Class Application


public class Application extends Object
Defines the components of a JAX-RS application and supplies additional meta-data. A JAX-RS application or implementation supplies a concrete subclass of this abstract class.

The implementation-created instance of an Application subclass may be injected into resource classes and providers using Context.

In case any of the Application subclass methods or it's constructor throws a RuntimeException, the deployment of the application SHOULD be aborted with a failure.

Paul Sandoz, Marc Hadley, Marek Potociar
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • Application Link icon

      public Application()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getClasses Link icon

      public Set<Class<?>> getClasses()
      Get a set of root resource, provider and feature classes. The default life-cycle for resource class instances is per-request. The default life-cycle for providers (registered directly or via a feature) is singleton.

      Implementations should warn about and ignore classes that do not conform to the requirements of root resource or provider/feature classes. Implementations should warn about and ignore classes for which getSingletons() returns an instance. Implementations MUST NOT modify the returned set.

      The default implementation returns an empty set.

      a set of root resource and provider classes. Returning null is equivalent to returning an empty set.
    • getSingletons Link icon

      @Deprecated public Set<Object> getSingletons()
      Automatic discovery of resources and providers or the getClasses method is preferred over getSingletons.
      Get a set of root resource, provider and feature instances. Fields and properties of returned instances are injected with their declared dependencies (see Context) by the runtime prior to use.

      Implementations should warn about and ignore classes that do not conform to the requirements of root resource or provider classes. Implementations should flag an error if the returned set includes more than one instance of the same class. Implementations MUST NOT modify the returned set.

      The default implementation returns an empty set.

      a set of root resource and provider instances. Returning null is equivalent to returning an empty set.
    • getProperties Link icon

      public Map<String,Object> getProperties()
      Get a map of custom application-wide properties.

      The returned properties are reflected in the application configuration passed to the server-side features or injected into server-side JAX-RS components.

      The set of returned properties may be further extended or customized at deployment time using container-specific features and deployment descriptors. For example, in a Servlet-based deployment scenario, web application's <context-param> and Servlet <init-param> values may be used to extend or override values of the properties programmatically returned by this method.

      The default implementation returns an empty set.

      a map of custom application-wide properties. Returning null is equivalent to returning an empty set.