Package jakarta.ejb

Annotation Type EJB

  • @Target({TYPE,METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface EJB
    Indicates a dependency on the local, no-interface, or remote view of an Enterprise Bean.

    Either the beanName or the lookup element can be used to resolve the enterprise bean dependency to its target session bean component. It is an error to specify values for both beanName and lookup.

    If no explicit linking information is provided and there is only one session bean within the same application that exposes the matching client view type, by default the enterprise bean dependency resolves to that session bean.

    EJB 3.0
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Class beanInterface
      The interface type of the Enterprise Bean to which this reference is mapped.
      String beanName
      The beanName element references the value of the name element of the Stateful or Stateless annotation, whether defaulted or explicit.
      String description
      A string describing the bean.
      String lookup
      A portable lookup string containing the JNDI name for the target enterprise bean component.
      String mappedName
      The product specific name of the enterprise bean component to which this enterprise bean reference should be mapped.
      String name
      The logical name of the enterprise bean reference within the declaring component's (e.g., java:comp/env) environment.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        The logical name of the enterprise bean reference within the declaring component's (e.g., java:comp/env) environment.
        a String object.
      • description

        String description
        A string describing the bean.
        a String object.
      • beanName

        String beanName
        The beanName element references the value of the name element of the Stateful or Stateless annotation, whether defaulted or explicit. If the deployment descriptor was used to define the name of the bean, the beanName element references the ejb-name element of the bean definition.

        The beanName element allows disambiguation if multiple session beans in the ejb-jar implement the same interface.

        In order to reference a bean in another ejb-jar file in the same application, the beanName may be composed of a path name specifying the ejb-jar containing the referenced bean with the bean name of the target bean appended and separated from the path name by #. The path name is relative to the jar file containing the component that is referencing the target bean.

        Only applicable if the target enterprise bean is defined within the same application or stand-alone module as the declaring component.

        a String object.
      • beanInterface

        Class beanInterface
        The interface type of the Enterprise Bean to which this reference is mapped.

        Holds one of the following types of the target enterprise bean :

        • Local business interface
        • Bean class (for no-interface view)
        • Remote business interface
        • Local Home interface
        • Remote Home interface
        a Class object.
      • mappedName

        String mappedName
        The product specific name of the enterprise bean component to which this enterprise bean reference should be mapped. This mapped name is often a global JNDI name, but may be a name of any form.

        Application servers are not required to support any particular form or type of mapped name, nor the ability to use mapped names. The mapped name is product-dependent and often installation-dependent. No use of a mapped name is portable.

        a String object.
      • lookup

        String lookup
        A portable lookup string containing the JNDI name for the target enterprise bean component.
        a String object.
        EJB 3.1