Specification: Jakarta Security

Version: 4.0

Status: Final

Release: May 09, 2024

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This document is the Jakarta Security Specification, version 1.0.

Notational Conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" [RFC2119].

Other documents referenced by this specification are identified by name on first use, and thereafter by a short abbreviation. The "Bibliography" section at the end of this document provides full references.


The authors would like to thank the original JCP JSR-375 Expert Group and Contributors, and, in particular, Arjan Tijms, whose contributions were critical to the success of the JCP JSR.

We would also like to thank Alex Kosowski for his work putting together the original JSR-375 proposal, submitting it to the JCP, recruiting a diverse and highly-qualified expert group, and leading the initial development and specification efforts. Without Alex, there would be no JSR-375.

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge Ron Monzillo, and the various JCP expert groups he has led or worked with over the years, for putting in place the foundational security APIs and SPIs upon which JSR-375 was built.

Specification Lead under the JCP

Will Hopkins (October 2016 — September 2017)
Alexander Kosowski (April 2014 — September 2016)

Expert Group under the JCP

Adam Bien

David Blevins (Tomitribe)

Rudy De Busscher

Ivar Grimstad

Les Hazlewood (Stormpath, Inc.)

Will Hopkins (Oracle)

Werner Keil

Matt Konda (Jemurai)

Alexander Kosowski (Oracle)

Darran Lofthouse (Red Hat)

Jean-Louis Monteiro (Tomitribe)

Ajay Reddy (IBM)

Pedro Igor Silva (Red Hat)

Arjan Tijms

Contributors under the JCP

Guillermo González de Agüero

John Hogan

Elder Moraes

Fatih Mutluay

Reza Rahman

Ashley Richardson

Project Lead at the Eclipse Foundation

Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)

Committers at the Eclipse Foundation

Ajay Reddy (IBM)

Arjan Tijms (OmniFish)

Bill Shannon (Oracle)

Darran Lofthouse (Red Hat)

David Blevins (Tomitribe)

Dmitry Kornilov (Oracle)

Ed Bratt (Oracle)

Guillermo González de Agüero

Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)

James Mulvey (IBM)

Padmanabha Bhat (Oracle)

Rudy De Busscher (Payara)

Steven Liu (Oracle)

Teddy Torres (IBM)

Tomas Langer (Oracle)


Werner Keil

Wilson Tian (Oracle)

1. Concepts and General Requirements

This chapter provides overview information and terminology related to this specification, and also includes general requirements not specified elsewhere in this document.

1.1. Terminology And Acronyms

A common understanding of security-related terms is helpful for discussion or specification of security APIs. To that end, we incorporate by reference the excellent Apache Shiro Terminology [SHIROTERM], and define some additional terms used in this document.

Authentication Mechanism

The mechanism by which authentication is performed. This mechanism interacts with the caller to obtain credentials and invokes an identity store to match the given credentials with a known user (identity). If a match is found, the Authentication Mechanism uses the found identity to populate attributes (principals) to build an authenticated Subject. If a match is not found, the Authentication Mechanism reports a failed authentication, the caller is not logged in, and is unable to be given authorization.

Caller, Caller Principal

A caller is a user that is making a request to an application, or invoking an application API. A Caller Principal is a Principal object representing that user. This specification uses the term caller in preference to the term user in most contexts.


Abbreviation for HttpAuthenticationMechanism, an interface defined by this specification.

Identity Store

An Identity Store is a component that can access application-specific security data such as users, groups, roles, and permissions. It can be thought of as a security-specific DAO (Data Access Object). Synonyms: security provider, repository, store, login module (JAAS), identity manager, service provider, relying party, authenticator, user service. Identity Stores usually have a 1-to-1 correlation with a data source such as a relational database, LDAP directory, file system, or other similar resource. As such, implementations of the IdentityStore interface use data source-specific APIs to discover authorization data (roles, permissions, etc), such as JDBC, File IO, Hibernate or Jakarta Persistence, or any other Data Access API.


Abbreviation for ServerAuthModule, an interface defined by Jakarta Authentication.

1.2. General Requirements

The following general requirements are defined by this specification.

1.2.1. Group-To-Role Mapping

Various Jakarta EE specifications define how roles are declared for an application, and how access to application resources can be restricted to users that have a specific role. The specifications are largely silent on the question of how users are assigned to roles, however. Most application servers have proprietary mechanisms for determining the roles a user has.

Application servers MUST provide a default mapping from group names to roles. That is, a caller who is a member of group "foo" is considered to have role "foo". This default mapping MAY be overridden by explicit proprietary configuration, but, when not overridden, provides sensible and predictable behavior for portable applications.

An application server MAY provide a default mapping from caller principal names to roles. That is, a caller with the name "bar" is considered to have role "bar". This default mapping MAY be overridden by proprietary configuration.

1.2.2. Caller Principal Types

This specification defines a principal type called CallerPrincipal to represent the identity of an application caller.

Historically, application servers have used different principal types to represent an application’s callers, and various Jakarta EE specifications (e.g., Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization), provide abstractions to accommodate, "the container’s representation of the caller principal". Jakarta Authentication by means of its CallerPrincipalCallback allows applications to set the caller principal (into a Subject) while Jakarta Authorization by means of its PrincipalMapper#getCallerPrincipal(Subject) allows applications to get the caller principal (from a Subject).

This specification RECOMMENDS that Jakarta EE application servers that rely on container-specific caller principal types derive those types by extending CallerPrincipal, so that portable applications can rely on a consistent representation of the caller principal.

However, we also distinguish here between a "container caller principal" and an "application caller principal", and explicitly allow for each to be represented by a different Principal type.

The container caller principal is a Principal that the container uses to represent a caller’s identity. An implementation of this specification MAY choose any Principal type for this purpose. The type chosen may carry additional information, or provide unique behaviors.

An application caller principal is a Principal that an application, or an implementation of, e.g., an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, uses to represent a caller’s identity. An application MAY choose any Principal type for that purpose. The type chosen may carry additional information, or provide unique behaviors.

Because both containers and applications can have legitimate requirements for specific Principal types to represent a caller, and those types may differ, it MUST be possible for the container to establish both the container’s and the application’s caller principal as the caller’s identity; for example, by including both in a Subject representing the caller.

When both a container caller principal and an application caller principal are present, the value obtained by calling getName() on both principals MUST be the same.

When no specific application caller principal is supplied during authentication, the caller’s identity should be represented by a single principal, the container’s caller principal.

1.2.3. Jakarta Expression Language Support

This specification defines a number of annotations:




Attributes on these annotations, as well as on the annotations referenced from them, can be provided either as actual values, or as Jakarta Expression Language 6.0 expressions. In cases where the return type of an attribute is not String, an "Expression Language alternative" attribute is provided, with "Expression" appended to the name. If an "Expression Language alternative" attribute has a non-empty value, it takes precedence over the attribute it’s an alternative to, and must contain a valid Expression Language expression that evaluates to the same type as the attribute it’s an alternative to.

For more information, see the package javadoc for the jakarta.security.enterprise package.

Jakarta Expression Language, version 6.0 [EL60] is a Jakarta EE specification.

1.2.4. Built-in beans, not otherwise specified

Several other sections in this specification mention built-in beans. This section details the required built-in beans that are not specified elsewhere.

A Jakarta EE container must provide the following built-in beans, all of which have qualifier @Default:

  • a bean with bean type java.security.Principal, allowing injection of a Principal representing the current caller identity.

2. Authentication Mechanism

This chapter describes the HttpAuthenticationMechanism and HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler interfaces and contracts.

HttpAuthenticationMechanism is used to authenticate callers of web applications, and is specified only for use in the servlet container. It is explicitly not defined for use with other containers (enterprise beans, messaging, connectors, etc.).

The HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler interface defines a mechanism for invoking on HttpAuthenticationMechanism to authenticate callers of web applications. The container should not interact directly with an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, but instead invoke the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler to authenticate callers. The HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler, in turn, invokes on the HttpAuthenticationMechanism. An HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler can also orchestrate an authentication across multiple HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler instances, returning an aggregated result.

A default HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler implementation is supplied by the container, but applications can also supply their own implementation. The orchestration behavior of the default HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler is described in the "Handling Multiple Authentication Mechanisms" section below.

2.1. Introduction

A web application consists of resources that can be accessed by any number of callers, who are initially unknown to the application. Callers make themselves known to the application through the process of authentication.

During authentication, the caller presents proof of identity — a token or credential of some kind — which the application (or container) then validates. If the proof is valid, the application (or container) establishes the caller’s identity, then proceeds to the authorization step, in which it determines whether the caller has permission to access the requested resources.

In some cases (for example, username/password authentication) the interaction between the caller and the application is simple. In other cases, a lengthier dialog is required — an application may send a random nonce to the caller, which must then use that nonce in the construction of an authentication token, or there may be interactions with a third party that vouches for the caller’s identity, or the authenticity of the provided credential.

The Jakarta EE Platform already specifies mechanisms for authenticating users of web applications. The Jakarta Servlet Specification, version 6.1 [SERVLET61] specifies a declarative mechanism for configuring an application to provide BASIC, DIGEST, FORM, or CERT authentication, with authentication performed automatically by the container based on the application’s configuration, which, in the case of FORM authentication, can include custom form pages.

In addition, The Jakarta Authentication Specification, version 3.1 [AUTHENTICATION31] specifies a general-purpose mechanism for securing messages sent between Jakarta EE clients and servers. Jakarta Authentication defines an SPI called ServerAuthModule, which enables development of authentication modules to handle any credential type, or engage in interaction of arbitrary complexity with clients and third parties. [AUTHENTICATION31] also defines the Servlet Container Profile, which specifies how Jakarta Authentication mechanisms, including ServerAuthModules, are integrated with the servlet container.

While both existing mechanisms are important and useful, each has limitations from the point of view of an application developer. The servlet container’s login-config mechanism is limited to the auth-method types defined by [SERVLET61] — it doesn’t support other credential types, or complex interactions with callers. It also relies on unspecified container mechanisms to associate identity stores with applications. There is no way for an application to ensure that callers are authenticated against the desired identity store, or, indeed, against any identity store.

Jakarta Authentication, by way of contrast, is extremely flexible and powerful, but is also complex. Writing an AuthModule, and arranging for the web container to use it for authentication, is a non-trivial exercise. Additionally, there is no declarative configuration syntax for Jakarta Authentication, and there is no well-defined mechanism for a container to override an application’s programmatically-registered AuthModule. A container can choose to register its own AuthModule, or to remove one registered by an application, but Jakarta Authentication will always use the most-recently-registered module — the outcome is dependent on the order in which the application and the container attempt to register their respective modules.

The HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface is designed to capitalize on the strengths of existing authentication mechanisms, while mitigating the corresponding limitations. It is essentially a simplified, servlet-container-specific version of the Jakarta Authentication ServerAuthModule interface, retaining that interface’s flexibility and power, but reducing the cost of implementation. An HttpAuthenticationMechanism is a CDI bean, and is therefore made available to the container automatically by CDI. The container is responsible for placing the HttpAuthenticationMechanism in service.

An application MAY supply its own HttpAuthenticationMechanism, if desired. The servlet container MUST provide several default HttpAuthenticationMechanism implementations, which an application can select and configure via standard annotations. The container MAY also provide additional mechanisms beyond those required by this specification. The rules governing how the container selects an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, and how it is placed in service, are described in the "Installation and Configuration" section of this chapter. The required default mechanisms, and corresponding annotations, are described in the "Annotations and Built-In HttpAuthenticationMechanism Beans" section.

2.2. Interface and Theory of Operation

The HttpAuthenticationMechanism interface defines three methods that align closely with the methods defined by the Jakarta Authentication ServerAuth interface. The primary distinction is syntactic; unlike Jakarta Authentication, HttpAuthenticationMechanism is specified for the servlet container only, and can therefore reference servlet types in its method signatures. Only the validateRequest() method must be implemented; default behaviors are specified for the other two methods.

AuthenticationStatus validateRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
                                     HttpServletResponse response,
                                     HttpMessageContext httpMessageContext
                                    ) throws AuthenticationException;

AuthenticationStatus secureResponse(HttpServletRequest request,
                                    HttpServletResponse response,
                                    HttpMessageContext httpMessageContext
                                   ) throws AuthenticationException;

void cleanSubject(HttpServletRequest request,
                  HttpServletResponse response,
                  HttpMessageContext httpMessageContext);

Each method performs the same function as the corresponding ServerAuth method. At runtime, the methods will be invoked by a container-supplied ServerAuthModule that serves as a wrapper, or container, for the HttpAuthenticationMechanism. The container-supplied ServerAuthModule translates the method parameters passed to it, invokes the HttpAuthenticationMechanism method, and returns the resulting status to its caller. The behavior of the HttpAuthenticationMechanism methods should therefore be functionally equivalent to the behavior specified by the Jakarta Authentication Servlet Container Profile for the equivalent ServerAuthModule methods.

Summarized, this means:

  • validateRequest() will be invoked before the doFilter() method of any servlet filter or the service() method of any servlet in the application for requests to constrained as well as to unconstrained resources, and, in addition, in response to application code calling the authenticate() method on the HttpServletRequest.

  • secureResponse() will be invoked after the doFilter() method of any servlet filter or the service() method of any servlet in the application for requests to constrained as well as to unconstrained resources, but only if any of these two methods have indeed been invoked.

  • cleanSubject() will be invoked in response to the application calling the logout() method on the HttpServletRequest.

The validateRequest() method is provided to allow a caller to authenticate. An implementation of this method can inspect the HTTP request to extract a credential or other information, or it can write to the HTTP response to, for example, redirect a caller to an OAuth provider, or return an error response. After a credential has been obtained and validated, the result of the validation can be communicated to the container using the HttpMessageContext parameter, which is described in more detail below.

The secureResponse() method is provided to allow post processing on the response generated by a servlet and/or servlet filter, such as encrypting it.

The cleanSubject() is provided to allow for cleanup after a caller is logged out. For example, an authentication mechanism that stores state within a cookie can remove that cookie here.

The HttpMessageContext interface defines methods that an HttpAuthenticationMechanism can invoke to communicate with the Jakarta Authentication ServerAuthModule (bridge module) that invokes it. The container MUST provide an implementation of the interface that supports the necessary container integrations.

The HttpMessageContextWrapper class implements a wrapper that can be used, in a manner similar to HttpServletRequestWrapper, to provide custom behavior.

See javadoc for a detailed description of HttpMessageContext and HttpMessageContextWrapper. See below for more on the Jakarta Authentication bridge module.

2.2.1. Handling Multiple Authentication Mechanisms

Access to the HttpAuthenticationMechanism is abstracted by the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler interface, which provides the very same methods, but is otherwise not related in type (that is, does not inherit from HttpAuthenticationMechanism).

AuthenticationStatus validateRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
                                     HttpServletResponse response,
                                     HttpMessageContext httpMessageContext
                                    ) throws AuthenticationException;

AuthenticationStatus secureResponse(HttpServletRequest request,
                                    HttpServletResponse response,
                                    HttpMessageContext httpMessageContext
                                   ) throws AuthenticationException;

void cleanSubject(HttpServletRequest request,
                  HttpServletResponse response,
                  HttpMessageContext httpMessageContext);

For the container, the semantics of the validateRequest(), _secureResponse and cleanSubject methods are as described for the HttpAuthenticationMechanism method with the same signature.

The purpose of the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler is to allow for multiple authentication mechanisms to logically act as a single HttpAuthenticationMechanism to the container. A compliant implementation of this specification MUST provide a default implementation of the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler that is an enabled CDI bean with qualifier @Default, and scope @ApplicationScoped, as defined by the CDI specification. This default implementation MUST do the following:

  • Before servicing any calls as defined by this interface, the implementation must (implicitly) check if there is more than one enabled bean of type HttpAuthenticationMechanism available, irrespective of any qualifiers.

  • If there is more than one enabled bean of type HttpAuthenticationMechanism available, the implementation must apply the ambiguous dependency resolution rules to this set of Bean. For instance by using jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanContainer#resolve

  • If the ambiguous dependency resolution rules fail, an AmbiguousResolutionException must be thrown (or the one thrown by jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanContainer#resolve propagated).

  • If the ambiguous dependency resolution rules succeed, the implementation must remember the one resulting bean.

  • When servicing any calls as defined by this interface, the implementation must call the method on the remembered HttpAuthenticationMechanism bean with the same name and arguments, and where applicable return the result from that call.

Applications do not need to supply an HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler unless application-specific behavior is desired.

When applications do supply an HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler, by default it replaces the container provided default implementation. However, using container specific configuration (and only using container specific configuration), the container MAY override this again.

2.3. Installation and Configuration

An HttpAuthenticationMechanism must be a CDI bean, and is therefore visible to the container through CDI if it is packaged in a bean archive, which generally includes Jakarta EE modules and application archives, as well as other archives and classes that are not part of an application, but are required by the Jakarta EE specification to be visible to applications. See the CDI specification for details on bean archives and bean discovery. An HttpAuthenticationMechanism is assumed to be normal scoped.

It MUST be possible for the definition of an HttpAuthenticationMechanism to exist within the application archive. Alternatively such definition MAY also exists outside the application archive, for example in a jar added to the classpath of an application server.

An application packages its own HttpAuthenticationMechanism by including in a bean archive that is part of the application. Alternatively, it may select and configure one of the container’s built-in mechanisms using the corresponding annotation, as described in the "Annotations and Built-In HttpAuthenticationMechanism Beans" section below.

The container decides which HttpAuthenticationMechanism to place in service using the following rules:

  • The container MAY override an application’s chosen HttpAuthenticationMechanism with one selected by the container, but SHOULD do so only if explicitly configured to.

  • If the container does not override the application, it MUST place in service any HttpAuthenticationMechanism that is provided, either directly or via annotation, by the application.

  • If the application makes more than one HttpAuthenticationMechanism available, either directly or via annotation or both, the results are dependent on the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler currently in use.

  • If the application does not supply an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, or select one of the built-in mechanisms, the container MAY choose an HttpAuthenticationMechanism to place in service, but is NOT REQUIRED to do so.

  • If the application does not make an HttpAuthenticationMechanism available, and the container does not choose one to place in service, then HttpAuthenticationMechanism is not used.

The container MUST use Jakarta Authentication when placing an HttpAuthenticationMechanism in service. The container MUST supply a "bridge" ServerAuthModule that integrates HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler with Jakarta Authentication. The bridge module MUST look up the correct HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler using CDI, then delegate to the HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler when the bridge module’s methods are invoked. Since the method signatures and return values of the two interfaces are similar, but not the same, the bridge module MUST convert back and forth.

When an HttpAuthenticationMechanism is placed in service, the container MUST supply a bridge ServerAuthModule and MAY also supply the supporting modules (AuthContext, AuthConfig, AuthConfigProvider), and arrange for either the ServerAuthModule or the AuthConfigProvider to be registered with the Jakarta Authentication AuthConfigFactory, such that the bridge module is registered for the application context.

When an HttpAuthenticationMechanism is placed in service, the container MUST NOT register any AuthConfigProvider other than the one corresponding to the bridge ServerAuthModule. Given the nature of Jakarta Authentication, however, it’s possible that some other entity could register a different AuthConfigProvider after the container has registered the bridge module’s AuthConfigProvider. The container is NOT REQUIRED to prevent this.

2.4. Annotations and Built-In HttpAuthenticationMechanism Beans

A Jakarta EE container MUST support built-in beans for the following HttpAuthenticationMechanism types, to be made available via configuration:

  • BASIC - Authenticates according to the mechanism as described in 13.6.1, "HTTP Basic Authentication", in [SERVLET60]. See also RFC 7617, "The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme" [RFC7617]. This bean is activated and configured via the @BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation.

  • FORM - Authenticates according to the mechanism as described in 13.6.3, "Form Based Authentication", in [SERVLET60]. This bean is activated and configured via the @FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation.

  • Custom FORM - A variant on FORM, with the difference that continuing the authentication dialog as described in [SERVLET60], section 13.6.3, step 3, and further clarified in section, does not happen by posting back to j_security_check, but by invoking SecurityContext.authenticate() with the credentials the application collected. This bean is activated and configured via the @CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation.

  • OpenID Connect - Authenticates according to the Authorization Code flow and Refresh tokens as defined by the OpenID Connect specification. See [OPENID10FLOW] and [OPENID10REFRESH]. This bean is activated and configured via the @OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation.

All of these beans MUST have the scope @ApplicationScoped, as defined by the CDI specification.

All of these beans MUST have the qualifiers as set by their qualifiers attribute; either the default (as it appears in the API definition) or those as explicitly set by the application. It is allowed to use multiple *AuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotations of the same type (e.g. two instances of BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition), but in that case they should differ in their qualifiers. Note that when multiple authentication mechanisms are defined, a custom HttpAuthenticationMechanismHandler is required.

All of the built-in beans MUST support authentication using IdentityStore, described in Chapter 3, "Identity Store", but MAY fall-back to container-specific methods if no IdentityStore is available.

See also the "Implementation Notes" section of this chapter.

The annotations are defined as shown in the following sections.

2.4.1. BASIC Annotation

The following annotation is used to configure the built-in BASIC authentication mechanism.

public @interface BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition {

     * Name of realm that will be sent via the <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header.
     * <p>
     * Note that this realm name <b>does not</b> couple a named identity store
     * configuration to the authentication mechanism.
     * @return Name of realm
    String realmName() default "";

    Class<?>[] qualifiers() default { BasicAuthenticationMechanism.class };

2.4.2. FORM Annotation

The following annotation is used to configure the built-in FORM authentication mechanism.

public @interface FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition {

    LoginToContinue loginToContinue();

    Class<?>[] qualifiers() default { FormAuthenticationMechanism.class };

See also the "LoginToContinue Annotation" section below.

2.4.3. Custom FORM Annotation

The following annotation is used to configure the built-in Custom FORM authentication mechanism.

public @interface CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition {

    LoginToContinue loginToContinue();

    Class<?>[] qualifiers() default { CustomFormAuthenticationMechanism.class };

See also the "LoginToContinue Annotation" and "Custom FORM Notes" sections below.

2.4.4. OpenID Connect Annotation

The following annotation is used to configure the built-in OpenID Connect authentication mechanism.

@Target({TYPE, METHOD})
public @interface OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition {

     * Required, unless providerMetadata is specified.
     * The provider URI to read / discover the metadata of the openid provider.
     * @see http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html
     * @return provider URI to read from which to read metadata
    String providerURI() default "";

     * To override the openid connect provider's metadata property discovered
     * via providerUri.
     * @return OpenIdProviderMetadata instance.
    OpenIdProviderMetadata providerMetadata() default @OpenIdProviderMetadata;

     * Required. The client identifier issued when the application was
     * registered.
     * @return the client identifier
    String clientId() default "";

     * Required. The client secret.
     * <p>
     * Note that it is strongly recommended to set this using an Expression so that the value
     * is not hardcoded within the code.
     * @return The client secret
    String clientSecret() default "";

     * Optional. The claims definition defines the custom claims mapping of
     * caller name and groups.
     * @return
    ClaimsDefinition claimsDefinition() default @ClaimsDefinition;

     * Optional. The Logout definition defines the logout and Relaying Party session
     * management configuration.
     * @return
    LogoutDefinition logout() default @LogoutDefinition;

     * The redirect URI (callback URI) to which the response will be sent by the OpenId
     * Connect Provider. This URI must exactly match one of the Redirection URI values
     * for the Client pre-registered at the OpenID Provider.
     * @return
    String redirectURI() default "${baseURL}/Callback";

     * Optional. Automatically redirects the caller (the end-user) from
     * the redirect URI defined by the <code>redirectURI</code> attribute
     * to the resource the end-user originally requested in a "login to continue"
     * scenario.
     * <p>
     * After arriving at the original requested resource, the runtime restores
     * the request as it originally happened, including cookies, headers, the
     * request method and the request parameters in the same way as done when
     * using the {@link LoginToContinue} feature.
     * @return
    boolean redirectToOriginalResource() default false;

     * Optional. Allows the <code>redirectToOriginalResource</code> to be specified as
     * Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overrides the value defined by the <code>redirectToOriginalResource</code> value.
     * @return
    String redirectToOriginalResourceExpression() default "";

     * Optional. The scope value defines the access privileges. The basic (and
     * required) scope for OpenID Connect is the openid scope.
     * @return
    String[] scope() default {OPENID_SCOPE, EMAIL_SCOPE, PROFILE_SCOPE};

     * Optional. Allows The scope value to be specified as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If Set, overrides any values set by scope.
     * @return
    String scopeExpression() default "";

     * Optional. Response Type value defines the processing flow to be used. By
     * default, the value is code (Authorization Code Flow).
     * @return
    String responseType() default CODE;

     * Optional. Informs the Authorization Server of the mechanism to be used
     * for returning parameters from the Authorization Endpoint.
     * @return
    String responseMode() default "";

     * Optional. The prompt value specifies whether the authorization server
     * prompts the user for reauthentication and consent. If no value is
     * specified and the user has not previously authorized access, then the
     * user is shown a consent screen.
     * @return
    PromptType[] prompt() default {};

     * Optional. Allows the  prompt value to be specified as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If Set, overirdes the value defined by the prompt value.
     * @return
    String promptExpression() default "";

     * Optional. The display value specifying how the authorization server
     * displays the authentication and consent user interface pages.
     * @return
    DisplayType display() default DisplayType.PAGE;

     * Optional. Allows the display value to be specified as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overrides the value defined by display.
     * @return
    String displayExpression() default "";

     * Optional. Enables string value used to mitigate replay attacks.
     * @return
    boolean useNonce() default true;

     * Optional. Allows the nonce activation to be specified as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overrides the value defined by the useNonce value.
     * @return
    String useNonceExpression() default "";

     * Optional. If enabled the state, nonce values and original requested resource data are stored in an HTTP session
     * otherwise in cookies.
     * @return
    boolean useSession() default true;

     * Optional. Allows the configuration of the session through a Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overwrites the value of useSession value.
     * @return
    String useSessionExpression() default "";

     * An array of extra options that will be sent to the OAuth provider.
     * <p>
     * These must be in the form of {@code "key=value"} i.e.
     * <code> extraParameters={"key1=value", "key2=value2"} </code>
     * @return
    String[] extraParameters() default {};

     * Allows the extra parameters to be defined as a Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overrides the extraParameters value.
     * @return
    String extraParametersExpression() default "";

     * Optional. Sets the connect timeout(in milliseconds) for Remote JWKS
     * retrieval. Value must not be negative and if value is zero then infinite
     * timeout.
     * @return
    int jwksConnectTimeout() default 500;

     * Optional. Allows the connect timeout(in milliseconds) for Remote JWKS to be defined as
     * Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overwrites the  jwksConnectTimeout value.
     * @return
    String jwksConnectTimeoutExpression() default "";

     * Optional. Sets the read timeout(in milliseconds) for Remote JWKS
     * retrieval. Value must not be negative and if value is zero then infinite
     * timeout.
     * @return
    int jwksReadTimeout() default 500;

     * Optional. Allows the read timeout(in milliseconds) for Remote JWKS
     * retrieval to be defined as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overwrites the jwksReadTimeout value.
     * @return
    String jwksReadTimeoutExpression() default "";

     * Optional. Enables or disables the automatically performed refresh of
     * Access and Refresh Token.
     * @return {@code true}, if Access and Refresh Token shall be refreshed
     * automatically when they are expired.
    boolean tokenAutoRefresh() default false;

     * Optional. Allows the automatically performed refresh of
     * Access and Refresh Token to be defined as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If set, overwrites the value of  tokenAutoRefresh.
    String tokenAutoRefreshExpression() default "";

     * Optional. Sets the minimum validity time in milliseconds the Access Token
     * must be valid before it is considered expired. Value must not be
     * negative.
     * @return
    int tokenMinValidity() default 10 * 1000;

     * Optional. Allows the minimum validity time in milliseconds the Access Token
     * must be valid before it is considered expired to be defined as Jakarta Expression Language expression.
     * If Set, overwrites the tokenMinValidity value.
     * @return
    String tokenMinValidityExpression() default "";

    Class<?>[] qualifiers() default { OpenIdAuthenticationMechanism.class };

Attributes of this annotation, as well as in the annotations referenced from them (e.g. OpenIdProviderMetadata), support Jakarta Expression Language evaluation as specified in Jakarta Expression Language Support.

The expected behavior is defined in the following sections. Metadata configuration

The OpenID Connect authentication mechanism needs metadata about the OpenID Connect Provider to function properly. The OpenID Connect specification defines that this data can be read from the well known openid configuration endpoint which resides at [OpenID Connect Provider base URL].well-known/openid-configuration.

The following metadata values are required (since they are defined as required by the OpenID Specification):

  • Authorization endpoint

  • Token endpoint


  • Issuer of the tokens

  • Supported Subject types

  • Supported Response types

  • Supported Id Token Signing Algorithms

The OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.providerURI defines the base URL of the OpenID Connect Provider where the /.well-known/openid-configuration is appended to (or used as-is when it is the well known configuration URL itself). Reading the well known openid configuration endpoint can be done eagerly when the application is deployed or lazily at the time a secured URL is accessed for the first time. The values retrieved from the well known openid configuration endpoint can be overwritten if needed by using the OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.providerMetadata structure. Authentication dialog

The authentication dialog that the authentication mechanism starts and coordinates follows the flow as defined by the OpenID Connect specification. For completeness this is depicted below:

 *  +--------+                                                       +--------+
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  |        |---------------(1) Authentication Request------------->|        |
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  |        |       +--------+                                      |        |
 *  |        |       |  End-  |<--(2) Authenticates the End-User---->|        |
 *  |   RP   |       |  User  |                                      |   OP   |
 *  |        |       +--------+                                      |        |
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  |        |<---------(3) Returns Authorization code---------------|        |
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  |        |---------(3b)                                          |        |
 *  |        |           | Redirect to original resource (if any)    |        |
 *  |        |<----------+                                           |        |
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  |        |------------------------------------------------------>|        |
 *  |        |   (4) Request to TokenEndpoint for Access / Id Token  |        |
 *  | OpenID |<------------------------------------------------------| OpenID |
 *  | Connect|                                                       | Connect|
 *  | Client | ----------------------------------------------------->|Provider|
 *  |        |   (5) Fetch JWKS to validate ID Token                 |        |
 *  |        |<------------------------------------------------------|        |
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  |        |------------------------------------------------------>|        |
 *  |        |   (6) Request to UserInfoEndpoint for End-User Claims |        |
 *  |        |<------------------------------------------------------|        |
 *  |        |                                                       |        |
 *  +--------+                                                       +--------+

When the authentication mechanism determines authentication is required, for instance when the caller ("end-user" in OpenID Connect terminology) tries to access a protected resource without being authenticated, or when the caller explicitly initiates authentication, without being authenticated for the current request, an authentication request needs to be assembled and send to the authentication endpoint of the OpenID Connect provider. This request corresponds to step (1) in the OpenID Connect diagram depicted above. The location of this endpoint is configured by the providerURI attribute of the OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation.

The following values need to be passed to this endpoint unconditionally:

  • ClientId value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientId

  • Scope value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.scope

  • Response Type value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.responseType

  • State value, must be generated by the authentication mechanism

  • RedirectURI value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.redirectURI (evaluated)

The redirectURI attribute of the OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation may contain a Jakarta Expression Language expression with a variable baseURL which is resolved to the host and context path of the application for which the OpenID Connect authentication mechanism is installed. This requirement makes it easier to have an absolute URL as required by the OpenID Connect specification. Examples of redirectURI values:

  • redirectURI = "${baseURL}/Callback" - concatenates the baseURL variable and the "/Callback" string in a composite expression.

  • redirectURI = "${baseURL += oidcConfig.redirectCallback}" - concatenates the baseURL variable and the redirectCallback property on bean oidcConfig in a single expression

The following values need to be passed to this endpoint conditionally:

  • Nonce, must be generated by the authentication mechanism if OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.useNonce is set to true

  • Response Mode value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.responseMode if defined

  • Display value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.display if defined

  • Prompt value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.prompt if defined

  • Extra values as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.extraParameters if defined

The State value, and also the Nonce value if requested, MUST be stored between requests so that these values can be validated when the OpenID Connect Provider later calls the supplied redirectURI. These values can either be stored serverside (in the HTTP Session) or clientside (as a Cookie). The value of the OpenIdAuthenticationDefinition.useSession attribute determines which one is used. In the case of storage through a Cookie, the Cookie must be defined as HTTPonly and must have the Secure flag set.

Before the redirect to the authentication endpoint of the OpenID Connect Provider is performed, the URL plus request parameters requested by the caller on which the authentication dialog was triggered must be stored so that it later on can be retrieved by a call to OpenIdContext.getStoredValue(request, response, OpenIdConstant.ORIGINAL_REQUEST).

Additionally, if OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.redirectToOriginalResource is set to 'true' and the authentication flow is container-initiated (as opposed to caller-initiated authentication) the authentication mechanism must store the full request as well. The full request here means all data that makes up the HttpServletRequest so that the container can restore this request later on in a similar way to how the "LoginToContinue Annotation" behaves.

Step (3) in the OpenID Connect diagram depicted above, that is, when the OpenID Connect Provider calls us back, is detected by the authentication mechanism when a request contains a state request parameter. When that initial condition is satisfied, the following investigation and actions must be done by the authentication mechanism:

  • If the request (without request parameters) does not match the redirectURI, or does not match the stored original URL (without request parameters) in case AuthenticationMechanismDefinition.redirectToOriginalResource is set to 'true', it must reply with a CredentialValidationResult.NOT_VALIDATED_RESULT value.

  • If there is no State value stored, it must reply with a CredentialValidationResult.NOT_VALIDATED_RESULT value.

  • If the State value in the request does not match the State value stored, it must reply with a CredentialValidationResult.INVALID_RESULT value.

  • If the request contains a parameter error, the authentication by the OpenID Connect Provider has failed and the authentication mechanism must reply with a CredentialValidationResult.INVALID_RESULT value.

If none of the above listed additional conditions apply, the request is taken to be a valid callback and the authentication between the end-user (caller) and the OpenID Connect Provider is considered to have been successful. The authentication mechanism must now move to step (4) of the OpenID Connect diagram and mark this internally by clearing the stored State value (remove it from the HTTP session or Cookie).

For step (4) the authentication mechanism itself must call the Token endpoint to retrieve an Access Token and ID Token. This constitutes a so-called server to server call, as the end-user (caller) MUST NOT be involved here.

The call to the token endpoint must include the following parameters (as specified by the OpenID Connect specification):

  • The ClientId value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientId

  • The ClientSecret value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientSecret

  • The grant_type value set to the constant authorization_code

  • The RedirectURI value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.redirectURI

  • The code received from the OpenID Connect Provider in the callback request as the code request parameter

If the call to the Token endpoint is successful, it should return a "Token Response" in JSON format.

When available in the "Token Response", the optional fields "refresh_token" and "expires_in" must be stored internally.

The authentication mechanism also MUST create a jakarta.security.enterprise.credential.Credential instance holding this Token Response and MUST validate this token using the available IdentityStoreHandler.

In order to correctly validate this token, the Jakarta Security implementation MUST install an IdentityStore capable of validating this credential. Note that in this version of the specification the type of both the Credential and IdentityStore are implementation specific. A future version of the specification may standardise these. For this reason the implementation specific identity store is now discussed in this chapter.

The IdentityStore mentioned above must perform the following checks (also defined by the OpenID Connect specification):

  • The issuer claim matches the issuer retrieved from the well known openid configuration endpoint or the issuer member of the OpenIdProviderMetadata construct.

  • A subject claim is present and contains a value.

  • The audience claim is present and is equal to the OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientId

  • If multiple audience values are returned by the OpenID Connect Provider, an authorized party claim (azp) must be present.

  • If an authorized party claim (azp) is present, it must match the OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientId

  • The expiration claim must be present and must be 'in the future' (a clock skew might be considered or configured in an implementation specific way)

  • The issued at claim must be present and must be 'in the past' (a clock skew might be considered or configured in an implementation specific way)

  • The not before claim can be present and if defined, must be 'in the past' (a clock skew might be considered or configured in an implementation specific way)

For the Identity Token, the following check must be performed additionally

  • When nonce usage is configured, verify if the nonce value within the Identity Token is identical to the one that was specified in the authentication request. Caller name and groups

A public OpenID Connect Provider generally has no knowledge about roles or groups an end-user (caller) has in a client application (relying party), but a (private) OpenID Connect Provider operated by the same organisation may have. Therefore this specification allows groups to be provided by the client application or by the OpenID Connect Provider (or both).

Groups can be provided by the client application by means of an extra identity store with the validationTypes method returning PROVIDE_GROUPS. Groups can be provided by the OpenID Connect Provider by means of additional claims.

The claim name that is used to define the Caller Name and optionally the Caller Groups from the OpenID Connect Provider can be defined by the following attributes:

  • Caller Name: OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.claimsDefinition.callerNameClaim

  • Caller Groups: OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.claimsDefinition.callerGroupsClaim.

The following logic is used to determine the value of each;

  • If the specified claim exists and has a non-empty value in the Access Token, this Access Token claim value is taken.

  • If not resolved yet, and the specified claim exists and has a non-empty value in the Identity Token, this Identity Token claim value is taken.

  • If not resolved yet, and the specified claim exists and has a non-empty value in the User Info Token, this User Info Token claim value is taken.

An implementation may choose to not implement the call to the User Info Endpoint, in all cases or when a certain configuration value is set, since not all OpenID Connect Providers support this User Info Endpoint.

The Caller Name and optionally any Caller Groups provided by the OpenID Connect Provider must be present in the CredentialValidationResult that is returned by the implementation specific identity store that validates the Credential holding the Token Response as mentioned above.

Remembering authentication

After the end-user (caller) has been successfully authenticated, the authentication mechanism must ensure that an authenticated session is established in a way functionally equivalent to the functionality provided by the "AutoApplySession Annotation". An implementation may, but does not have to, use that annotation to fulfill this requirement.

Token Expiration

The authentication mechanism must check on each request for which there is an authenticated user if the Access Token or the Identity Token has expired.

In case a token is expired, there are 3 options:

  • The token is refreshed when OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.tokenAutoRefresh set to true

  • A logout takes place when OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.accessTokenExpiry or OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.identityTokenExpiry set to true and the Access Token respectively Identity Token is expired

  • The token expiration is ignored when none of the above conditions hold

In the case a refresh of the token is needed, the OpenID Connect provider refreshToken endpoint has to be called with the following parameters

  • The ClientId value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientId

  • The ClientSecret value as taken from OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.clientId

  • The grant_type value set to the constant refresh_token

  • the refresh_token value set to the previously stored value from the refresh_token field of the Token Response

When the call is successful and a new Access Token is received, the same logic is applied as described above;

  • Validate tokens

  • Store in context

  • Determine the caller Name and Caller groups values (which can lead to more or less permissions in the application)

When the call is not successful, or when there is no previously stored refresh_token field of the Token Response, a logout should be initiated.


The cleanSubject method of the authentication mechanism has the following requirements

  • Invalidate the HTTP Session, if one is available

  • Call the EndSession endpoint of the OpenID Connect Provider if OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.notifyProvider is set to true and such EndSession endpoint is available. If OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.redirectURI is defined it should be passed along in this call.

  • Redirect to OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.redirectURI if OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.notifyProvider is set to false and OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.logout.redirectURI is defined

  • Redirect to the OpenID Connect Provider Authentication endpoint for re-authentication if the previous two conditions don’t hold. Be aware that a correct promptType must be defined so that this option works properly. Without any prompt defined, the Openid Connect Provider can immediately redirect to the callback (value of OpenIdAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.redirectURI) of the application and the end-user (caller) is then again authenticated within the application, effectively making logging out impossible.

2.4.5. LoginToContinue Annotation

The LoginToContinue annotation provides an application with the ability to declaratively add "login to continue" functionality to an authentication mechanism. "Login to continue" conceptually refers to the algorithm (flow) described by the numbered steps in [SERVLET61], Section 13.6.3, "Form Based Authentication".

The annotation is also used to configure the login page, error page, and redirect/forward behavior for the built-in form-based authentication mechanisms (implicitly suggesting, but not requiring, that those authentication mechanisms use the backing interceptor for this annotation, which is described below).

public @interface LoginToContinue {

    String loginPage() default "/login";

    boolean useForwardToLogin() default true;

    String useForwardToLoginExpression() default "";

    String errorPage() default "/login-error";

The container MUST provide an interceptor implementation, at priority PLATFORM_BEFORE + 220, that backs the LoginToContinue annotation and intercepts calls to the configured HttpAuthenticationMechanism. The interceptor MUST behave as follows when intercepting calls to the HttpAuthenticationMechanism:

Intercepting validateRequest()
  • Determine if there is any stale state in the request context, due to a previously aborted flow involving "login to continue". If so, clear the stale state.

  • Determine if this request is a new caller-initiated authentication, by calling isNewAuthentication() on the AuthenticationParameters object available from HttpMessageContext.

    • If isNewAuthentication() returns true, update the request state to indicate that this is a caller-initiated authentication.

  • If the request is a caller-initiated authentication, continue with flow processCallerInitiatedAuthentication.

  • Otherwise, if the request is not a caller-initiated authentication, continue with flow processContainerInitiatedAuthentication.

Flow processCallerInitiatedAuthentication
  • Call the next Interceptor, and remember the resulting AuthenticationStatus.

  • If the result was AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS, and HttpMessageContext.getCallerPrincipal() returns a non-null principal, clear all state.

  • Return the AuthenticationStatus.

Flow processContainerInitiatedAuthentication
  • Determine how far the caller is in the "login to continue" flow by comparing the request and state against the following numbered and named steps:

    1. OnInitialProtectedURL: Protected resource requested and no saved request state.

    2. OnLoginPostback: A postback after redirecting the caller in Step 1. (Note: this is not necessarily the resource the caller was redirected to — for example, a redirect to /login could result in a postback to j_security_check, or to /login2.)

    3. OnOriginalURLAfterAuthenticate: A request on the original, protected URL from Step 1, with authentication data and saved request state.

  • If the step, as described above, can be determined, continue with the flow having the same name as that step, otherwise return the result of calling the next Interceptor.

Flow OnInitialProtectedURL
  • Save all request details (URI, headers, body, etc.) to the state.

  • Redirect or forward to LoginToContinue.loginPage(), depending on the value of the useForwardToLogin() attribute.

Flow OnLoginPostback
  • Call the next Interceptor, and remember the resulting AuthenticationStatus.

  • If the result was AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS:

    • If HttpMessageContext.getCallerPrincipal() returns null, return AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS

    • If the current request matches the saved request state (same URI, headers, etc.), return AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS

    • If the current request does not match the saved request state, save the authentication state (minimally, the caller principal and groups from the HttpMessageContext) and redirect to the full request URL as stored in the saved request state.

  • If the result was AuthenticationStatus.SEND_FAILURE:

    • If LoginToContinue.errorPage() is non-null and non-empty, redirect to LoginToContinue.errorPage().

  • Return the AuthenticationStatus.

Flow OnOriginalURLAfterAuthenticate
  • Retrieve the saved request and authentication details.

  • Clear all state related to "login to continue".

  • Set a wrapped request into HttpMessageContext that provides all the original request details (headers, body, method, etc.) from the saved request state.

  • Call the HttpMessageContext.notifyContainerAboutLogin() method with the caller principal and groups from the saved authentication state.

  • Return AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS.

Intercepting secureResponse()
  • The secureResponse() method SHOULD NOT be intercepted.

Intercepting cleanSubject()
  • The cleanSubject() method SHOULD NOT be intercepted.

See also the SecurityContext.authenticate() Notes section below.

2.4.6. RememberMe Annotation

The RememberMe annotation is used to configure a RememberMeIdentityStore, which must be provided by the application. To use RememberMe, the application must provide an HttpAuthenticationMechanism and annotate the HttpAuthenticationMechanism with the RememberMe annotation.

public @interface RememberMe {

    int cookieMaxAgeSeconds() default 86400; // 1 day

    String cookieMaxAgeSecondsExpression() default "";

    boolean cookieSecureOnly() default true;

    String cookieSecureOnlyExpression() default "";

    boolean cookieHttpOnly() default true;

    String cookieHttpOnlyExpression() default "";

    String cookieName() default "JREMEMBERMEID";

    boolean isRememberMe() default true;

    String isRememberMeExpression() default "";

The container MUST provide an interceptor implementation at priority PLATFORM_BEFORE + 210 that backs the RememberMe annotation and intercepts calls to the configured HttpAuthenticationMechanism. The interceptor MUST behave as follows when intercepting calls to the HttpAuthenticationMechanism:

Intercepting validateRequest()
  • Determine whether there is a RememberMe cookie in the request.

  • If the cookie is present:

    • Use it to construct a RememberMeCredential and call the validate() method of the RememberMeIdentityStore.

    • If the validate succeeds, call HttpMessageContext.notifyContainerAboutLogin(), passing the CallerPrincipal and CallerGroups returned by validate().

    • If the validate fails, remove the cookie from the request.

  • If no cookie is present, or if the attempt to validate a cookie failed, authenticate the caller normally by calling proceed() on the InvocationContext.

  • If authentication succeeds, and the caller has requested to be remembered, as determined by evaluating the isRememberMeExpression(), then:

    • Call the generateLoginToken() method of the RememberMeIdentityStore.

    • Set the new cookie with parameters as configured on the RememberMe annotation.

Intercepting secureResponse()
  • The secureResponse() method SHOULD NOT be intercepted.

Intercepting cleanSubject()
  • If there is a RememberMe cookie in the request, then:

    • Remove the cookie.

    • Call the removeLoginToken() method of the RememberMeIdentityStore.

See also the description of RememberMeIdentityStore in Chapter 3, "Identity Store".

2.4.7. AutoApplySession Annotation

The AutoApplySession annotation provides a way to declaratively enable Jakarta Authentication jakarta.servlet.http.registerSession behavior for an authentication mechanism, and automatically apply it for every request.

The jakarta.servlet.http.registerSession property is described in Section 3.8.4 of [AUTHENTICATION30].

This annotation embodies the concept of a caller being authenticated over a series of multiple HTTP requests (together, a "session"). The built-in form-based authentication mechanisms use this same concept. It is therefore implicitly suggested, but not required, that the form-based authentication mechanisms use the backing interceptor for this annotation to establish and maintain their sessions.

public @interface AutoApplySession {

The container MUST provide an interceptor implementation at priority PLATFORM_BEFORE + 200 that backs the AutoApplySession annotation and intercepts calls to the configured HttpAuthenticationMechanism. The interceptor MUST behave as follows when intercepting calls to the HttpAuthenticationMechanism:

Intercepting validateRequest()
  • Get the HttpServletRequest from the HttpMessageContext that is passed as an argument to validateRequest().

  • Get the Principal from the HttpServletRequest (via getUserPrincipal()).

  • If the Principal is null:

    • Call the next Interceptor, and remember the resulting AuthenticationStatus.

      • If the result is AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS, get the Map object from the MessageInfo in the HttpMessageContext, and add an entry to the Map with key "jakarta.servlet.http.registerSession" and value "true".

    • Return the AuthenticationStatus.

  • If the Principal is not null:

    • Create a new CallerPrincipalCallback instance, passing the Principal and client subject obtained from HttpMessageContext to the constructor.

    • Obtain the CallbackHandler from HttpMessageContext, and have it handle the CallerPrincipalCallback.

    • Return AuthenticationStatus.SUCCESS.

Intercepting secureResponse()
  • The secureResponse() method SHOULD NOT be intercepted.

Intercepting cleanSubject()
  • The cleanSubject() method SHOULD NOT be intercepted.

See also the AutoApplySession Notes section below.

2.4.8. Implementation Notes

Section 14.4, item 18, of [SERVLET61] describes requirements for supporting BASIC and FORM authentication via the web.xml login-config element. This specification requires that implementations of BASIC and FORM be made available as HttpAuthenticationMechanism CDI beans. The servlet container is NOT REQUIRED to implement separate and independent mechanisms to satisfy each requirement. Instead, the container MAY choose to provide a single mechanism, for each of BASIC and FORM, that meets the requirements of both specifications; i.e., an implementation that can be configured via login-config, but which is also made available as an HttpAuthenticationMechanism if the application uses the corresponding annotation. Equally, the container is NOT REQUIRED to provide a unified implementation, and MAY satisfy the two requirements using separate, independent implementations.

An implementation of BASIC or FORM is NOT REQUIRED to support IdentityStore when configured via login-config, regardless of whether the container has provided a single mechanism or separate mechanisms to satisfy the login-config and HttpAuthenticationMechanism requirements. Implementations MAY support IdentityStore for all configuration methods.

If an application provides an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, and also configures a login-config element in web.xml, the container MAY fail deployment, but is NOT REQUIRED to. If the container does not fail deployment, it MUST use only the HttpAuthenticationMechanism to authenticate the application’s callers (i.e., it MUST ignore the login-config from web.xml).

2.4.9. Custom FORM Notes

The Custom FORM variant is intended to align better with modern Jakarta EE technologies such as CDI, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta Validation and specifically Jakarta Faces.

Below is an example showing how the mechanism can be used with those technologies.

Consider the following Jakarta Faces Facelet:

    <h:messages />

            Login to continue

         <form jsf:id="form">
                <strong>Username </strong>
                <input jsf:id="username" type="text"
                    jsf:value="#{loginBacking.username}" />
                <strong>Password </strong>
                <input jsf:id="password" type="password"
                    jsf:value="#{loginBacking.password}" />
                <input type="submit" value="Login"
                    jsf:action="#{loginBacking.login}" />


The "Username" and "Password" inputs are bound via expression language to properties of a named CDI bean, and the bean’s login() method is invoked to authenticate the user:

public class LoginBacking {

    private String username;

    private String password;

    private SecurityContext securityContext;

    private FacesContext facesContext;

    public void login() {

        Credential credential =
            new UsernamePasswordCredential(username, new Password(password));

        AuthenticationStatus status = securityContext.authenticate(

        if (status.equals(SEND_CONTINUE)) {
        } else if (status.equals(SEND_FAILURE)) {
            addError(facesContext, "Authentication failed");


2.4.10. SecurityContext.authenticate() Notes

Any LoginToContinue-annotated HttpAuthenticationMechanism, as well as the two built-in FORM authentication mechanisms, can be triggered via a call to the SecurityContext.authenticate() method. This method is based on the HttpServletRequest.authenticate() method, as defined by [SERVLET60], but has been extended to support additional functionality defined by the Servlet Container Profile of [AUTHENTICATION30].

The extended behavior is facilitated by the AuthenticationParameters parameter passed to SecurityContext.authenticate(). AuthenticationParameters includes a newAuthentication field.

When newAuthentication is set to true, the container MUST discard any state that it holds for an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, and that is associated with the current caller. Specifically, this means that any associated state, such as described for the LoginToContinue Annotation above, MUST be cleared, and the request must proceed as if processing a new request.

When newAuthentication is set to false, the container MUST NOT discard any state that it holds for an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, and that is associated with the current caller. Instead, the container MUST resume the in-progress authentication dialog, based on the associated state. Specifically, the container MUST:

  • Determine how far the caller is in the "login to continue" flow, based on the previously saved state (or lack thereof), and;

  • Continue processing from that point as it would normally do.

2.4.11. AutoApplySession Notes

As an example, idiomatic code for setting the jakarta.servlet.http.registerSession key as per the requirements is:

httpMessageContext.getMessageInfo().getMap().put("jakarta.servlet.http.registerSession", TRUE.toString());

As another example, idiomatic code for setting the CallerPrincipalCallback as per the requirements is:

httpMessageContext.getHandler().handle(new Callback[] {
    new CallerPrincipalCallback(httpMessageContext.getClientSubject(), principal) }

2.5. Relationship to other specifications

An HttpAuthenticationMechanism is a CDI bean, as defined by Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection spec, version 4.1 [CDI41].

The methods defined by the HttpAuthenticationMechanism closely map to the methods and semantics of a ServerAuthModule, as defined by the Servlet Container Profile of [AUTHENTICATION30]. (But an HttpAuthenticationMechanism is itself not a ServerAuthModule.) The servlet container MUST use Jakarta Authentication mechanisms to arrange for an HttpAuthenticationMechanism to be placed in service.

This specification mandates that when a ServerAuthModule is called by the Servlet container, CDI services (such as the BeanManager) MUST be fully available, and all scopes that are defined to be active during the service() method of a servlet, or during the doFilter() method of a servlet filter, MUST be active. Specifically this means that the request, session, and application scopes MUST be active, and that a ServerAuthModule method such as validateRequest() MUST be able to obtain a reference to the CDI BeanManager programmatically (for example, by doing a JNDI lookup), and MUST be able to use that reference to obtain a valid request-scoped, session-scoped, or application-scoped bean. This specification does not mandate that a ServerAuthModule must itself be a CDI bean, or that a ServerAuthModule must be injectable.

An HttpAuthenticationMechanism implementation is logically equivalent to a built-in authentication mechanism as defined by [SERVLET60] (i.e., HTTP Basic Authentication, HTTP Digest Authentication, Form Based Authentication, and HTTPS Client Authentication); more specifically, it corresponds to an "additional container authentication mechanism", as described in section 13.6.5 of [SERVLET61].

The BASIC and FORM authentication mechanisms as defined by this specification are logically equivalent to the similarly named authentication mechanisms in [SERVLET61], respectively sections 13.6.1, "HTTP Basic Authentication", and 13.6.3, "Form Based Authentication".

3. Identity Store

This chapter describes the IdentityStore and IdentityStoreHandler interfaces and contracts.

3.1. Introduction

IdentityStore provides an abstraction of an identity store, which is a database or directory (store) of identity information about a population of users that includes an application’s callers. An identity store holds caller names, group membership information, and information sufficient to allow it to validate a caller’s credentials. An identity store may also contain other information, such as globally unique caller identifiers (if different from caller name), or other caller attributes.

Implementations of the IdentityStore interface are used to interact with identity stores to authenticate users (i.e., validate their credentials), and to retrieve caller groups. IdentityStore is roughly analogous to the JAAS LoginModule interface, which is often integrated into Jakarta EE products (albeit in vendor-specific ways). Unlike LoginModule, IdentityStore is intended specifically for Jakarta EE, and provides only credential validation and group retrieval functions (i.e., functions that require interaction with an identity store). An IdentityStore does not collect caller credentials, or manipulate Subjects.

IdentityStore is intended primarily for use by HttpAuthenticationMechanism implementations, but could in theory be used by other types of authentication mechanisms (e.g., a Jakarta Authentication ServerAuthModule, or a container’s built-in authentication mechanisms). HttpAuthenticationMechanism implementations are not required to use IdentityStore — they can authenticate users in any manner they choose — but IdentityStore will often be a useful and convenient mechanism.

A significant advantage of using HttpAuthenticationMechanism and IdentityStore over container-provided BASIC or FORM implementations is that it allows an application to control the identity stores it will authenticate against, in a standard, portable way.

An IdentityStore is expected to perform only context- and environment-independent processing (for example, verifying usernames and passwords and returning caller data). It should provide a pure {credentials in, caller data out} function. An IdentityStore should not directly interact with the caller, or attempt to examine request context or application state.

The IdentityStoreHandler interface defines a mechanism for invoking on IdentityStore to validate a user credential. An HttpAuthenticationMechanism (or other caller) should not interact directly with an IdentityStore, but instead invoke the IdentityStoreHandler to validate credentials. The IdentityStoreHandler, in turn, invokes on the IdentityStore. An IdentityStoreHandler can also orchestrate an authentication across multiple IdentityStore instances, returning an aggregated result.

A default IdentityStoreHandler implementation is supplied by the container, but applications can also supply their own implementation. The orchestration behavior of the default IdentityStoreHandler is described in the "Handling Multiple Identity Stores" section below.

3.2. Interface and Theory of Operation

The IdentityStore interface defines two methods that are used by the runtime to validate a Credential or obtain caller information:

  • validate(Credential)

  • getCallerGroups(CredentialValidationResult)

An implementation of IdentityStore can choose to handle either or both of these methods, depending on its capabilities and configuration. It indicates which methods it handles through the set of values returned by its validationTypes() method:

  • VALIDATE to indicate that it handles validate()

  • PROVIDE_GROUPS to indicate that it handles getCallerGroups()

  • Both VALIDATE and PROVIDE_GROUPS to indicate that it handles both methods

This method of declaring capabilities was chosen so that an IdentityStore could be written to support both methods, but configured to support just one or the other in any particular deployment.

The full interface is shown below (without default behaviors; signatures only).

public interface IdentityStore {

    enum ValidationType { VALIDATE, PROVIDE_GROUPS }

    CredentialValidationResult validate(Credential credential);

    Set<String> getCallerGroups(CredentialValidationResult validationResult);

    int priority();

    Set<ValidationType> validationTypes();

3.2.1. Validating Credentials

The validate() method determines whether a Credential is valid, and, if so, returns information about the user identified by the Credential. It is an optional method that an IdentityStore may choose not to implement.

CredentialValidationResult validate(Credential credential);

The result of validation is returned as a CredentialValidationResult, which provides methods to obtain the resulting status value, and, for successful validations, the ID of the identity store that validated the credential, the caller principal, the caller’s unique ID in the identity store, and the caller’s group memberships, if any. Only the caller principal is required to be present for a successful validation.

The identity store ID, caller DN, and caller unique ID are provided to assist implementations of IdentityStore in cooperating across invocations of validate() and getCallerGroups(). They can be used to ensure that the correct caller’s groups are returned from getCallerGroups() even in environments where caller principal name alone is insufficient to uniquely identify the correct user account.

public class CredentialValidationResult {

    public enum Status { NOT_VALIDATED, INVALID, VALID };

    public Status getStatus();

    public String getIdentityStoreId();

    public CallerPrincipal getCallerPrincipal();

    public String getCallerDn();

    public String getCallerUniqueId();

    public Set<String> getCallerGroups();

The defined status values are:

  • VALID: Validation succeeded and the user is authenticated. The caller principal and groups (if any) are available ONLY with this result status.

  • INVALID: Validation failed. The supplied Credential was invalid, or the corresponding user was not found in the user store.

  • NOT_VALIDATED: Validation was not attempted, because the IdentityStore does not handle the supplied Credential type.

The Credential interface is a generic interface capable of representing any kind of token or user credential. An IdentityStore implementation can support multiple concrete Credential types, where a concrete Credential is an implementation of the Credential interface that represents a particular type of credential. It can do so by implementing the validate(Credential) method and testing the type of the Credential that’s passed in. As a convenience, the IdentityStore interface provides a default implementation of validate(Credential) that delegates to a method that can handle the provided Credential type, assuming such a method is implemented by the IdentityStore:

default CredentialValidationResult validate(Credential credential) {
    try {
        return CredentialValidationResult.class.cast(
                .bind(this, "validate",
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        return NOT_VALIDATED_RESULT;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);

So, for example, validate(Credential) would delegate to the following method of ExampleIdentityStore if passed a UsernamePasswordCredential:

public class ExampleIdentityStore implements IdentityStore {

    public CredentialValidationResult validate(
        UsernamePasswordCredential usernamePasswordCredential) {
        // Implementation ...
        return new CredentialValidationResult(...);

3.2.2. Retrieving Caller Information

The getCallerGroups() method retrieves the set of groups associated with a validated caller. It is an optional method that an IdentityStore may choose not to implement.

Set<String> getCallerGroups(CredentialValidationResult validationResult);

The getCallerGroups() method supports aggregation of identity stores, where one identity store is used to authenticate users, but one or more other stores are used to retrieve additional groups. In such a scenario, it is necessary to query identity stores without validating the caller’s credential against the stores.

If an IdentityStore supports both validate() and getCallerGroups(), the behavior of both methods should be consistent with respect to groups. That is, for a given user "foo", the set of groups returned when calling validate() to authenticate user "foo" should be the same as the set of groups returned when calling getCallerGroups() for CallerPrincipal "foo". (Assuming no errors occur during either call — this requirement is intended as a normative description of expected behavior; it does not imply that an implementation must "make it right" if errors or other uncontrollable factors cause results to vary between any two calls.)

As a result, it is never necessary to call getCallerGroups() when there is only one IdentityStore, because the same groups are returned by the validate() method.

Note that getCallerGroups() is not intended as a general purpose API for retrieving user groups. It should be called only by an IdentityStoreHandler, in the course of orchestrating a validate() call across multiple identity stores.

3.2.3. Declaring Capabilities

The IdentityStore interface includes methods for an implementation to declare its capabilities and ordinal priority. An IdentityStore implementation may allow these "capabilities" to be configured, so that an application can determine what a store is used for.

enum ValidationType { VALIDATE, PROVIDE_GROUPS }


default int priority() {
    return 100;

default Set<ValidationType> validationTypes() {

The priority() method allows an IdentityStore to be configured with an ordinal number indicating the order in which it should be consulted when multiple IdentityStores are present (more precisely, when multiple enabled CDI Beans with type IdentityStore are available). Lower numbers represent higher priority, so an IdentityStore with a lower priority value is called before an IdentityStore with a higher priority value.

The validationTypes() method returns a Set of enum constants of type ValidationType, indicating the purposes for which an IdentityStore should be used:

  • VALIDATE, to indicate that it handles validate()

  • PROVIDE_GROUPS to indicate that it handles getCallerGroups()

  • Both VALIDATE and PROVIDE_GROUPS to indicate that it handles both methods

An IdentityStore's validation types determine whether the store is used for authentication only (meaning any group data it returns must be ignored), for providing groups only (meaning it’s not used for authentication, but only to obtain group data for a caller that was authenticated by a different IdentityStore), or for both (meaning it’s used for authentication and any group data it returns is used).

This method of declaring capabilities was chosen to enable applications to enable or disable IdentityStore capabilities via configuration.

3.2.4. Handling Multiple Identity Stores

Access to the IdentityStore is abstracted by the IdentityStoreHandler interface, which provides a single method:

public interface IdentityStoreHandler {
    CredentialValidationResult validate(Credential credential);

For the caller, the semantics of the validate() method are as described for the IdentityStore method with the same signature.

The purpose of the IdentityStoreHandler is to allow for multiple identity stores to logically act as a single IdentityStore to the HttpAuthenticationMechanism. A compliant implementation of this specification MUST provide a default implementation of the IdentityStoreHandler that is an enabled CDI bean with qualifier @Default, and scope @ApplicationScoped, as defined by the CDI specification.

The validate() method of the default implementation MUST do the following:

  • Call the validate(Credential credential) method on all available IdentityStore beans that declared themselves capable of doing validation, in the order induced by the return value of the getPriority() method of each IdentityStore. (Lower priority values imply a lower order, causing the corresponding validate(Credential credential) method to be called sooner. The calling order is undefined when two IdentityStore implementations return the same value.)

    • If a call to validate() returns a result with status INVALID, remember it, in case no IdentityStore returns a VALID result.

    • If a call to validate() returns a result with status VALID, remember this result and stop calling validate().

  • If all IdentityStore beans have been called but no result was returned with status VALID, then:

    • If a result was previously returned with status INVALID, return that result.

    • Otherwise, return a result with status NOT_VALIDATED.

  • If there is a VALID result:

    • Create an empty set of groups.

    • Add any groups returned in the CredentialValidationResult to the set of groups, if and only if the identity store that returned the VALID result declared the PROVIDE_GROUPS validation type.

    • Call the getCallerGroups() method on all available IdentityStore beans that declared only the PROVIDE_GROUPS validation type, in the order induced by the return value of the getPriority() method of each IdentityStore, passing in the CredentialValidationResult obtained during the previous phase. Add the groups returned by each call to the set of accumulated groups.

  • Return a new CredentialValidationResult with status VALID; the CallerPrincipal, CallerUniqueId, CallerDn, and IdentityStoreId that were returned from the successful validate(); and the accumulated collection of groups.

See javadoc for additional information.

3.2.5. State

An IdentityStore is logically stateless. An IdentityStoreHandler should not make any assumptions about the state of an IdentityStore before, during, or after making calls to it. In particular, an IdentityStore store should not be aware of the point its caller has reached in the authentication process, and, even more specifically, an IdentityStore should not keep track of whether a caller is authenticated or not at any given moment in time.

An IdentityStore instance may make use of instance variables; for example, to store configuration data like an LDAP URL, to store actual caller data for in-memory lookup, for the caching, etc.

3.2.6. RememberMeIdentityStore

The RememberMeIdentityStore is a specialized interface that is similar to the standard IdentityStore interface, but is a distinct type (no inheritance relationship) and works differently.

Applications often want to remember logged in callers for extended periods of time — days or weeks — so that callers don’t have to log in every time they visit the application. A RememberMeIdentityStore can be used to:

  • Generate a login token ("remember me token") for a caller

  • Remember the caller associated with the login token

  • Validate the login token when the caller returns, and re-authenticate the caller without the need to provide additional credentials.

If the caller does not have a login token, or if the login token has expired, then the normal authentication process takes place.

public interface RememberMeIdentityStore {

    CredentialValidationResult validate(RememberMeCredential credential);

    String generateLoginToken(CallerPrincipal callerPrincipal, Set<String> groups);

    void removeLoginToken(String token);

RememberMeIdentityStore can only be used when an application includes an HttpAuthenticationMechanism or configures one of the built-in ones. The application must specify the RememberMe annotation on the HttpAuthenticationMechanism to configure the RememberMeIdentityStore.

See the description of the RememberMe annotation in Chapter 2, "Authentication Mechanism".

3.3. Installation and Configuration

Installation of an IdentityStore depends on the CDI specification. That is, an IdentityStore is considered installed and available for usage when it’s available to the CDI runtime as an enabled Bean. An IdentityStore is assumed to be normal scoped.

It MUST be possible for the definition of an IdentityStore to exist within the application archive. Alternatively such definition MAY also exists outside the application archive, for example in a jar added to the classpath of an application server.

As described above, in the "Declaring Capabilities" section, the IdentityStore interface includes two methods, validationTypes() and priority(), that enable an IdentityStore to declare its capabilities. Those capabilities may be intrinsic — determined by the IdentityStore's implementation — or they may be determined by the IdentityStore's configuration.

3.4. Annotations and Built-In IdentityStore Beans

A Jakarta EE container MUST support built-in beans for the following IdentityStore types, to be configured and made available via corresponding annotations:

  • LDAP — Supports caller data that is stored in an external LDAP server. This bean is activated and configured via the @LdapIdentityStoreDefinition annotation.

  • Database — Supports caller data that is stored in an external database accessible via a DataSource bound to JNDI. This bean is activated and configured via the @DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition annotation.

  • In-memory — Supports caller data that is stored in an annotation. This bean is activated and configured via the @InMemoryIdentityStoreDefinition annotation.

Each of these beans MUST have the qualifier @Default and the scope @ApplicationScoped, as defined by the CDI specification.

The built-in identity stores MUST support validating UsernamePasswordCredential. They MAY support other credential types, but are NOT REQUIRED to.

Note that implementations are explicitly NOT REQUIRED to provide an LDAP server or database. The requirement is only to provide IdentityStore implementations that can work with an external LDAP or database server that may be present in the operating environment.

The corresponding annotations are defined as shown in the following sections.

3.4.1. LDAP Annotation

The LdapIdentityStoreDefinition annotation configures an instance of the built-in LDAP identity store. See javadoc for details of the configuration attributes.

public @interface LdapIdentityStoreDefinition {

    enum LdapSearchScope { ONE_LEVEL, SUBTREE }

    String url() default "";

    String bindDn() default "";

    String bindDnPassword() default "";

    String callerBaseDn() default "";

    String callerNameAttribute() default "uid";

    String callerSearchBase() default "";

    String callerSearchFilter() default "";

    LdapSearchScope callerSearchScope() default LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE;

    String callerSearchScopeExpression() default "";

    String groupSearchBase() default "";

    String groupSearchFilter() default "";

    LdapSearchScope groupSearchScope() default LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE;

    String groupSearchScopeExpression() default "";

    String groupNameAttribute() default "cn";

    String groupMemberAttribute() default "member";

    String groupMemberOfAttribute() default "memberOf";

    int readTimeout() default 0;

    String readTimeoutExpression() default "";

    int maxResults() default 1000;

    String maxResultsExpression() default "";

    int priority() default 80;

    String priorityExpression() default "";

    ValidationType[] useFor() default {VALIDATE, PROVIDE_GROUPS};

    String useForExpression() default "";


3.4.2. Database Annotation

The DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition annotation configures an instance of the built-in database identity store.

public @interface DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition {

    String dataSourceLookup() default "java:comp/DefaultDataSource";

    String callerQuery() default "";

    String groupsQuery() default "";

    Class<? extends PasswordHash> hashAlgorithm() default Pbkdf2PasswordHash.class;

    String[] hashAlgorithmParameters() default {};

    int priority() default 70;

    String priorityExpression() default "";

    ValidationType[] useFor() default {VALIDATE, PROVIDE_GROUPS};

    String useForExpression() default "";

Password hashing/hash verification is provided by an implementation of the PasswordHash interface, which must be made available as a dependent-scoped bean, and is configured by type on the hashAlgorithm() attribute. The specified type may refer to the actual implementation class, or to any type it implements or extends, as long as the specified type implements the PasswordHash interface.

Parameters for the configured PasswordHash can be provided using the hashAlgorithmParameters attribute, and will be passed to the initialize() method of the PasswordHash when the identity store is initialized.

The default hash algorithm, Pbkdf2PasswordHash, is an interface denoting a standard, built-in PasswordHash. All implementations of this specification MUST provide an implementation of the Pbkdf2PasswordHash interface, with configuration and behavior as described by the interface’s javadoc.

See javadoc for further details on PasswordHash and the DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition annotation.

3.4.3. In-memory Annotation

The @InMemoryIdentityStoreDefinition annotation configures an instance of the built-in in-memory identity store.

public @interface InMemoryIdentityStoreDefinition {

    Credentials[] value() default {};

    int priority() default 90;

    ValidationType[] useFor() default {VALIDATE, PROVIDE_GROUPS};

    public @interface Credentials {
        String callerName();
        String password();
        String[] groups() default {};

This identity store is provided as a convenience for the purpose such as testing, debugging, demos, etc, and is not generally advised to be used in production. Applications can already provide very similar custom identity stores, but in that case the container can not detect its usage as potentially unwanted. Therefore, for testing etc the usage of the @InMemoryIdentityStoreDefinition is encouraged. A container MAY warn about the usage of this specific identity store. The container MAY provide container specific configuration that allows the container to prevent the application to start when this identity store is used.

3.5. Relationship to Other Specifications

IdentityStore and IdentityStoreHandler implementations are CDI beans, as defined by [CDI41].

4. Security Context

This chapter describes the main SecurityContext interface and contract and other context interfaces and their contract.

4.1. Introduction

The Jakarta EE platform defines a declarative security model for protecting application resources. The declared constraints on access are then enforced by the container. In some cases the declarative model is not sufficient; for example, when a combination of tests and constraints is needed that is more complex than the declarative model allows for. Programmatic security allows an application to perform tests and grant or deny access to resources.

This specification provides an access point for programmatic security — a security context — represented by the SecurityContext interface.

In this version of the specification, the SecurityContext MUST be available in the Servlet container and the enterprise beans container. Application servers MAY make SecurityContext available in other containers, but are NOT REQUIRED to.

4.2. Retrieving and Testing for Caller Data

The SecurityContext interface defines two methods that allow the application to test aspects of the caller data:

Principal getCallerPrincipal();

<T extends Principal> Set<T> getPrincipalsByType(Class<T> pType);

boolean isCallerInRole(String role);

Set<String> getAllDeclaredCallerRoles();

The getCallerPrincipal() method retrieves the Principal representing the caller. This is the container-specific representation of the caller principal, and the type may differ from the type of the caller principal originally established by an HttpAuthenticationMechanism. This method returns null for an unauthenticated caller. (Note that this behavior differs from the behavior of EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal(), which, per Jakarta Enterprise Beans spec, version 3.2 [JEB32], returns a principal with a "product-specific unauthenticated principal name" to represent an unauthenticated caller.)

The getPrincipalsByType() method retrieves all principals of the given type. This method can be used to retrieve an application-specific caller principal established during authentication. This method is primarily useful in the case that the container’s caller principal is a different type than the application caller principal, and the application needs specific information behavior available only from the application principal. This method returns an empty Set if the caller is unauthenticated, or if the requested type is not found.

Where both a container caller principal and an application caller principal are present, the value returned by getName() MUST be the same for both principals.

See the Chapter 1, "Concepts", for more information on principal handling.

The isCallerInRole() method takes a String argument that represents the role that is to be tested for. It is undefined by this specification how the role determination is made, but the result MUST be the same as if the corresponding container-specific call had been made (i.e., HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(), EJBContext.isCallerInRole()), and MUST be consistent with the result implied by other specifications that prescribe role-mapping behavior.

The getAllDeclaredCallerRoles() method returns a list of all static (declared) application roles that the authenticated caller is in or the empty list if the caller is either not authenticated or is not in any declared role. It is possible that the underlying authorization system optionally works with a potentially infinite set of dynamic roles. Such dynamic (undeclared) roles ARE NOT contained in the set returned by this method.

4.3. Testing for Access

The SecurityContext interface defines a method for programmatically testing access to a resource:

boolean hasAccessToWebResource(String resource, String... methods);

The hasAccessToWebResource() method determines if the caller has access to the specified web resource for the specified HTTP methods, as determined by the security constraints configured for the application. See section 13.8 of [SERVLET61] for a description of web application security constraints. If no HTTP methods are specified in the call the semantics are to make the determination for all supported HTTP methods.

The resource parameter is an URLPatternSpec that identifies an application-specific web resource. See the javadoc for more detail.

In an environment where Jakarta Authorization 3.0 [AUTHORIZATION30] is available, the container SHOULD ultimately call jakarta.security.jacc.Policy.implies(Permission, Subject) with Permission being a WebResourcePermission(resource, methods) instance.

This method can only be used to check access to resources in the current application — it cannot be called cross-application, or cross-container, to check access to resources in a different application.

As an example, consider the following Servlet definition:

@ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = "foo"))
public class ProtectedServlet extends HttpServlet { ... }

And the following calls to hasAccessToWebResource():

securityContext.hasAccessToWebResource("/protectedServlet", "GET")
securityContext.hasAccessToWebResource("/protectedServlet", "GET", "POST")

All the above hasAccessToWebResource() calls would return true if and only if the caller is in role "foo".

As another example, consider the following definition, which gives access to the resource:

  • for the role "bar" only via the GET method

  • for the role "foo" via all methods except the GET method

  value = @HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = "foo"),
  httpMethodConstraints = {
    @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "GET", rolesAllowed = "bar"),
public class ProtectedServlet extends HttpServlet { ... }

And the following calls to hasAccessToWebResource():

securityContext.hasAccessToWebResource("/protectedServlet", "GET")

The above hasAccessToWebResource() call would return true if and only if the caller is in role "bar".

securityContext.hasAccessToWebResource("/protectedServlet", "POST", "PUT")

The above hasAccessToWebResource() call would return true if and only if the caller is in role "foo".

On the other hand, the following call, with no method arguments:


would always return false because no role has access via all HTTP methods - role "bar" has access via the GET method, roles "foo" has access via all other methods but not via the GET.

4.4. Triggering the Authentication Process

The SecurityContext interface defines a method that allows an application to programmatically trigger the authentication process:

AuthenticationStatus authenticate(HttpServletRequest request,
                        HttpServletResponse response,
                        AuthenticationParameters parameters);

Programmatically triggering means that the container responds as if the caller had attempted to access a constrained resource. It causes the container to invoke the authentication mechanism configured for the application. If the configured authentication mechanism is an HttpAuthenticationMechanism, then the AuthenticationParameters argument is meaningful and extended capabilities of HttpAuthenticationMechanism are available. If not, the behavior and result is as if HttpServletRequest.authenticate() were called.

The authenticate() method allows an application to signal to the container that it should start the authentication process with the caller. This method requires a HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse parameters to be passed in, and can therefore only be used in a valid Servlet context.

4.5. Relationship to Other Specifications

The SecurityContext implementation is a CDI bean, as defined by [CDI41].

Various specifications in Jakarta EE provide similar or even identical methods to those provided be the SecurityContext. It is the intention of this specification to eventually supersede those methods and provide a cross-specification, platform alternative. The following gives an overview:

  • Servlet - HttpServletRequest#getUserPrincipal, HttpServletRequest#isUserInRole

  • Enterprise Beans - EJBContext#getCallerPrincipal, EJBContext#isCallerInRole

  • XML Web Services - WebServiceContext#getUserPrincipal, WebServiceContext#isUserInRole

  • RESTful Web Services - SecurityContext#getUserPrincipal, SecurityContext#isUserInRole

  • Server Faces - ExternalContext#getUserPrincipal, ExternalContext#isUserInRole

  • Contexts and Dependency Injection - @Inject Principal

  • WebSocket - Session#getUserPrincipal

4.6. Other context interfaces

4.6.1. OpenIdContext

An implementation must provide a CDI bean for the OpenIdContext interface with scope SessionScoped. This bean is used to programmatically access data received from an OpenID Connect Provider when the OpenID Connect authentication mechanism (via the OpenID Connect Annotation) has been used to authenticate the caller.


The following documents are referenced by this specification.


Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, version 4.1


Jakarta Enterprise Beans, version 3.2


Jakarta Expression Language, version 6.0


Jakarta Authorization, version 3.0


Jakarta Authentication, version 3.1


RFC 2119, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Level"


RFC 7617, "The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme"


Jakarta Security, version 4.0


Jakarta Servlet, version 6.1


"Apache Shiro Terminology"