Annotation Type XmlJavaTypeAdapter

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({PACKAGE,FIELD,METHOD,TYPE,PARAMETER}) public @interface XmlJavaTypeAdapter
Use an adapter that implements XmlAdapter for custom marshaling.


The @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation can be used with the following program elements:

When @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation is defined on a class, it applies to all references to the class.

When @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation is defined at the package level it applies to all references from within the package to @XmlJavaTypeAdapter.type().

When @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation is defined on the field, property or parameter, then the annotation applies to the field, property or the parameter only.

A @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation on a field, property or parameter overrides the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation associated with the class being referenced by the field, property or parameter.

A @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation on a class overrides the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation specified at the package level for that class.

This annotation can be used with the following other annotations: XmlElement, XmlAttribute, XmlElementRef, XmlElementRefs, XmlAnyElement. This can also be used at the package level with the following annotations: XmlAccessorType, XmlSchema, XmlSchemaType, XmlSchemaTypes.

Example: See example in XmlAdapter

  • Sekhar Vajjhala, Sun Microsystems Inc.
  • Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Sun Microsystems Inc.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    Used in type() to signal that the type be inferred from the signature of the field, property, parameter or the class.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Class<? extends XmlAdapter>
    Points to the class that converts a value type to a bound type or vice versa.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If this annotation is used at the package level, then value of the type() must be specified.
  • Element Details

    • value

      Class<? extends XmlAdapter> value
      Points to the class that converts a value type to a bound type or vice versa. See XmlAdapter for more details.
    • type

      Class<?> type
      If this annotation is used at the package level, then value of the type() must be specified.