Uses of Interface

Packages that use Timer
Contains the Enterprise Bean classes and interfaces that define the contracts between the enterprise bean and its clients and between the enterprise bean and the enterprise bean container.
  • Uses of Timer in jakarta.ejb

    Methods in jakarta.ejb that return Timer
    Modifier and Type
    TimerService.createCalendarTimer(ScheduleExpression schedule)
    Create a calendar-based timer based on the input schedule expression.
    TimerService.createCalendarTimer(ScheduleExpression schedule, TimerConfig timerConfig)
    Create a calendar-based timer based on the input schedule expression.
    TimerService.createIntervalTimer(long initialDuration, long intervalDuration, TimerConfig timerConfig)
    Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs after a specified duration, and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.
    TimerService.createIntervalTimer(Date initialExpiration, long intervalDuration, TimerConfig timerConfig)
    Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs at a given point in time and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.
    TimerService.createSingleActionTimer(long duration, TimerConfig timerConfig)
    Create a single-action timer that expires after a specified duration.
    TimerService.createSingleActionTimer(Date expiration, TimerConfig timerConfig)
    Create a single-action timer that expires at a given point in time.
    TimerService.createTimer(long initialDuration, long intervalDuration, Serializable info)
    Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs after a specified duration, and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.
    TimerService.createTimer(long duration, Serializable info)
    Create a single-action timer that expires after a specified duration.
    TimerService.createTimer(Date initialExpiration, long intervalDuration, Serializable info)
    Create an interval timer whose first expiration occurs at a given point in time and whose subsequent expirations occur after a specified interval.
    TimerService.createTimer(Date expiration, Serializable info)
    Create a single-action timer that expires at a given point in time.
    Obtain a reference to the timer represented by this handle.
    Methods in jakarta.ejb that return types with arguments of type Timer
    Modifier and Type
    Returns all active timers associated with the beans in the same module in which the caller bean is packaged.
    Returns all active timers associated with this bean.
    Methods in jakarta.ejb with parameters of type Timer
    Modifier and Type
    TimedObject.ejbTimeout(Timer timer)
    Invoked by the enterprise bean container upon timer expiration.