Class NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T extends NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the current AbstractNewCookieBuilder type.
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T extends NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T>> extends Cookie.AbstractCookieBuilder<NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T>>
JAX-RS abstract NewCookie builder class.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • AbstractNewCookieBuilder Link icon

      public AbstractNewCookieBuilder(String name)
      Create a new instance.
      name - the name of the cookie.
    • AbstractNewCookieBuilder Link icon

      public AbstractNewCookieBuilder(Cookie cookie)
      Create a new instance supplementing the information in the supplied cookie.
      cookie - the cookie to clone.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • comment Link icon

      public T comment(String comment)
      Set the comment associated with the cookie.
      comment - the comment.
      the updated builder instance.
    • maxAge Link icon

      public T maxAge(int maxAge)
      Set the maximum age of the the cookie in seconds. Cookies older than the maximum age are discarded. A cookie can be unset by sending a new cookie with maximum age of 0 since it will overwrite any existing cookie and then be immediately discarded. The default value of -1 indicates that the cookie will be discarded at the end of the browser/application session.
      maxAge - the maximum age in seconds.
      the updated builder instance.
      See Also:
    • expiry Link icon

      public T expiry(Date expiry)
      Set the cookie expiry date. Cookies whose expiry date has passed are discarded. A cookie can be unset by setting a new cookie with an expiry date in the past, typically the lowest possible date that can be set.

      Note that it is recommended to use Max-Age to control cookie expiration, however some browsers do not understand Max-Age, in which case setting Expires parameter may be necessary.

      expiry - the cookie expiry date
      the updated builder instance.
      See Also:
    • secure Link icon

      public T secure(boolean secure)
      Whether the cookie will only be sent over a secure connection. Defaults to false.
      secure - specifies whether the cookie will only be sent over a secure connection.
      the updated builder instance.
    • httpOnly Link icon

      public T httpOnly(boolean httpOnly)
      Whether the cookie will only be visible as part of an HTTP request. Defaults to false.
      httpOnly - if true make the cookie HTTP only, i.e. only visible as part of an HTTP request.
      the updated builder instance.
    • sameSite Link icon

      public T sameSite(NewCookie.SameSite sameSite)
      Set the attribute that controls whether the cookie is sent with cross-origin requests, providing protection against cross-site request forgery.
      sameSite - specifies the value of the SameSite cookie attribute.
      the updated builder instance.
    • build Link icon

      public abstract NewCookie build()
      Build a new NewCookie instance using all the configuration previously specified in this builder.
      Specified by:
      build in class Cookie.AbstractCookieBuilder<NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T extends NewCookie.AbstractNewCookieBuilder<T>>>
      a new NewCookie instance.
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is null.