Interface GenericBootstrap

  • public interface GenericBootstrap
    Defines the state used to bootstrap Jakarta Validation and creates a provider agnostic Configuration.
    Emmanuel Bernard
    • Method Detail

      • providerResolver

        GenericBootstrap providerResolver​(ValidationProviderResolver resolver)
        Defines the provider resolution strategy. This resolver returns the list of providers evaluated to build the Configuration.

        If no resolver is defined, the default ValidationProviderResolver implementation is used.

        resolver - the ValidationProviderResolver to use for bootstrapping
        this following the chaining method pattern
      • configure

        Configuration<?> configure()
        Returns a generic Configuration implementation. At this stage the provider used to build the ValidatorFactory is not defined.

        The Configuration implementation is provided by the first provider returned by the ValidationProviderResolver strategy.

        a Configuration implementation compliant with the bootstrap state
        NoProviderFoundException - if no Jakarta Validation provider was found
        ValidationException - if a Jakarta Validation provider was found but the Configuration object cannot be built; this is generally due to an issue with the ValidationProviderResolver