Interface ELAwareBeanManager

All Superinterfaces:
BeanContainer, BeanManager

public interface ELAwareBeanManager extends BeanManager
A BeanManager that allows integrators to obtain Unified EL objects that are integrated with the CDI container as described in the Jakarta EE Platform specification.
  • Method Details

    • getELResolver

      jakarta.el.ELResolver getELResolver()
      Returns a ELResolver that resolves beans by EL name.
      Specified by:
      getELResolver in interface BeanManager
      the ELResolver
    • wrapExpressionFactory

      jakarta.el.ExpressionFactory wrapExpressionFactory(jakarta.el.ExpressionFactory expressionFactory)
      Returns a wrapper ExpressionFactory that delegates MethodExpression and ValueExpression creation to the given ExpressionFactory. When a Unified EL expression is evaluated using a MethodExpression or ValueExpression returned by the wrapper ExpressionFactory, the container handles destruction of objects with scope Dependent.
      Specified by:
      wrapExpressionFactory in interface BeanManager
      expressionFactory - the ExpressionFactory to wrap
      the wrapped ExpressionFactory