Package jakarta.enterprise.inject

package jakarta.enterprise.inject
  • Class
    Specifies that a bean is an alternative.
    Supports inline instantiation of the Alternative annotation.
    Indicates that multiple beans match a certain combination of required type and required qualifiers and are eligible for injection into a certain class.
    The built-in qualifier type.
    Supports inline instantiation of the Any qualifier.
    Indicates that a checked exception was thrown during creation of a bean.
    A decorator may inject metadata about the bean it is decorating
    The default qualifier type.
    Supports inline instantiation of the Default qualifier.
    Identifies the disposed parameter of a disposer method.
    Indicates that a producer method returned a null value or a producer field contained a null value, and the scope of the producer method or field was not Dependent.
    Indicates a problem relating to dependency injection.
    Allows the application to dynamically obtain instances of beans with a specified combination of required type and qualifiers.
    This interface represents a contextual reference handle.
    An interceptor may inject metadata about the bean it is intercepting.
    The built-in stereotype intended for use with beans that define the model layer of an MVC web application architecture such as JSF.
    Identifies a producer method or field.
    Indicates a problem relating to typesafe resolution.
    Indicates that a bean directly specializes another bean.
    Supports inline instantiation of the Specializes annotation.
    Specifies that an annotation type is a stereotype.
    If a parameter annotated with @TransientReference resolves to a dependent scoped bean, then the bean will be destroyed after the invocation completes.
    Supports inline instantiation of the TransientReference annotation.
    Restricts the bean types of a bean.
    Supports inline instantiation of the Typed annotation.
    Indicates that a contextual reference for a bean with a normal scope and a certain bean type cannot be obtained because the bean type cannot be proxied by the container.
    Indicates that no bean matches a certain combination of required type and required qualifiers and is eligible for injection into a certain class.
    Veto the processing of the class.
    Supports inline instantiation of the Vetoed annotation.