Module jakarta.jws

Annotation Type SOAPBinding

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface SOAPBinding
    Specifies the mapping of the Web Service onto the SOAP message protocol.
    1.6, Jakarta XML Web Services 2.0
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle parameterStyle
      Determines whether method parameters represent the entire message body, or whether the parameters are elements wrapped inside a top-level element named after the operation
      SOAPBinding.Style style
      Defines the encoding style for messages send to and from the Web Service.
      SOAPBinding.Use use
      Defines the formatting style for messages sent to and from the Web Service.
    • Element Detail

      • style

        SOAPBinding.Style style
        Defines the encoding style for messages send to and from the Web Service.
      • use

        SOAPBinding.Use use
        Defines the formatting style for messages sent to and from the Web Service.
      • parameterStyle

        SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle parameterStyle
        Determines whether method parameters represent the entire message body, or whether the parameters are elements wrapped inside a top-level element named after the operation