Annotation Interface NamedNativeQuery

@Repeatable(NamedNativeQueries.class) @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface NamedNativeQuery
Declares a named native SQL query and, optionally, the mapping of the result of the native SQL query. Query names are scoped to the persistence unit. A named query may be executed by calling EntityManager.createNamedQuery(String, Class).

In simple cases, a resultClass() specifies how the native SQL query result set should be interpreted, for example:

In more complicated cases, a result set mapping is needed, which may be specified using either a separate annotation: or using the elements of this annotation:

The NamedNativeQuery annotation can be applied to an entity class or mapped superclass.

See Also:
  • Element Details

    • hints

      QueryHint[] hints
      Query properties and hints. (May include vendor-specific query hints.)
    • resultClass

      Class<?> resultClass
      The class of each query result. If a result set mapping is specified, the specified result class must agree with the type inferred from the result set mapping. If a resultClass is not explicitly specified, then it is inferred from the result set mapping, if any, or defaults to Object or Object[]. The query result class may be overridden by explicitly passing a class object to EntityManager.createNamedQuery(String, Class).
    • resultSetMapping

      String resultSetMapping
      The name of a SqlResultSetMapping, as defined in metadata. The named result set mapping is used to interpret the result set of the native SQL query.

      Alternatively, the elements entities(), classes(), and columns() may be used to specify a result set mapping. These elements may not be used in conjunction with resultSetMapping.

    • entities

      EntityResult[] entities
      Specifies the result set mapping to entities. May not be used in combination with resultSetMapping().
    • classes

      Specifies the result set mapping to constructors. May not be used in combination with resultSetMapping().
    • columns

      ColumnResult[] columns
      Specifies the result set mapping to scalar values. May not be used in combination with resultSetMapping().