Class ExceptionQueuedEventContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExceptionQueuedEventContext extends Object implements SystemEventListenerHolder

This helper class provides context to the ExceptionQueuedEvent regarding the state of the system at the point in time when the ExceptionQueuedEvent occurs and links the ExceptionQueuedEvent to the ExceptionHandler by virtue of implementing SystemEventListener.

  • Field Details


      public static final String IN_BEFORE_PHASE_KEY

      The presence of an entry under this key in the Map returned from getAttributes() indicates the event occurred during the “before phase” part of the current lifecycle phase.


      public static final String IN_AFTER_PHASE_KEY

      The presence of an entry under this key in the Map returned from getAttributes() indicates the event occurred during the “after phase” part of the current lifecycle phase.

  • Constructor Details

    • ExceptionQueuedEventContext

      public ExceptionQueuedEventContext(FacesContext context, Throwable thrown)

      Instantiate a new ExceptionQueuedEventContext that indicates the argument Throwable just occurred.

      context - FacesContext for the current request
      thrown - the Throwable that is the context for this ExceptionQueuedEventContext instance.
    • ExceptionQueuedEventContext

      public ExceptionQueuedEventContext(FacesContext context, Throwable thrown, UIComponent component)

      Instantiate a new ExceptionQueuedEventContext that indicates the argument Throwable just occurred, relevant to the argument component.

      context - FacesContext for the current request
      thrown - the Throwable that is the context for this ExceptionQueuedEventContext instance.
      component - the UIComponent instance to which this ExceptionQueuedEventContext pertains
    • ExceptionQueuedEventContext

      public ExceptionQueuedEventContext(FacesContext context, Throwable thrown, UIComponent component, PhaseId phaseId)

      Instantiate a new ExceptionQueuedEventContext that indicates the argument Throwable just occurred, relevant to the argument component, during the lifecycle phase phaseId.

      context - FacesContext for the current request
      thrown - the Throwable that is the context for this ExceptionQueuedEventContext instance.
      component - the UIComponent that is relevant to the context.
      phaseId - the PhaseId at the time this ExeceptionEventContext is created.
  • Method Details

    • getContext

      public FacesContext getContext()

      The FacesContext for this request.

      the FacesContext used to create this ExceptionQueuedEventContext instance.
    • getException

      public Throwable getException()

      Return the exception property.

      the exception
    • getComponent

      public UIComponent getComponent()

      Return the UIComponent which was being processed when the exception was thrown. If none or not available, this will be null.

      the component
    • getPhaseId

      public PhaseId getPhaseId()

      Return the PhaseId which was being processed when the exception was thrown. If none or not available, this will be null.

      the phase id
    • inBeforePhase

      public boolean inBeforePhase()
      true if the exception occurred during the before phase processing for a particular lifecycle phase
    • inAfterPhase

      public boolean inAfterPhase()
      true if the exception occurred during the after phase processing for a particular lifecycle phase
    • getAttributes

      public Map<Object,Object> getAttributes()

      A Map of attributes relevant to the context of this ExceptionQueuedEvent.

      attributes related to this context
    • getListenersForEventClass

      public List<SystemEventListener> getListenersForEventClass(Class<? extends SystemEvent> facesEventClass)

      Return a List that contains a single entry, the ExceptionHandler for the current request.

      Specified by:
      getListenersForEventClass in interface SystemEventListenerHolder
      facesEventClass - the class for which listeners are to be returned
      the listeners for the argument class