All Classes and Interfaces

The container provides a built in interceptor that may be used to annotate classes and methods to indicate that a request context should be activated when this method is invoked.
The event type of the second event fired by the container when it has fully completed the bean discovery process, validated that there are no definition errors relating to the discovered beans, and registered Bean and ObserverMethod objects for the discovered beans, but before detecting deployment problems.
The event type of the third event fired by the container after it has validated that there are no deployment problems and before creating contexts or processing requests.
This event type is thrown by the container after type discovery is complete.
Provides an operation for obtaining and destroying contextual instances with a particular scope of any contextual type.
Specifies that a bean is an alternative.
Supports inline instantiation of the Alternative annotation.
Indicates that multiple beans match a certain combination of required type and required qualifiers and are eligible for injection into a certain class.
Represents a Java program element that can be annotated.
Represents a callable member of a Java type.
Represents a constructor of a Java class.
This interface is part of the AnnotatedTypeConfigurator SPI and helps defining an AnnotatedConstructor
Represents a field of a Java class.
This interface is part of the AnnotatedTypeConfigurator SPI and helps defining an AnnotatedField
Represents a member of a Java type.
Represents a method of a Java type.
This interface is part of the AnnotatedTypeConfigurator SPI and helps defining an AnnotatedMethod
Represents a parameter of a method or constructor.
This interface is part of the AnnotatedTypeConfigurator SPI and helps defining an AnnotatedParameter
Represents a Java class or interface.
This API is a helper to configure a new AnnotatedType instance.
Builder for annotations of given type.
Supports instantiating AnnotationBuilder.
An annotation instance, typically obtained from an AnnotationTarget.
Supports inline instantiation of annotation type instances.
The value of an annotation member.
The kind of the annotation member value.
An annotation target is anything that can be annotated.
The built-in qualifier type.
Supports inline instantiation of the Any qualifier.
Specifies that a bean is application scoped.
Supports inline instantiation of the ApplicationScoped annotation.
An array type is created from a component type.
Represents an enabled bean.
The BeanAttributes interface exposes the basic attributes of a bean.
This API is an helper to configure a new BeanAttributes instance.
This API is an helper to configure a new Bean instance.
BeanContainer is a superclass of BeanManager containing capabilities that are portable across all CDI environments.
Beans are: managed beans beans defined by producer methods beans defined by producer fields synthetic beans Managed beans are also known as class-based beans, while beans defined by producer methods and producer fields are together also known as producer-based beans.
Allows a portable extension to interact directly with the container.
This event type is thrown by the container before the bean discovery process begins.
An event with this qualifier is fired when a context is about to be destroyed, i.e.
Supports inline instantiation of the BeforeDestroyed qualifier.
The type of the final event the container fires after it has finished processing requests and destroyed all contexts.
Build compatible extensions are service providers for this interface, as defined in ServiceLoader.
Service provider interface for various services needed by BuildCompatibleExtension implementations.
An internal helper to resolve BuildServices implementations.
Indicates that the container has rejected a request because a concurrent request is associated with the same conversation context.
Provides access to the current container.
Interface implemented by a CDI provider to provide access to the current container
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a class.
A class.
A class type, including interface types, enum types, annotation types and record types.
Provides an operation for obtaining contextual instances with a particular scope of any contextual type.
Indicates a problem relating to context management.
Indicates that a context is not active.
Defines operations to create and destroy contextual instances of a certain type.
Allows the application to manage the conversation context by marking the current conversation as transient or long-running, specifying a conversation identifier, or setting the conversation timeout.
Specifies that a bean is conversation scoped.
Supports inline instantiation of the ConversationScoped annotation.
Provides operations that are used by the Contextual implementation during instance creation and destruction.
Indicates that a checked exception was thrown during creation of a bean.
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a declaration.
A declaration is an element of a program source code.
The declaration kind: package, class, method, parameter, field, record component.
A decorator may inject metadata about the bean it is decorating
Specifies that a class is a decorator.
Represents an enabled decorator.
The default qualifier type.
Supports inline instantiation of the Default qualifier.
Thrown when a definition error occurs.
Identifies the delegate injection point of a decorator.
Specifies that a bean belongs to the dependent pseudo-scope.
Supports inline instantiation of the Dependent annotation.
Thrown when a deployment problem occurs.
An event with this qualifier is fired when a context is destroyed, i.e.
Supports inline instantiation of the Destroyed qualifier.
1st phase of build compatible extension execution.
Disposer methods may exist for producer-based beans.
Identifies the disposed parameter of a disposer method.
A BeanManager that allows integrators to obtain Unified EL objects that are integrated with the CDI container as described in the Jakarta EE Platform specification.
2nd phase of build compatible extension execution.
Allows the application to fire events of a particular type.
Represents a context of a fired event.
Provides access to metadata about an observed event payload.
Service interface implemented by extensions.
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a field.
A field, declared in some class.
Indicates that a producer method returned a null value or a producer field contained a null value, and the scope of the producer method or field was not Dependent.
An event with this qualifier is fired when a context is initialized, i.e.
Supports inline instantiation of the Initialized qualifier.
Indicates a problem relating to dependency injection.
Provides access to metadata about an injection point.
This API is an helper to configure an existing InjectionPoint instance.
An injection point defined on some bean.
Provides operations for performing dependency injection and lifecycle callbacks on an instance of a type.
An InjectionTargetFactory can create an InjectionTarget for a given bean.
Supports inline instantiation of the Inject annotation.
Allows the application to dynamically obtain instances of beans with a specified combination of required type and qualifiers.
This interface represents a contextual reference handle.
An interceptor may inject metadata about the bean it is intercepting.
InterceptionFactory allows to create a wrapper instance whose method invocations are intercepted by method interceptors and forwarded to a provided instance.
Identifies the kind of lifecycle callback, EJB timeout method or business method interception.
Represents an enabled interceptor.
Interceptors are managed beans annotated @Interceptor.
An invoker allows indirect invocation of its target method on an instance of its target bean.
Builder of Invokers.
Factory for InvokerBuilders.
Opaque token that stands in for an invoker registered using InvokerFactory.createInvoker(BeanInfo, MethodInfo) and
Allows logging and producing errors during build compatible extension execution.
Allows registering custom CDI meta-annotations: qualifiers, interceptor bindings, stereotypes, and scopes.
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a method.
A method or a constructor, declared in some class.
The built-in stereotype intended for use with beans that define the model layer of an MVC web application architecture such as JSF.
Supports inline instantiation of the Named qualifier.
Excludes a member of an annotation type (such as a qualifier type or interceptor binding type) from consideration when the container compares two annotation instances.
Supports inline instantiation of the Nonbinding annotation.
Indicates that the conversation context could not be restored.
Specifies that an annotation type is a normal scope type.
Notification options are used to configure observer notification.
Notification options builder.
Indicates that a checked exception was thrown by an observer method during event notification.
Observers are: observer methods synthetic observers Observer methods directly correspond to a method declaration in program source code.
Represents an observer method of an enabled bean.
Represents an operation that accepts a context of a fired event.
Identifies the event parameter of an observer method.
Identifies the event parameter of an asynchronous observer method.
A package, possibly annotated in
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a method parameter.
A method parameter or a constructor parameter, declared in some method or constructor.
A parameterized type.
A String-keyed parameter map.
Indicates that a custom implementation of Bean or Contextual is passivation capable.
Primitive types are: boolean byte short int long float double char
The primitive type kind: boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, char
This interface allows some SPI implementation to change their priority programmatically.
The container fires an event of this type for each Java class or interface it discovers in a bean archive, before it reads the declared annotations.
The container fires an event of this type for each enabled bean, interceptor or decorator deployed in a bean archive, before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for each enabled bean, interceptor or decorator deployed in a bean archive before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for every injection point of every Java EE component class supporting injection that may be instantiated by the container at runtime, including every EJB session or message-driven bean, enabled bean, enabled interceptor or enabled decorator.
The container fires an event of this type for every Java EE component class supporting injection that may be instantiated by the container at runtime, including EJB session or message-driven bean, enabled bean, enabled interceptor or enabled decorator.
The container fires an event of this type for each enabled managed bean, before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for each observer method of each enabled bean, before registering the ObserverMethod object.
The container fires an event of this type for each producer method or field of each enabled bean, including resources.
The container fires an event of this type for each enabled producer field, before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for each enabled producer method, before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for each enabled session bean, before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for each Java class or interface added by BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType, String) or AfterTypeDiscovery.addAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType, String)
The container fires an event of this type for each custom bean implementation added through AfterBeanDiscovery.addBean() or AfterBeanDiscovery.addBean(Bean), before registering the Bean object.
The container fires an event of this type for each custom implementation of ObserverMethod added through AfterBeanDiscovery.addObserverMethod(ObserverMethod) or AfterBeanDiscovery.addObserverMethod(), before registering the ObserverMethod object.
Provides a generic operation for producing an instance of a type.
A ProducerConfigurator can configure a Producer.
An ProducerFactory can create an Producer for a given bean.
Identifies a producer method or field.
Supports inline instantiation of the Qualifier annotation.
Distinguishes conditional observer methods from observer methods which are always notified.
A record component, declared in some record.
3rd phase of build compatible extension execution.
The CDI container provides a built in instance of RequestContextController that is dependent scoped for the purposes of activating and deactivating.
Specifies that a bean is request scoped.
Supports inline instantiation of the RequestScoped annotation.
Indicates a problem relating to typesafe resolution.
Allows adding additional classes to the set of types discovered during type discovery.
A scope of a bean.
Provides access to the current container in Java SE.
A CDI container initializer for Java SE.
Identifies the kind of EJB session bean.
Specifies that a bean is session scoped.
Supports inline instantiation of the SessionScoped annotation.
A CDI event with payload of type Shutdown and qualifier Any is synchronously fired by CDI container during application shutdown.
Supports inline instantiation of the Singleton annotation.
If a build compatible extension is annotated @SkipIfPortableExtensionPresent, it is ignored when the CDI container can execute portable extensions and determines that a portable extension of given class is present.
Indicates that a bean directly specializes another bean.
Supports inline instantiation of the Specializes annotation.
A CDI event with payload of type Startup and qualifier Any is synchronously fired by CDI container during application initialization.
Specifies that an annotation type is a stereotype.
A stereotype.
4th phase of build compatible extension execution.
Builder for synthetic beans.
Creation function for a synthetic bean defined by SyntheticBeanBuilder.
Destruction function for a synthetic bean defined by SyntheticBeanBuilder.
Allows registering synthetic beans and observers.
The event notification function for a synthetic observer defined by SyntheticObserverBuilder.
Builder for synthetic observers.
Distinguishes the various kinds of transactional observer methods from regular observer methods which are notified immediately.
If a parameter annotated with @TransientReference resolves to a dependent scoped bean, then the bean will be destroyed after the invocation completes.
Supports inline instantiation of the TransientReference annotation.
A type is used in a program source code, but does not have to be declared anywhere.
The type kind: void, primitive, class, array, parameterized type, type variable, wildcard type
Restricts the bean types of a bean.
Supports inline instantiation of the Typed annotation.
Supports inline instantiation of objects that represent parameterized types with actual type parameters.
Factory for types.
Type variables represent type parameters declared on generic classes or methods.
Helper class for injecting and calling lifecycle callbacks unmanaged instances for use by framework and library integrators.
Represents a non-contextual instance.
Indicates that a contextual reference for a bean with a normal scope and a certain bean type cannot be obtained because the bean type cannot be proxied by the container.
Indicates that no bean matches a certain combination of required type and required qualifiers and is eligible for injection into a certain class.
5th phase of build compatible extension execution.
Veto the processing of the class.
Supports inline instantiation of the Vetoed annotation.
The void pseudo-type.
A wildcard type.
WithAnnotations may be applied to any portable extension observer method with an event parameter type of ProcessAnnotatedType to filter the events delivered.