Interface PartitionCollector

public interface PartitionCollector
PartitionCollector provides a way to pass data from individual partitions to a single point of control running on the step's parent thread. The PartitionAnalyzer is used to receive and process this data.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The collectPartitionData method receives control periodically during partition processing.
  • Method Details

    • collectPartitionData

      Serializable collectPartitionData() throws Exception

      The collectPartitionData method receives control periodically during partition processing. This method receives control on each thread processing a partition as follows:

      1. for a chunk type step, it receives control after every chunk checkpoint and then one last time at the end of the partition;
      2. for a batchlet type step, it receives control once at the end of the batchlet.

      Note the collector is not called if the partition terminates due to an unhandled exception.

      an Serializable object to pass to the PartitionAnalyzer.
      Exception - is thrown if an error occurs.