BodyContent |
An encapsulation of the evaluation of the body of an action so it is available to a tag handler.
BodyTagSupport |
A base class for defining tag handlers implementing BodyTag.
FunctionInfo |
Information for a function in a Tag Library.
JspFragment |
Encapsulates a portion of JSP code in an object that can be invoked as many times as needed.
PageData |
Translation-time information on a JSP page.
SimpleTagSupport |
A base class for defining tag handlers implementing SimpleTag.
TagAdapter |
Wraps any SimpleTag and exposes it using a Tag interface.
TagAttributeInfo |
Information on the attributes of a Tag, available at translation time.
TagData |
The (translation-time only) attribute/value information for a tag instance.
TagExtraInfo |
Optional class provided by the tag library author to describe additional translation-time information not described
in the TLD.
TagFileInfo |
Tag information for a tag file in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file
(TLD) and is available only at translation time.
TagInfo |
Tag information for a tag in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD) and
is available only at translation time.
TagLibraryInfo |
Translation-time information associated with a taglib directive, and its underlying TLD file.
TagLibraryValidator |
Translation-time validator class for a JSP page.
TagSupport |
A base class for defining new tag handlers implementing Tag.
TagVariableInfo |
Variable information for a tag in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file
(TLD) and is available only at translation time.
ValidationMessage |
A validation message from either TagLibraryValidator or TagExtraInfo.
VariableInfo |
Information on the scripting variables that are created/modified by a tag (at run-time).