public interface Types
Factory for types. Allows creating representations of the void pseudo-type, primitive types, class types, array types, parameterized types and wildcard types.
  • Method Details

    • of

      Type of(Class<?> clazz)
      Returns a type from given class literal. For example:
      • of(void.class): same as ofVoid()
      • of(int.class): same as ofPrimitive(PrimitiveKind.INT)
      • of(String.class): same as ofClass(... ClassInfo for String ...)
      • of(int[].class): same as ofArray(ofPrimitive(PrimitiveKind.INT), 1)
      • of(String[][].class): same as ofArray(ofClass(... ClassInfo for String ...), 2)
      clazz - the class literal, must not be null
      Type object representing the given class literal
    • ofVoid

      VoidType ofVoid()
      Returns a VoidType, representing the void pseudo-type.
      the VoidType, never null
    • ofPrimitive

      Returns a PrimitiveType for the given kind of primitive type.
      kind - the primitive type kind, must not be null
      the PrimitiveType, never null
    • ofClass

      ClassType ofClass(String name)
      Returns a ClassType for the given binary name, as defined by The Java™ Language Specification; in other words, the class name as returned by Class.getName().

      Note that this method returns ClassType, so name may only be a name of a class. For primitives, use ofPrimitive(PrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind). For arrays, use ofArray(Type, int).

      name - the binary name of the class, must not be null
      the ClassType or null if the class is not present in any bean archive
    • ofClass

      ClassType ofClass(ClassInfo clazz)
      Returns a ClassType for the given class declaration.
      clazz - the ClassInfo, must not be null
      the ClassType, never null
    • ofArray

      ArrayType ofArray(Type elementType, int dimensions)
      Returns an ArrayType for the given element type and number of dimensions.

      Note that this method accepts the element type of an array, even though ArrayType uses a component type representation. For example, the component type of String[][] is String[], while the element type is String.

      elementType - the element Type, must not be null
      dimensions - the number of dimensions
      the ArrayType, never null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the element type is an array type, a wildcard type, or the void pseudo-type
    • parameterized

      ParameterizedType parameterized(Class<?> genericType, Class<?>... typeArguments)
      Returns a ParameterizedType for the given generic type and type arguments. The array of type arguments must have the same shape as the generic type's list of type parameters.
      genericType - the type to parameterize, must not be null
      typeArguments - one or more type arguments
      the parameterized type, never null
      IllegalArgumentException - if given genericType is not generic or if the number of type arguments does not match the number of type parameters declared by genericType
    • parameterized

      ParameterizedType parameterized(Class<?> genericType, Type... typeArguments)
      Returns a ParameterizedType for the given generic type and type arguments. The array of type arguments must have the same shape as the generic type's list of type parameters.
      genericType - the type to parameterize, must not be null
      typeArguments - one or more type arguments
      the parameterized type, never null
      IllegalArgumentException - if given genericType is not generic or if the number of type arguments does not match the number of type parameters declared by genericType
    • parameterized

      ParameterizedType parameterized(ClassType genericType, Type... typeArguments)
      Returns a ParameterizedType for the given generic type and type arguments. The array of type arguments must have the same shape as the generic type's list of type parameters.
      genericType - the type to parameterize, must not be null
      typeArguments - one or more type arguments
      the parameterized type, never null
      IllegalArgumentException - if given genericType is not generic or if the number of type arguments does not match the number of type parameters declared by genericType
    • wildcardWithUpperBound

      WildcardType wildcardWithUpperBound(Type upperBound)
      Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ? extends upperBound. Note that if upperBound represents the java.lang.Object type, then the result is equivalent to wildcardUnbounded().
      upperBound - upper bound type, must not be null
      a WildcardType object representing a wildcard type with given upper bound
    • wildcardWithLowerBound

      WildcardType wildcardWithLowerBound(Type lowerBound)
      Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ? super lowerBound.
      lowerBound - lower bound type, must not be null
      a WildcardType object representing a wildcard type with given upper bound
    • wildcardUnbounded

      WildcardType wildcardUnbounded()
      Returns a WildcardType that represents an equivalent of ?.
      a WildcardType object representing an unbounded wildcard type