Annotation Interface FacesComponent

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) @Inherited public @interface FacesComponent

The presence of this annotation on a class that extends UIComponent must cause the runtime to register this class as a component suitable for inclusion in a view. If the createTag attribute is true, the runtime must create a corresponding Facelet tag handler according to the rules specified in the attributes of this annotation.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If the value of this attribute is true, the runtime must create a Facelet tag handler, that extends from ComponentHandler, suitable for use in pages under the tag library with namespace given by the value of the namespace() attribute.
    If the value of the createTag() attribute is true, the value of this attribute is taken to be the tag library namespace into which this component is placed.
    If the value of the createTag() attribute is true, the runtime must use this value as the tag name for including an instance of the component annotated with this annotation in a view.
    The value of this annotation attribute is taken to be the component-type with which instances of this class of component can be instantiated by calling Application.createComponent(java.lang.String).
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Components that declare a createTag = true attribute will be placed into this tag namespace if the namespace attribute is omitted.
  • Field Details


      static final String NAMESPACE

      Components that declare a createTag = true attribute will be placed into this tag namespace if the namespace attribute is omitted.

      See Also:
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value

      The value of this annotation attribute is taken to be the component-type with which instances of this class of component can be instantiated by calling Application.createComponent(java.lang.String). If no value is specified, or the value is null, the value is taken to be the return of calling getSimpleName on the class to which this annotation is attached and lowercasing the first character. If more than one component with this derived name is found, the results are undefined.

      the component type.
    • createTag

      boolean createTag

      If the value of this attribute is true, the runtime must create a Facelet tag handler, that extends from ComponentHandler, suitable for use in pages under the tag library with namespace given by the value of the namespace() attribute.

      true to create the Facelet tag handler, false otherwise.
    • tagName

      String tagName

      If the value of the createTag() attribute is true, the runtime must use this value as the tag name for including an instance of the component annotated with this annotation in a view. If this attribute is not specified on a usage of this annotation, the simple name of the class on which this annotation is declared, with the first character lowercased, is taken to be the value.

      the tag name.
    • namespace

      String namespace

      If the value of the createTag() attribute is true, the value of this attribute is taken to be the tag library namespace into which this component is placed.

      the namespace.