String value
Throwable cause
The underlying exception that caused this exception.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Reconstruct FacesMessage
from serialized artifacts.
- Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.ClassNotFoundException
- Class of a serialized object cannot be found.private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
Persist FacesMessage
artifacts, including the non
serializable Severity
- Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.String viewId
The view identifier of the view that could not be restored.
FacesMessage facesMessage
FacesMessage facesMessage
Behavior behavior
PhaseId phaseId
FacesContext context
PhaseId phaseId
Object oldValue
The previous local value of the source UIComponent
Object newValue
The current local value of the source UIComponent
String channel
Serializable user
CloseReason.CloseCode code
Object data
int index
SelectItem[] selectItems
FacesMessage message
Collection<E> messages
String path
int line
int column
String converterId
The identifier of the Converter
instance to be created.
String binding
The ValueExpression
that evaluates to an object that
implements Converter
String name
The name of this facet. This will be used as the facet name for
our UIComponentTag
child in our UIComponentTag
parent's facet list.
String validatorId
The identifier of the Validator
instance to be created.
String binding
The ValueExpression
that evaluates to an object that
implements Validator
JsonLocation location
Object entity
Object entity
Object entity
Query query
Throwable rootCause
Servlet servlet
boolean permanent
int seconds
Throwable mRootCause
boolean result
String var
int scope
Integer i
ValueExpression orig
int i
IteratedExpression iteratedExpression
int begin
int end
int step
boolean beginSpecified
boolean endSpecified
boolean stepSpecified
String itemId
String statusId
ValueExpression deferredExpression
ValueExpression oldMappedValue
LoopTagStatus status
Object item
int index
int count
boolean last
IteratedExpression iteratedExpression
BodyContent bodyContent
int errorCode
ByteBuffer bb
String encodedString
Object object
Session session
Response response
Response response
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