Uses of Interface

Packages that use CompletionListener
The Jakarta Messaging API provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, receive and read an enterprise messaging system's messages.
  • Uses of CompletionListener in jakarta.jms

    Methods in jakarta.jms that return CompletionListener
    Modifier and Type
    If subsequent calls to send on this JMSProducer object have been configured to be asynchronous then this method returns the CompletionListener that has previously been configured.
    Methods in jakarta.jms with parameters of type CompletionListener
    Modifier and Type
    MessageProducer.send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, CompletionListener completionListener)
    Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live, performing part of the work involved in sending the message in a separate thread and notifying the specified CompletionListener when the operation has completed.
    MessageProducer.send(Destination destination, Message message, CompletionListener completionListener)
    Sends a message to a destination for an unidentified message producer, using the MessageProducer's default delivery mode, priority, and time to live, performing part of the work involved in sending the message in a separate thread and notifying the specified CompletionListener when the operation has completed.
    MessageProducer.send(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, CompletionListener completionListener)
    Sends a message, specifying delivery mode, priority and time to live, performing part of the work involved in sending the message in a separate thread and notifying the specified CompletionListener when the operation has completed.
    MessageProducer.send(Message message, CompletionListener completionListener)
    Sends a message using the MessageProducer's default delivery mode, priority, and time to live, performing part of the work involved in sending the message in a separate thread and notifying the specified CompletionListener when the operation has completed.
    JMSProducer.setAsync(CompletionListener completionListener)
    Specifies whether subsequent calls to send on this JMSProducer object should be synchronous or asynchronous.