Interface ObserverInfo

public interface ObserverInfo
Observers are:
  • observer methods
  • synthetic observers
Observer methods directly correspond to a method declaration in program source code. Synthetic observers don't and are instead defined through other mechanisms, such as extensions.
  • Method Details

    • eventType

      Type eventType()
      Returns the observed event type of this observer.
      the observed event type of this observer, never null
    • qualifiers

      Collection<AnnotationInfo> qualifiers()
      Returns a collection of observed event qualifiers, represented as AnnotationInfo.
      immutable collection of observed event qualifiers, never null
    • declaringClass

      ClassInfo declaringClass()
      Returns the class that declares this observer. In case of synthetic observers, returns the class that was designated as a declaring class during synthetic observer registration.
      the class that declares this observer, never null
    • observerMethod

      MethodInfo observerMethod()
      Returns the declaration of this observer method. Returns null if this is a synthetic observer.
      this observer method, or null if this is a synthetic observer
    • eventParameter

      ParameterInfo eventParameter()
      Returns the event parameter of this observer method. Returns null if this is a synthetic observer.
      the event parameter of this observer method, or null if this is a synthetic observer
    • bean

      BeanInfo bean()
      Returns the bean that declares this observer method. Returns null if this is a synthetic observer.
      the bean declaring this observer method, or null if this is a synthetic observer
    • isSynthetic

      boolean isSynthetic()
      Returns whether this observer is synthetic.
      whether this observer is synthetic
    • priority

      int priority()
      Returns the priority of this observer. This is typically defined by adding the @Priority annotation to the event parameter of the observer method. If the annotation is not used, the default priority, as defined by the CDI specification, is returned,
      the priority of this observer
    • isAsync

      boolean isAsync()
      Returns whether this observer is asynchronous. For observer methods, this means whether this observer method uses @ObservesAsync.
      whether this observer is asynchronous
    • reception

      Reception reception()
      Returns the reception type of this observer. Allows distinguishing conditional observer methods from always notified observer methods. Returns Reception.ALWAYS if this is a synthetic observer.
      the reception type of this observer, never null
    • transactionPhase

      TransactionPhase transactionPhase()
      Returns the transaction phase of this transactional observer. Returns TransactionPhase.IN_PROGRESS if this is a regular synchronous observer. Returns null if this is an asynchronous observer.
      the transaction phase of this observer, or null if this is an asynchronous observer