Interface RemoteEndpoint.Basic

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Enclosing interface:

public static interface RemoteEndpoint.Basic extends RemoteEndpoint
This representation of the peer of a web socket conversation has the ability to send messages synchronously. The point of completion of the send is defined when all the supplied data has been written to the underlying connection. The methods for sending messages on the RemoteEndpoint.Basic block until this point of completion is reached, except for getSendStream and getSendWriter which present traditional blocking I/O streams to write messages.

If the websocket connection underlying this RemoteEndpoint is busy sending a message when a call is made to send another one, for example if two threads attempt to call a send method concurrently, or if a developer attempts to send a new message while in the middle of sending an existing one, the send method called while the connection is already busy may throw an IllegalStateException.

  • Method Details

    • sendText

      void sendText(String text) throws IOException
      Send a text message, blocking until all of the message has been transmitted.
      text - the message to be sent.
      IOException - if there is a problem delivering the message.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the text is null.
    • sendBinary

      void sendBinary(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException
      Send a binary message, returning when all of the message has been transmitted.

      It is not safe for other threads to use the ByteBuffer until the sending of this message is complete. If the sending of the message completes successfully, the buffer's limit will be unchanged and the buffer's position will be equal to the limit. If the sending of the message does not complete successfully, the state of the buffer is undefined.

      data - the message to be sent.
      IOException - if there is a problem delivering the message.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the data is null.
    • sendText

      void sendText(String partialMessage, boolean isLast) throws IOException
      Send a text message in parts, blocking until all of the message has been transmitted. The runtime reads the message in order. Non-final parts of the message are sent with isLast set to false. The final part must be sent with isLast set to true.
      partialMessage - the parts of the message being sent.
      isLast - Whether the partial message being sent is the last part of the message.
      IOException - if there is a problem delivering the message fragment.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the partialMessage is null.
    • sendBinary

      void sendBinary(ByteBuffer partialByte, boolean isLast) throws IOException
      Send a binary message in parts, blocking until all of the message has been transmitted. The runtime reads the message in order. Non-final parts are sent with isLast set to false. The final piece must be sent with isLast set to true.

      It is not safe for other threads to use the ByteBuffer until the sending of this partial message is complete. If the sending of the partial message completes successfully, the buffer's limit will be unchanged and the buffer's position will be equal to the limit. If the sending of the partial message does not complete successfully, the state of the buffer is undefined.

      partialByte - the part of the message being sent.
      isLast - Whether the partial message being sent is the last part of the message.
      IOException - if there is a problem delivering the partial message.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the partialByte is null.
    • getSendStream

      OutputStream getSendStream() throws IOException
      Opens an output stream on which a binary message may be sent. The developer must close the output stream in order to indicate that the complete message has been placed into the output stream. If no calls are made to one of the write() methods before the output stream is closed then no WebSocket binary messages will be sent. If at least one call is made to one of the write() methods before the output stream is closed then at least one WebSocket binary message will be sent even if that message is of zero length.
      the output stream to which the message will be written.
      IOException - if there is a problem obtaining the OutputStream to write the binary message.
    • getSendWriter

      Writer getSendWriter() throws IOException
      Opens a character stream on which a text message may be sent. The developer must close the writer in order to indicate that the complete message has been placed into the character stream. If no calls are made to one of the write() or append() methods before the writer is closed then no WebSocket text messages will be sent. If at least one call is made to one of the write() or append() methods before the writer is closed then at least one WebSocket text message will be sent even if that message is of zero length.
      the writer to which the message will be written.
      IOException - if there is a problem obtaining the Writer to write the text message.
    • sendObject

      void sendObject(Object data) throws IOException, EncodeException
      Sends a custom developer object, blocking until it has been transmitted. Containers will by default be able to encode java primitive types and their object equivalents, otherwise the developer must have provided an encoder for the object type in the endpoint configuration. A developer-provided encoder for a Java primitive type and its object equivalent overrides the container default encoder.
      data - the object to be sent.
      IOException - if there is a communication error sending the message object.
      EncodeException - if there was a problem encoding the message object into the form of a native websocket message.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the data parameter is null