Interface Batchlet

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Batchlet
A batchlet is type of batch step that can be used for any type of background processing that does not explicitly call for a chunk oriented approach.

A well-behaved batchlet responds to stop requests by implementing the stop method.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The process method does the work of the batchlet.
    The stop method is invoked by the batch runtime as part of JobOperator.stop() method processing.
  • Method Details

    • process

      String process() throws Exception
      The process method does the work of the batchlet. If this method throws an exception, the batchlet step ends with a batch status of FAILED.
      exit status string
      Exception - if an error occurs.
    • stop

      void stop() throws Exception
      The stop method is invoked by the batch runtime as part of JobOperator.stop() method processing. This method is invoked on a thread other than the thread on which the batchlet process method is running.
      Exception - if an error occurs.