Annotation Interface Resource

The Resource annotation marks a resource that is needed by the application. This annotation may be applied to an application component class, or to fields or methods of the component class. When the annotation is applied to a field or method, the container will inject an instance of the requested resource into the application component when the component is initialized. If the annotation is applied to the component class, the annotation declares a resource that the application will look up at runtime.

Even though this annotation is not marked Inherited, deployment tools are required to examine all superclasses of any component class to discover all uses of this annotation in all superclasses. All such annotation instances specify resources that are needed by the application component. Note that this annotation may appear on private fields and methods of superclasses; the container is required to perform injection in these cases as well.

1.6, Common Annotations 1.0
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    The two possible authentication types for a resource.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The authentication type to use for this resource.
    Description of this resource.
    The name of the resource that the reference points to.
    A product-specific name that this resource should be mapped to.
    The JNDI name of the resource.
    Indicates whether this resource can be shared between this component and other components.
    The Java type of the resource.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The JNDI name of the resource. For field annotations, the default is the field name. For method annotations, the default is the JavaBeans property name corresponding to the method. For class annotations, there is no default and this must be specified.
    • lookup

      String lookup
      The name of the resource that the reference points to. It can link to any compatible resource using the global JNDI names.
      1.7, Common Annotations 1.1
    • type

      Class<?> type
      The Java type of the resource. For field annotations, the default is the type of the field. For method annotations, the default is the type of the JavaBeans property. For class annotations, there is no default and this must be specified.
    • authenticationType

      Resource.AuthenticationType authenticationType
      The authentication type to use for this resource. This may be specified for resources representing a connection factory of any supported type, and must not be specified for resources of other types.
    • shareable

      boolean shareable
      Indicates whether this resource can be shared between this component and other components. This may be specified for resources representing a connection factory of any supported type, and must not be specified for resources of other types.
    • mappedName

      String mappedName
      A product-specific name that this resource should be mapped to. The mappedName element provides for mapping the resource reference to the name of a resource known to the applicaiton server. The mapped name could be of any form.

      Application servers are not required to support any particular form or type of mapped name, nor the ability to use mapped names. The mapped name is product-dependent and often installation-dependent. No use of a mapped name is portable.

    • description

      String description
      Description of this resource. The description is expected to be in the default language of the system on which the application is deployed. The description can be presented to the Deployer to help in choosing the correct resource.