Interface Path.Node

All Known Subinterfaces:
Path.BeanNode, Path.ConstructorNode, Path.ContainerElementNode, Path.CrossParameterNode, Path.MethodNode, Path.ParameterNode, Path.PropertyNode, Path.ReturnValueNode
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Path.Node
Represents an element of a navigation path.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T extends Path.Node>
    as(Class<T> nodeType)
    Narrows the type of this node down to the given type.
    The kind of element represented by the node.
    Returns the name of the element which the node represents: null if it is a leaf node which represents an entity / bean.
    Returns a human-readable representation of this node.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the element which the node represents:
      • null if it is a leaf node which represents an entity / bean. In particular, the node representing the root object.
      • The property name for a property.
      • The method name for a method.
      • The unqualified name of the type declaring the constructor for a constructor.
      • The parameter named as defined by the ParameterNameProvider for a method or constructor parameter.
      • The literal <cross-parameter> for a method or constructor cross-parameter.
      • The literal <return value> for a method or constructor return value.
      • The node name as defined by the ValueExtractor for a container element; specifically, the literal <list element> for elements stored in a list, the literal <iterable element> for elements stored in an Iterable, the literal <map key> for the keys stored in a Map and the literal <map value> for the values stored in a Map.
      name of the element which the node represents
    • isInIterable

      boolean isInIterable()
      true if the node represents an object contained in a multi-valued container such as Iterable or Map or an array, false otherwise
    • getIndex

      Integer getIndex()
      the index the node is placed in if contained in an array, a List or any other container supporting indexed access, null otherwise
    • getKey

      Object getKey()
      the key the node is placed in if contained in a Map or any other container supporting keyed access, null otherwise
    • getKind

      ElementKind getKind()
      The kind of element represented by the node. The following relationship between an ElementKind and its Node subtype exists:

      This is useful to narrow down the Node type and access node specific information:

       switch(node.getKind() {
       case METHOD:
           name = node.getName();
           params =;
       case PARAMETER:
           index =;
      the ElementKind
    • as

      <T extends Path.Node> T as(Class<T> nodeType)
      Narrows the type of this node down to the given type. The appropriate type should be checked before by calling getKind().
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type to narrow down to
      nodeType - class object representing the descriptor type to narrow down to to
      this node narrowed down to the given type.
      ClassCastException - if this node is not assignable to the type T
    • toString

      String toString()
      Returns a human-readable representation of this node.

      Clients should not rely on any specific structure of the returned value. Instead they should obtain any required information by calling the methods on this interface and its sub-types.

      toString in class Object
      a human-readable representation of this node