Interface StereotypeInfo

public interface StereotypeInfo
A stereotype. May define default scope, a set of interceptor bindings, default priority, and whether all beans with the stereotype are alternatives or have default names.
  • Method Details

    • defaultScope

      ScopeInfo defaultScope()
      Returns the default scope defined by this stereotype. Returns null if this stereotype does not define a default scope.
      the default scope or null
    • interceptorBindings

      Collection<AnnotationInfo> interceptorBindings()
      Returns the set of interceptor binding annotations defined by this stereotype. Returns an empty collection if this stereotype does not define any interceptor binding.
      immutable collection of interceptor binding annotations, never null
    • isAlternative

      boolean isAlternative()
      Returns whether this stereotype is meta-annotated @Alternative. This means that all beans with this stereotype are alternatives.
      whether this stereotype is meta-annotated @Alternative
    • priority

      Integer priority()
      Returns the priority value this stereotype declares using the @Priority meta-annotation. Beans with this stereotype will be enabled for the application and ordered using this priority value (unless they declare priority explicitly).

      Returns null if this stereotype is not meta-annotated @Priority.

      the @Priority value declared by this stereotype, or null if this stereotype is not meta-annotated @Priority
    • isNamed

      boolean isNamed()
      Returns whether this stereotype is meta-annotated @Named. This means that all beans with this stereotype have default bean names.
      whether this stereotype is meta-annotated @Named