Module jakarta.jws
Package jakarta.jws

Annotation Type WebParam

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface WebParam
    Customizes the mapping of an individual parameter to a Web Service message part and XML element.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean header
      If true, the parameter is pulled from a message header rather then the message body.
      WebParam.Mode mode
      The direction in which the parameter is flowing (One of IN, OUT, or INOUT).
      String name
      Name of the parameter.
      String partName
      The name of the wsdl:part representing this parameter.
      String targetNamespace
      The XML namespace for the parameter.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        Name of the parameter.

        If the operation is rpc style and @WebParam.partName has not been specified, this is name of the wsdl:part representing the parameter.
        If the operation is document style or the parameter maps to a header, this is the local name of the XML element representing the parameter.

        A name MUST be specified if the operation is document style, the parameter style is BARE, and the mode is OUT or INOUT.

        If the operation is document style and the parameter style is BARE, @WebMethod.operationName.
        Otherwise, argN, where N represents the index of the parameter in the method signature (starting at arg0).
      • partName

        String partName
        The name of the wsdl:part representing this parameter.

        This is only used if the operation is rpc style or if the operation is document style and the parameter style is BARE.

      • targetNamespace

        String targetNamespace
        The XML namespace for the parameter.

        Only used if the operation is document style or the paramater maps to a header. If the target namespace is set to "", this represents the empty namespace.

        If the operation is document style, the parameter style is WRAPPED, and the parameter does not map to a header, the empty namespace.
        Otherwise, the targetNamespace for the Web Service.
      • mode

        WebParam.Mode mode
        The direction in which the parameter is flowing (One of IN, OUT, or INOUT).

        The OUT and INOUT modes may only be specified for parameter types that conform to the definition of Holder types (Jakarta XML Web Services Specification [5], section 2.3.3). Parameters that are Holder Types MUST be OUT or INOUT.

        INOUT if a Holder type.
        IN if not a Holder type.
      • header

        boolean header
        If true, the parameter is pulled from a message header rather then the message body.