Annotation Interface Schedule

Defines schedules for scheduled asynchronous methods.

For the scheduled asychronous method to aim to run at a given day and time, all of the criteria specified by the Schedule must match or be disregarded according to the rules of each field.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Cron expression following the rules of CronTrigger.
    Days of the month on which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    Days of the week on which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    Hours of the day at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    Minutes at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    Months in which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    Seconds at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    Seconds after which an execution that is late to start should be skipped rather than starting it late.
    Time zone id, such as America/Chicago or America/Los_Angeles, which identifies the time zone of the schedule.
  • Element Details

    • cron

      String cron

      Cron expression following the rules of CronTrigger.

      When a non-empty value is specified, it overrides all values that are specified for months(), daysOfMonth(), daysOfWeek(), hours(), minutes(), and seconds().

      The default value is the empty string, indicating that no cron expression is to be used.

      cron expression indicating when to run the asynchronous method.
    • months

      Month[] months

      Months in which the asynchronous method aims to run.

      The default value is an empty list, which means that the month is not included in the criteria for deciding when to run the asynchronous method.

      list of months in which the asynchronous method aims to run; An empty list disregards the month.
    • daysOfMonth

      int[] daysOfMonth

      Days of the month on which the asynchronous method aims to run. Values can range from 1 to 31.

      The default value is an empty list, which means that the day of the month is not included in the criteria for deciding when to run the asynchronous method.

      list of days of the month on which the asynchronous method aims to run; An empty list disregards the day of the month.
    • daysOfWeek

      DayOfWeek[] daysOfWeek

      Days of the week on which the asynchronous method aims to run.

      The default value is an empty list, which means that the day of the week is not included in the criteria for deciding when to run the asynchronous method.

      list of days of the week on which the asynchronous method aims to run; An empty list disregards the day of the week.
    • hours

      int[] hours

      Hours of the day at which the asynchronous method aims to run.

      Values can range from 0 to 23. A value of empty list indicates that the hour is not included in the criteria for deciding when to run the asynchronous method.

      The default value is 0 (midnight).

      list of hours at which the asynchronous method aims to run; An empty list disregards the hour.
    • minutes

      int[] minutes

      Minutes at which the asynchronous method aims to run.

      Values can range from 0 to 59. A value of empty list indicates that the minute is not included in the criteria for deciding when to run the asynchronous method.

      The default value is 0 (at the start of the hour).

      list of minutes at which the asynchronous method aims to run; An empty list disregards the minutes.
    • seconds

      int[] seconds

      Seconds at which the asynchronous method aims to run.

      Values can range from 0 to 59. A value of empty list causes the asynchronous method to raise IllegalArgumentException.

      The default value is 0 (at the start of the minute).

      list of seconds at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
    • skipIfLateBy

      long skipIfLateBy

      Seconds after which an execution that is late to start should be skipped rather than starting it late.

      Values must be greater than 0. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). This differs from executions that are missed due to overlap, which are always skipped.

      the threshold for skipping executions that are late to start.
    • zone

      String zone

      Time zone id, such as America/Chicago or America/Los_Angeles, which identifies the time zone of the schedule.

      The default value of empty string indicates to use the default time zone for the system.
