index
SelectItem[] selectItems
FacesMessage message
Collection<E> messages
String path
int line
int column
String name
The name of this facet. This will be used as the facet name for
our UIComponentTag
child in our UIComponentTag
parent's facet list.
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