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Application performance can make or break a user’s experience. Applications that provide a consistent experience and perform well are more likely to benefit user productivity. The Jakarta Concurrency specification targets application performance and usability by providing a standard API for developing concurrent application processes without compromising container integrity. It is not recommended to utilize traditional Java SE threads or timers within a Jakarta EE container because use of threads or timers may cause reliability issues and unexpected results. Jakarta Concurrency provides an API that does not intrude on container integrity, but rather, uses services that are managed by the container and matches the functionality provided by the Java SE Concurrency Utilities.

Developers who are familiar with the Java SE Concurrency utilities API will be able to leverage their existing knowledge to use this API, as there are many similarities. Containers extend the java.util.concurrent API by providing managed versions of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interfaces. All Jakarta EE compliant containers include default executor services, context services, and thread factories for performing particular tasks such as spawning asynchronous tasks and scheduling tasks to be executed at a specified time. However, it is also possible to develop custom services, if needed, and register them with a container.

Configuring Jakarta Concurrency

Jakarta Concurrency is part of all Jakarta EE compatible containers. However, to explicitly add the Jakarta Concurrency API to a maven application, add the following dependency:


Asynchronous Tasks

Jakarta EE compliant containers must contain a ManagedExecutorService, which extends the Java SE ExecutorService. Tasks can be passed to a ManagedExecutorService, and those tasks can then be performed within a container managed thread and passed back to the caller once complete. This process can occur asynchronously, allowing the application to continue performing other tasks while the ManagedExecutorService processes the task which had been handed off. The ManagedExecutorService returns a Future object to the caller, which will return a boolean indicating when the task has been completed. The caller can poll this Future object and then perform some action using the resulting object once the task has completed.

A task is developed by creating a class that must implement java.util.concurrent.Callable or java.lang.Runnable, or any of the functional interfaces that can be supplied to a java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage. A Callable task class can optionally return a result to the caller. When tasks are submitted to a managed executor or managed CompletionStage, they become contextual, behaving in the same manner as they had within the original container. This means that contextual information and state can be passed to the ManagedExecutorService within the task and utilized while processing. For example, a session may contain the username of an authenticated user, and that information can be passed to the ManagedExecutorService within the task. A task class that implements Runnable may be structured as follows:

public class MyTask implements Runnable {
// Inject resources, if needed

    public void run() {
        // execute logic

For more fine grained control, a task class can optionally implement the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask interface, which enables the ability to perform actions upon lifecycle events. This is achieved by registering a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener instance with the task. A use case for implementing ManagedTask may be to initiate a process when a particular lifecycle event occurs.

To pass a task to a ManagedExecutorService, the ManagedExecutorService can be obtained for use within a resource through use of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). Alternatively, the ManagedExecutorService can be configured via XML within the web.xml of the application. After the resource has been obtained, then the task can be submitted to it by calling upon any one of the submit(), execute(), invokeAll(), invokeAny(), runAsync(), or supplyAsync() methods. The following code demonstrates how to obtain the ManagedExecutorService resource and submit a task to it.

@Resource(name = "concurrent/_defaultManagedExecutorService")
ManagedExecutorService managedExecutorService;

// Pass task class to the ManagedExecutorService
Future futureObject = managedExecutorService.submit(myTask);

If there are a number of tasks which need to be executed in parallel, it is possible to do so by passing an array of Runnable or Callable tasks to the ManagedExecutorService invokeAll() method. The following code demonstrates how to construct an array of builder tasks and submit them to the ManagedExecutorService.

ArrayList<Callable<TaskType>> builderTasks = new ArrayList<Callable<<TaskType>>();
builderTasks.add(new TaskType(1));
builderTasks.add(new TaskType(2));
List<Future<TaskType>> results = managedExecutorService.invokeAll(builderTasks);

In circumstances where transactions are required, jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction can be used to utilize transactions within task classes. In order to do so, obtain the SessionContext resource, and then utilize it to obtain a UserTransaction.

Scheduled Tasks

The ManagedScheduledExecutorService is a container resource that extends the java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService and jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService interfaces to provide the same managed functionality as a ManagedExecutorService, with the additional ability to delay and schedule tasks to run at a specific time. Task classes, which implement either java.lang.Runnable or java.util.concurrent.Callable, can be passed to the ManagedScheduledExecutorService and executed at a delayed or scheduled interval. To pass a task to the ManagedScheduledExecutorService, the service must be obtained for use into a resource via JNDI. Alternatively, the ManagedScheduledExecutorService can be configured via XML within the web.xml of the application. Once obtained, task(s) can be submitted by calling upon any one of the submit(), execute(), invokeAll(), invokeAny(), runAsync(), supplyAsync(), schedule(), scheduleAtFixedRate(), or scheduleWithFixedDelay() methods. The following code demonstrates how to obtain a ManagedScheduledExecutorService resource and schedule a task.

ManagedScheduledExecutorService managedScheduledExecutorService;

// Pass task class to the ManagedExecutorService
Future futureHandle = managedExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(myTask, 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

Managed Threads

A ManagedThreadFactory can be used to create new thread instances within a Jakarta EE container without directly utilizing java.util.Thread. These managed thread instances can be registered using JNDI. Alternatively, ManagedThreadFactory can be configured via XML within the web.xml descriptor. Managed threads execute much like a standard thread, however, they execute in the same context as the container. To utilize a ManagedThreadFactory, inject an instance into a resource and then call upon the newThread(), passing the Runnable or Callable task class. Lastly, invoke the start() method on the new thread to begin. Using the example task class from the previous section, the following code demonstrates how to create a new thread and pass the task to the thread:

ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory;
. . .
// Create task and pass to thread
MyTask task = new MyTask();
Thread taskThread = threadFactory.newThread(task);
. . .
// Destroy the thread if it is no longer needed

Contextual Tasks

The ContextService can be used to create contextual objects for Jakarta EE without the use of a ManagedExecutorService. The ContextService utilizes dynamic proxy capabilities which are found within the java.lang.reflect package or creates non-dynamic proxy instances in order to associate the context of the container with an object instance(s). Since the contextual object proxy will be run as an extension of the container that creates it, the proxy may interact with the container resource. The contextual object proxy can also be stored and run at a later time, if needed. Such solutions are useful for developing applications that require context throughout a process, such as a workflow. The ContextService can be registered using JNDI. Alternatively, a ContextService can be configured via XML.

Asynchronous Methods

Jakarta EE 10 introduced asynchronous methods to the Jakarta Concurrency specification. Asynchronous methods enable developers to annotate methods contained within CDI beans in order to have those methods invoked asynchronously. The CDI bean must not be a Jakarta Enterprise Bean, and the asynchronous method cannot be annotated with any library asynchronous annotations. Asynchronous methods should contain a return type of java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture, java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage, or void. Behind the scenes, the application container will execute the method within a java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture or jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService. As such, the container context is propagated to asynchronous methods. The following code demonstrates an example of developing an asynchronous method:

public CompletableFuture<String> myMethod() {
    // Processing
    return Asynchronous.Result.complete(string);

Thread Context Providers

Jakarta Concurrency contains a ThreadContextProvider SPI to provide a standard means for third party thread context types to be provided alongside the Jakarta EE container’s built-in thread context types. This means that there is a standard way for third party developers to create types that can be utilized within a compliant Jakarta EE container without breaking compliance.


Jakarta Concurrency provides a standard means for developing concurrent solutions within a Jakarta EE container without compromising the integrity of the container. Compliant Jakarta EE containers have executor services, context services, and managed thread factories configured, which can accept tasks and execute them asynchronously or at scheduled intervals. Through the use of these services, container context is propagated to tasks and container resources are available for use by tasks.

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