Interface PartitionAnalyzer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PartitionAnalyzer
PartitionAnalyzer receives control to process data and final results from each partition. If a PartitionCollector is configured on the step, the PartitionAnalyzer receives control to process the data and results from the partition collector. While a separate PartitionCollector instance is invoked on each thread processing a step partition, a single PartitionAnalyzer instance runs on a single, consistent thread each time it is invoked.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The analyzeCollectorData method receives control each time a Partition collector sends its payload.
    analyzeStatus(BatchStatus batchStatus, String exitStatus)
    The analyzeStatus method receives control each time a partition ends.
  • Method Details

    • analyzeCollectorData

      void analyzeCollectorData(Serializable data) throws Exception
      The analyzeCollectorData method receives control each time a Partition collector sends its payload. It receives the Serializable object from the collector as an input.
      data - specifies the payload sent by a PartitionCollector.
      Exception - is thrown if an error occurs.
    • analyzeStatus

      void analyzeStatus(BatchStatus batchStatus, String exitStatus) throws Exception
      The analyzeStatus method receives control each time a partition ends. It receives the batch and exit status strings of the partition as inputs.
      batchStatus - specifies the batch status of a partition.
      exitStatus - specifies the exit status of a partition.
      Exception - is thrown if an error occurs.