Class EndpointReference

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class EndpointReference extends Object
This class represents an WS-Addressing EndpointReference which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint. See Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core for more information on WS-Addressing EndpointReferences.

This class is immutable as the typical web service developer need not be concerned with its contents. The web service developer should use this class strictly as a mechanism to reference a remote web service endpoint. See the Service APIs that clients can use to that utilize an EndpointReference. See the Endpoint, and BindingProvider APIs on how EndpointReferences can be created for published endpoints.

Concrete implementations of this class will represent an EndpointReference for a particular version of Addressing. For example the W3CEndpointReference is for use with W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core Recommendation. If Jakarta XML Web Services implementors need to support different versions of addressing, they should write their own EndpointReference subclass for that version. This will allow a Jakarta XML Web Services implementation to create a vendor specific EndpointReferences that the vendor can use to flag a different version of addressing.

Web service developers that wish to pass or return EndpointReference in Java methods in an SEI should use concrete instances of an EndpointReference such as the W3CEndpointReference. This way the schema mapped from the SEI will be more descriptive of the type of endpoint reference being passed.

Jakarta XML Web Services implementors are expected to extract the XML infoset from an EndpointReferece using the writeTo(javax.xml.transform.Result) method.

Jakarta XML Binding will bind this class to xs:anyType. If a better binding is desired, web services developers should use a concrete subclass such as W3CEndpointReference.

1.6, JAX-WS 2.1
See Also: