Class CredentialValidationResult


public class CredentialValidationResult extends Object
CredentialValidationResult is the result from an attempt to validate an instance of Credential.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CredentialValidationResult

      public CredentialValidationResult(String callerName)
      Constructor for a VALID result.
      callerName - Name of the validated caller
    • CredentialValidationResult

      public CredentialValidationResult(CallerPrincipal callerPrincipal)
      Constructor for a VALID result.
      callerPrincipal - CallerPrincipal of validated caller
    • CredentialValidationResult

      public CredentialValidationResult(String callerName, Set<String> groups)
      Constructor for a VALID result.
      callerName - Name of the validated caller
      groups - Groups associated with the caller from the identity store
    • CredentialValidationResult

      public CredentialValidationResult(CallerPrincipal callerPrincipal, Set<String> groups)
      Constructor for a VALID result.
      callerPrincipal - CallerPrincipal of validated caller
      groups - Groups associated with the caller from the identity store
    • CredentialValidationResult

      public CredentialValidationResult(String storeId, String callerName, String callerDn, String callerUniqueId, Set<String> groups)
      Constructor for a VALID result.
      storeId - Identity store unique ID
      callerName - Name of the validated caller
      callerDn - Caller's LDAP DN (distinguished name)
      callerUniqueId - Caller's unique identifier from the identity store
      groups - Groups associated with the caller from the identity store
    • CredentialValidationResult

      public CredentialValidationResult(String storeId, CallerPrincipal callerPrincipal, String callerDn, String callerUniqueId, Set<String> groups)
      Constructor for a VALID result.
      storeId - Identity store unique ID
      callerPrincipal - CallerPrincipal of validated caller
      callerDn - Caller's LDAP DN (distinguished name)
      callerUniqueId - Caller's unique identifier from the identity store
      groups - Groups associated with the caller from the identity store
  • Method Details

    • getStatus

      Determines the validation status.
      The validation status
    • getIdentityStoreId

      public String getIdentityStoreId()
      Return the unique ID of the identity store used to validate the credentials.
      String identifying the external store used to validate credentials.
    • getCallerPrincipal

      public CallerPrincipal getCallerPrincipal()
      Return the CallerPrincipal for the validated credential.
      The CallerPrincipal.
    • getCallerUniqueId

      public String getCallerUniqueId()
      Return a string that uniquely identifies this caller within the identity store (since the Principal name used may not be unique).
      Caller's unique identifier.
    • getCallerDn

      public String getCallerDn()
      Return the CallerPrincipal for the validated credential.
      The CallerPrincipal.
    • getCallerGroups

      public Set<String> getCallerGroups()
      Determines the set of groups that the specified Caller is in, based on the associated identity store.
      The set of groups that the specified Caller is in, or empty if none.