Module jakarta.el
Package jakarta.el

Class StandardELContext


public class StandardELContext extends ELContext
A standard ELContext suitable for use in a stand alone environment. This class provides a default implementation of an ELResolver that contains a number of useful ELResolvers. It also provides local repositories for the FunctionMapper, VariableMapper, and BeanNameResolver.
Jakarta Expression Language 3.0
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardELContext

      public StandardELContext(ExpressionFactory factory)
      Construct a default ELContext for a stand-alone environment.
      factory - The ExpressionFactory
    • StandardELContext

      public StandardELContext(ELContext context)
      Construct a StandardELContext from another ELContext.
      context - The ELContext that acts as a delegate in most cases
  • Method Details

    • putContext

      public void putContext(Class<?> key, Object contextObject)
      Description copied from class: ELContext
      Associates a context object with this ELContext.

      The ELContext maintains a collection of context objects relevant to the evaluation of an expression. These context objects are used by ELResolvers. This method is used to add a context object to that collection.

      By convention, the contextObject will be of the type specified by the key. However, this is not required and the key is used strictly as a unique identifier.

      putContext in class ELContext
      key - The key used by an @{link ELResolver} to identify this context object.
      contextObject - The context object to add to the collection.
    • getContext

      public Object getContext(Class<?> key)
      Description copied from class: ELContext
      Returns the context object associated with the given key.

      The ELContext maintains a collection of context objects relevant to the evaluation of an expression. These context objects are used by ELResolvers. This method is used to retrieve the context with the given key from the collection.

      By convention, the object returned will be of the type specified by the key. However, this is not required and the key is used strictly as a unique identifier.

      getContext in class ELContext
      key - The unique identifier that was used to associate the context object with this ELContext.
      The context object associated with the given key, or null if no such context was found.
    • getELResolver

      public ELResolver getELResolver()
      Construct (if needed) and return a default ELResolver.

      Retrieves the ELResolver associated with this context. This is a CompositeELResover consists of an ordered list of ELResolvers.

      1. A BeanNameELResolver for beans defined locally
      2. Any custom ELResolvers
      3. An ELResolver supporting the collection operations
      4. A StaticFieldELResolver for resolving static fields
      5. A MapELResolver for resolving Map properties
      6. A ResourceBundleELResolver for resolving ResourceBundle properties
      7. A ListELResolver for resolving List properties
      8. An ArrayELResolver for resolving array properties
      9. A RecordELResolver for resolving Record properties
      10. A BeanELResolver for resolving bean properties
      Specified by:
      getELResolver in class ELContext
      The ELResolver for this context.
    • addELResolver

      public void addELResolver(ELResolver cELResolver)
      Add a custom ELResolver to the context. The list of the custom ELResolvers will be accessed in the order they are added. A custom ELResolver added to the context cannot be removed.
      cELResolver - The new ELResolver to be added to the context
    • getFunctionMapper

      public FunctionMapper getFunctionMapper()
      Construct (if needed) and return a default FunctionMapper.
      Specified by:
      getFunctionMapper in class ELContext
      The default FunctionMapper
    • getVariableMapper

      public VariableMapper getVariableMapper()
      Construct (if needed) and return a default VariableMapper() {
      Specified by:
      getVariableMapper in class ELContext
      The default Variable