Class AnnotationProvider

Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationScanner, FilterClassesFromFacesInitializerAnnotationProvider

public abstract class AnnotationProvider extends Object

An integration point for integrators to provide custom annotation scanning.

All AnnotationProvider implementations must scan for the following annotations:

  • FacesComponent
  • FacesConverter
  • FacesRenderer
  • FacesValidator
  • ManagedBean
  • NamedEvent
  • FacesBehavior
  • FacesBehaviorRenderer

The AnnotationProvider instance will be wrapped as a Future and executed during the environment initialization. The result of the future can be obtained by calling ConfigManager.getAnnotatedClasses(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext).

The Future itself can be obtained from the application map using the key com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager__ANNOTATION_SCAN_TASK.

It's important to note that the value returned by either method described above is only available while the application is being initialized and will be removed before the application is put into service.

To register a custom AnnotationProvider with the runtime, place a file named com.sun.faces.spi.annotationprovider within META-INF/services of a JAR file, with a single line referencing the fully qualified class name of the AnnotationProvider implementation. Custom AnnotationProviders can be used to decorate the default AnnotationProvider by providing a constructor that takes an AnnotationProvider as the second parameter:

public AnnotationProvider(ServletContext sc, AnnotationProvider parent)

If decoration is not desired, then the custom provider must have a constructor that takes one paramer, a ServletContext:

public AnnotationProvider(ServletContext sc)

All customer providers must extend this class.

  • Field Details

    • servletContext

      protected jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext
    • wrappedAnnotationProvider

      protected AnnotationProvider wrappedAnnotationProvider
      The wrapped annotation provider. May be null if this class is not loaded via ServiceLoader (from a file named com.sun.faces.spi.AnnotationProvider) and is instead loaded via Mojarra's ServiceFactory (from a file named com.sun.faces.spi.annotationprovider).
  • Constructor Details

    • AnnotationProvider

      public AnnotationProvider(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
    • AnnotationProvider

      public AnnotationProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotatedClasses

      public abstract Map<Class<? extends Annotation>,Set<Class<?>>> getAnnotatedClasses(Set<URI> urls)
      urls - a Set of URLs that refer to specific faces-config.xml documents on the classpath. The information returned by the map may return annotation information from sources outside of those defined by the urls.
      a Map of classes mapped to a specific annotation type. If no annotations are present, this method returns an empty Map.