Interface ValueExtractor.ValueReceiver

Enclosing interface:

public static interface ValueExtractor.ValueReceiver
Provides a set of methods receiving value extracted by the ValueExtractor.

The value has to be passed to the method corresponding best to the type of the original value.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    indexedValue(String nodeName, int i, Object object)
    Receives the value extracted from an indexed object (e.g.
    iterableValue(String nodeName, Object object)
    Receives the value extracted from an iterable object that is not indexed (e.g.
    keyedValue(String nodeName, Object key, Object object)
    Receives the value extracted from a keyed object (e.g.
    value(String nodeName, Object object)
    Receives the value extracted from an object.
  • Method Details

    • value

      void value(String nodeName, Object object)
      Receives the value extracted from an object.
      nodeName - the name of the node representing the container element. If not null, the name will be used when adding a container element node to the Path
      object - the value to validate
    • iterableValue

      void iterableValue(String nodeName, Object object)
      Receives the value extracted from an iterable object that is not indexed (e.g. a Iterable, Set or a Map).
      nodeName - the name of the node representing the container element. If not null, the name will be used when adding a container element node to the Path
      object - the value to validate
    • indexedValue

      void indexedValue(String nodeName, int i, Object object)
      Receives the value extracted from an indexed object (e.g. a List).
      nodeName - the name of the node representing the container element. If not null, the name will be used when adding a container element node to the Path
      i - the index of the value in the original object
      object - the value to validate
    • keyedValue

      void keyedValue(String nodeName, Object key, Object object)
      Receives the value extracted from a keyed object (e.g. a Map).
      nodeName - the name of the node representing the container element. If not null, the name will be used when adding a container element node to the Path
      key - the key of the value in the original object
      object - the value to validate