Interface WorkContextLifecycleListener

public interface WorkContextLifecycleListener
This class models the various events that occur during the processing of the WorkContexts associated with a Work instance. This interface may be implemented by a WorkContext instance to receive notifications from the WorkManager when the WorkContext is set as the execution context of the Work instance it is associated with.

When a WorkManager sets up the execution context of a Work instance that implements WorkContextProvider, the WorkManager must make the relevant lifecycle notifications if an WorkContext instance implements this interface.

When a Work instance is submitted to the Connector WorkManager using one of the methods that passes in a WorkListener as a parameter, the WorkManager must send Work related notifications to the WorkListener and WorkContext setup related notifications to this interface.

The possible error conditions that might occur during associating an WorkContext with a Work instance is captured in WorkContextErrorCodes.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Invoked when the WorkContext instance was successfully set as the execution context for the Work instance.
    Invoked when the WorkContext instance was set as the execution context for the Work instance it was associated with.
  • Method Details

    • contextSetupComplete

      void contextSetupComplete()
      Invoked when the WorkContext instance was successfully set as the execution context for the Work instance.
    • contextSetupFailed

      void contextSetupFailed(String errorCode)
      Invoked when the WorkContext instance was set as the execution context for the Work instance it was associated with.
      errorCode - One of the error-codes defined in or subclasses of WorkContextErrorCodes
      See Also: