Interface EJBContainerProvider

public interface EJBContainerProvider
The EJBContainerProvider SPI is used by the embeddable container bootstrap class to initialize a suitable embeddable container.
EJB 3.1
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createEJBContainer(Map<?,?> properties)
    Called by the embeddable container bootstrap process to find a suitable embeddable container implementation.
  • Method Details

    • createEJBContainer

      EJBContainer createEJBContainer(Map<?,?> properties) throws EJBException
      Called by the embeddable container bootstrap process to find a suitable embeddable container implementation. An embeddable container provider may deem itself as appropriate for the embeddable application if any of the following are true :
      • The jakarta.ejb.embeddable.provider property was included in the Map passed to createEJBContainer and the value of the property is the provider's implementation class.
      • No jakarta.ejb.embeddable.provider property was specified.
      If a provider does not qualify as the provider for the embeddable application, it must return null.
      properties - Spec-defined and/or vendor-specific properties, that were passed to jakarta.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer#createEJBContainer(Map<?,?>) call
      EJBContainer instance or null
      EJBException - if the container could not be successfully initialized.