Class HttpExchange


public abstract class HttpExchange extends Object
This class encapsulates an HTTP request received and a response to be generated in one exchange. It provides methods for examining the request from the client, and for building and sending the response.

A HttpExchange must be closed to free or reuse underlying resources. The effect of failing to close an exchange is undefined.

Jitendra Kotamraju
  • Field Details


      public static final String REQUEST_CIPHER_SUITE
      Standard property: cipher suite value when the request is received over HTTPS

      Type: String

      See Also:

      public static final String REQUEST_KEY_SIZE
      Standard property: bit size of the algorithm when the request is received over HTTPS

      Type: Integer

      See Also:

      public static final String REQUEST_X509CERTIFICATE
      Standard property: A SSL certificate, if any, associated with the request

      Type:[] The order of this array is defined as being in ascending order of trust. The first certificate in the chain is the one set by the client, the next is the one used to authenticate the first, and so on.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpExchange

      public HttpExchange()
  • Method Details

    • getRequestHeaders

      public abstract Map<String,List<String>> getRequestHeaders()
      Returns an immutable Map containing the HTTP headers that were included with this request. The keys in this Map will be the header names, while the values will be a List of Strings containing each value that was included (either for a header that was listed several times, or one that accepts a comma-delimited list of values on a single line). In either of these cases, the values for the header name will be presented in the order that they were included in the request.

      The keys in Map are case-insensitive.

      an immutable Map which can be used to access request headers
    • getRequestHeader

      public abstract String getRequestHeader(String name)
      Returns the value of the specified request header. If the request did not include a header of the specified name, this method returns null. If there are multiple headers with the same name, this method returns the first header in the request. The header name is case-insensitive. This is a convenience method to get a header (instead of using the getRequestHeaders()).
      name - the name of the request header
      returns the value of the requested header, or null if the request does not have a header of that name
    • getResponseHeaders

      public abstract Map<String,List<String>> getResponseHeaders()
      Returns a mutable Map into which the HTTP response headers can be stored and which will be transmitted as part of this response. The keys in the Map will be the header names, while the values must be a List of Strings containing each value that should be included multiple times (in the order that they should be included).

      The keys in Map are case-insensitive.

      a mutable Map which can be used to set response headers.
    • addResponseHeader

      public abstract void addResponseHeader(String name, String value)
      Adds a response header with the given name and value. This method allows a response header to have multiple values. This is a convenience method to add a response header(instead of using the getResponseHeaders()).
      name - the name of the header
      value - the additional header value. If it contains octet string, it should be encoded according to RFC 2047 (
      See Also:
    • getRequestURI

      public abstract String getRequestURI()
      Returns the part of the request's URI from the protocol name up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP request. Container doesn't decode this string.
      the request URI
    • getContextPath

      public abstract String getContextPath()
      Returns the context path of all the endpoints in an application. This path is the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request. The context path always comes first in a request URI. The path starts with a "/" character but does not end with a "/" character. If this method returns "", the request is for default context. The container does not decode this string.

      Context path is used in computing the endpoint address. See HttpContext.getPath()

      context path of all the endpoints in an application
      See Also:
    • getRequestMethod

      public abstract String getRequestMethod()
      Get the HTTP request method
      the request method
    • getHttpContext

      public abstract HttpContext getHttpContext()
      Returns a HttpContext for this exchange. Container matches the request with the associated Endpoint's HttpContext
      the HttpContext for this exchange
    • close

      public abstract void close() throws IOException
      This must be called to end an exchange. Container takes care of closing request and response streams. This must be called so that the container can free or reuse underlying resources.
      IOException - if any i/o error
    • getRequestBody

      public abstract InputStream getRequestBody() throws IOException
      Returns a stream from which the request body can be read. Multiple calls to this method will return the same stream.
      the stream from which the request body can be read.
      IOException - if any i/o error during request processing
    • getResponseBody

      public abstract OutputStream getResponseBody() throws IOException
      Returns a stream to which the response body must be written. setStatus(int)) must be called prior to calling this method. Multiple calls to this method (for the same exchange) will return the same stream.
      the stream to which the response body is written
      IOException - if any i/o error during response processing
    • setStatus

      public abstract void setStatus(int status)
      Sets the HTTP status code for the response.

      This method must be called prior to calling getResponseBody().

      status - the response code to send
      See Also:
    • getRemoteAddress

      public abstract InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
      Returns the unresolved address of the remote entity invoking this request.
      the InetSocketAddress of the caller
    • getLocalAddress

      public abstract InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress()
      Returns the unresolved local address on which the request was received.
      the InetSocketAddress of the local interface
    • getProtocol

      public abstract String getProtocol()
      Returns the protocol string from the request in the form protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion. For example, "HTTP/1.1"
      the protocol string from the request
    • getScheme

      public abstract String getScheme()
      Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request, for example: http, or https.
      name of the scheme used to make this request
    • getPathInfo

      public abstract String getPathInfo()
      Returns the extra path information that follows the web service path but precedes the query string in the request URI and will start with a "/" character.

      This can be used for MessageContext.PATH_INFO

      decoded extra path information of web service. It is the path that comes after the web service path but before the query string in the request URI null if there is no extra path in the request URI
    • getQueryString

      public abstract String getQueryString()
      Returns the query string that is contained in the request URI after the path.

      This can be used for MessageContext.QUERY_STRING

      undecoded query string of request URI, or null if the request URI doesn't have one
    • getAttribute

      public abstract Object getAttribute(String name)
      Returns an attribute that is associated with this HttpExchange. Jakarta XML Web Services handlers and endpoints may then access the attribute via MessageContext.

      Servlet containers must expose MessageContext.SERVLET_CONTEXT, MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST, and MessageContext.SERVLET_RESPONSE as attributes.

      If the request has been received by the container using HTTPS, the following information must be exposed as attributes. These attributes are REQUEST_CIPHER_SUITE, and REQUEST_KEY_SIZE. If there is an SSL certificate associated with the request, it must be exposed using REQUEST_X509CERTIFICATE

      name - attribute name
      the attribute value, or null if the attribute doesn't exist
    • getAttributeNames

      public abstract Set<String> getAttributeNames()
      Gives all the attribute names that are associated with this HttpExchange.
      set of all attribute names
      See Also:
    • getUserPrincipal

      public abstract Principal getUserPrincipal()
      Returns the Principal that represents the authenticated user for this HttpExchange.
      Principal for an authenticated user, or null if not authenticated
    • isUserInRole

      public abstract boolean isUserInRole(String role)
      Indicates whether an authenticated user is included in the specified logical "role".
      role - specifies the name of the role
      true if the user making this request belongs to a given role