Interface PortInfo

public interface PortInfo
The PortInfo interface is used by a HandlerResolver to query information about the port it is being asked to create a handler chain for.

This interface is never implemented by an application, only by a Jakarta XML Web Services implementation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the URI identifying the binding used by the port being accessed.
    Gets the qualified name of the WSDL port being accessed.
    Gets the qualified name of the WSDL service name containing the port being accessed.
  • Method Details

    • getServiceName

      QName getServiceName()
      Gets the qualified name of the WSDL service name containing the port being accessed.
      javax.xml.namespace.QName The qualified name of the WSDL service.
    • getPortName

      QName getPortName()
      Gets the qualified name of the WSDL port being accessed.
      javax.xml.namespace.QName The qualified name of the WSDL port.
    • getBindingID

      String getBindingID()
      Gets the URI identifying the binding used by the port being accessed.
      String The binding identifier for the port.
      See Also: