UIColumn |
UIColumn is a UIComponent that represents a single column of data within a parent
UIData component.
UICommand |
UICommand is a UIComponent that represents a user interface component which, when activated
by the user, triggers an application specific "command" or "action".
UIComponent |
UIComponent is the base class for all user interface components in Jakarta Server
UIComponentBase |
UIComponentBase is a
convenience base class that implements the default concrete behavior of all methods defined by UIComponent .
UIData |
UIData is a
UIComponent that supports data binding to a collection of data objects represented by a DataModel
instance, which is the current value of this component itself (typically established via a ValueExpression ).
UIForm |
UIForm is a UIComponent that represents an input form to be
presented to the user, and whose child components represent (among other things) the input fields to be included when
the form is submitted.
UIGraphic |
UIGraphic is a UIComponent that displays a graphical image to the user.
UIImportConstants |
UIInput |
UIInput is a UIComponent that represents a component that both
displays output to the user (like UIOutput components do) and processes request parameters on the subsequent
request that need to be decoded.
UIMessage |
This component is responsible for displaying messages for a specific
UIComponent , identified by a clientId or component id
relative to the closest ancestor NamingContainer .
UIMessages |
The renderer for this component is responsible for obtaining the messages from the FacesContext and
displaying them to the user.
UINamingContainer |
UINamingContainer is a convenience base class for components that wish
to implement NamingContainer functionality.
UIOutcomeTarget |
This component is paired with the jakarta.faces.Button or
jakarta.faces.Link renderers and encapsulates properties relating to the rendering of outcomes directly
to the response.
UIOutput |
UIOutput is a UIComponent that has a
value, optionally retrieved from a model tier bean via a value expression, that is displayed to the user.
UIPanel |
UIPanel is a UIComponent that manages the layout of its child components.
UIParameter |
UIParameter is a UIComponent that represents an optionally named configuration parameter for
a parent component.
UISelectBoolean |
UISelectBoolean is a UIComponent that represents a single boolean ( true or
false ) value.
UISelectItem |
UISelectItem is a component that may be
nested inside a UISelectMany or UISelectOne component, and causes the addition of a
SelectItem instance to the list of available options for the parent component.
UISelectItems |
UISelectItems is a component that may be nested inside a UISelectMany or UISelectOne
component, and causes the addition of one or more SelectItem instances to the list of available options in
the parent component.
UISelectMany |
UISelectMany is a UIComponent that
represents the user's choice of a zero or more items from among a discrete set of available options.
UISelectOne |
UISelectOne is a UIComponent that represents the user's choice
of zero or one items from among a discrete set of available options.
UIViewAction |
UIViewAction represents a method invocation that occurs during the
request processing lifecycle, usually in response to an initial request, as opposed to a postback.
UIViewParameter |
UIViewParameter represents a binding between a
request parameter and a model property or UIViewRoot property.
UIViewParameter.Reference |
Inner class to encapsulate a UIViewParameter instance so that it may be safely referenced regardless of
whether or not the current view is the same as the view in which this UIViewParameter resides.
UIViewRoot |
UIViewRoot is the UIComponent that represents the root of
the UIComponent tree.
UIWebsocket |
The <f:websocket> tag opens an one-way (server to client) websocket based push connection in
client side which can be reached from server side via PushContext interface injected in any CDI/container
managed artifact via @ Push annotation.