Annotation Interface By

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(PARAMETER) public @interface By

Annotates a parameter of a repository method, specifying a mapping to a persistent field:

  • if a field name is specified, the parameter maps to the persistent field with the specified name, or
  • if the special value "id(this)" is specified, the parameter maps to the unique identifier field or property.

Arguments to the annotated parameter are compared to values of the mapped persistent field.

The field name may be a compound name like

For example, for a Person entity with attributes ssn, firstName, lastName, and address we might have:

 public interface People {

     Person findById(@By(ID) String id); // maps to Person.ssn

     List<Person> findNamed(@By("firstName") String first,
                            @By("lastName") String last);

     Person findByCity(@By("") String city);

The By annotation is unnecessary when the method parameter name matches the entity attribute name and the application is compiled with the -parameters compiler option that makes parameter names available at runtime.

Thus, when this compiler option is enabled, the previous example may be written without the use of By:

 public interface People {

     Person findById(String ssn);

     List<Person> findNamed(String firstName,
                            String lastname);

     Person findByCity(String address_city);
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The name of the persistent field mapped by the annotated parameter, or "id(this)" to indicate the unique identifier field or property of the entity.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The special value which indicates the unique identifier field or property.
  • Field Details

    • ID

      static final String ID
      The special value which indicates the unique identifier field or property. The annotation By(ID) maps a parameter to the identifier.

      Note that id(this) is the expression in JPQL for the unique identifier of an entity with an implicit identification variable.

      See Also:
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The name of the persistent field mapped by the annotated parameter, or "id(this)" to indicate the unique identifier field or property of the entity.
      the persistent field name, or "id(this)" to indicate the unique identifier field.