Class JAXBSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JAXBSource
    extends javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
    JAXP Source implementation that marshals a Jakarta XML Binding-generated object.

    This utility class is useful to combine Jakarta XML Binding with other Java/XML technologies.

    The following example shows how to use Jakarta XML Binding to marshal a document for transformation by XSLT.

           MyObject o = // get JAXB content tree
           // jaxbContext is a JAXBContext object from which 'o' is created.
           JAXBSource source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, o );
           // set up XSLT transformation
           TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
           Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(new StreamSource("test.xsl"));
           // run transformation
           t.transform(source,new StreamResult(System.out));

    The fact that JAXBSource derives from SAXSource is an implementation detail. Thus in general applications are strongly discouraged from accessing methods defined on SAXSource. In particular, the setXMLReader and setInputSource methods shall never be called. The XMLReader object obtained by the getXMLReader method shall be used only for parsing the InputSource object returned by the getInputSource method.

    Similarly the InputSource object obtained by the getInputSource method shall be used only for being parsed by the XMLReader object returned by the getXMLReader.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      JAXBSource​(JAXBContext context, java.lang.Object contentObject)
      Creates a new Source for the given content object.
      JAXBSource​(Marshaller marshaller, java.lang.Object contentObject)
      Creates a new Source for the given content object.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource

        getInputSource, getSystemId, getXMLReader, isEmpty, setInputSource, setSystemId, setXMLReader, sourceToInputSource
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • JAXBSource

        public JAXBSource​(JAXBContext context,
                          java.lang.Object contentObject)
                   throws JAXBException
        Creates a new Source for the given content object.
        context - JAXBContext that was used to create contentObject. This context is used to create a new instance of marshaller and must not be null.
        contentObject - An instance of a Jakarta XML Binding-generated class, which will be used as a Source (by marshalling it into XML). It must not be null.
        JAXBException - if an error is encountered while creating the JAXBSource or if either of the parameters are null.
      • JAXBSource

        public JAXBSource​(Marshaller marshaller,
                          java.lang.Object contentObject)
                   throws JAXBException
        Creates a new Source for the given content object.
        marshaller - A marshaller instance that will be used to marshal contentObject into XML. This must be created from a JAXBContext that was used to build contentObject and must not be null.
        contentObject - An instance of a Jakarta XML Binding-generated class, which will be used as a Source (by marshalling it into XML). It must not be null.
        JAXBException - if an error is encountered while creating the JAXBSource or if either of the parameters are null.