Interface PortInfo

  • public interface PortInfo
    The PortInfo interface is used by a HandlerResolver to query information about the port it is being asked to create a handler chain for.

    This interface is never implemented by an application, only by a Jakarta XML Web Services implementation.

    • Method Detail

      • getServiceName

        QName getServiceName()
        Gets the qualified name of the WSDL service name containing the port being accessed.
        javax.xml.namespace.QName The qualified name of the WSDL service.
      • getPortName

        QName getPortName()
        Gets the qualified name of the WSDL port being accessed.
        javax.xml.namespace.QName The qualified name of the WSDL port.
      • getBindingID

        String getBindingID()
        Gets the URI identifying the binding used by the port being accessed.
        String The binding identifier for the port.
        See Also: