Interface Dispatch<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the message or payload
All Superinterfaces:

public interface Dispatch<T> extends BindingProvider
The Dispatch interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operations. The class acts as a factory for the creation of Dispatch instances.
  • Method Details

    • invoke

      T invoke(T msg)
      Invoke a service operation synchronously.

      The client is responsible for ensuring that the msg object when marshalled is formed according to the requirements of the protocol binding in use.

      msg - An object that will form the message or payload of the message used to invoke the operation.
      The response message or message payload to the operation invocation.
      WebServiceException - If a fault occurs during communication with the service
      WebServiceException - If there is any error in the configuration of the Dispatch instance
    • invokeAsync

      Response<T> invokeAsync(T msg)
      Invoke a service operation asynchronously. The method returns without waiting for the response to the operation invocation, the results of the operation are obtained by polling the returned Response.

      The client is responsible for ensuring that the msg object when marshalled is formed according to the requirements of the protocol binding in use.

      msg - An object that will form the message or payload of the message used to invoke the operation.
      The response message or message payload to the operation invocation.
      WebServiceException - If there is any error in the configuration of the Dispatch instance
    • invokeAsync

      Future<?> invokeAsync(T msg, AsyncHandler<T> handler)
      Invoke a service operation asynchronously. The method returns without waiting for the response to the operation invocation, the results of the operation are communicated to the client via the passed in handler.

      The client is responsible for ensuring that the msg object when marshalled is formed according to the requirements of the protocol binding in use.

      msg - An object that will form the message or payload of the message used to invoke the operation.
      handler - The handler object that will receive the response to the operation invocation.
      A Future object that may be used to check the status of the operation invocation. This object MUST NOT be used to try to obtain the results of the operation - the object returned from Future<?>.get() is implementation dependent and any use of it will result in non-portable behaviour.
      WebServiceException - If there is any error in the configuration of the Dispatch instance
    • invokeOneWay

      void invokeOneWay(T msg)
      Invokes a service operation using the one-way interaction mode. The operation invocation is logically non-blocking, subject to the capabilities of the underlying protocol, no results are returned. When the protocol in use is SOAP/HTTP, this method MUST block until an HTTP response code has been received or an error occurs.

      The client is responsible for ensuring that the msg object when marshalled is formed according to the requirements of the protocol binding in use.

      msg - An object that will form the message or payload of the message used to invoke the operation.
      WebServiceException - If there is any error in the configuration of the Dispatch instance or if an error occurs during the invocation.