Package com.sun.faces.spi
Interface Summary Interface Description AnnotationScanner AnnotationScanner.ScannedAnnotation ConfigurationResourceProvider Classes that implement this interface return zero or moreURL
s which refer to application configuration resources.FaceletConfigResourceProvider Classes that implement this interface return zero or moreURL
s which refer to application configuration resources (i.e.FacesConfigResourceProvider Classes that implement this interface return zero or moreURL
s which refer to application configuration resources (i.e.HighAvailabilityEnabler This interface is for Faces to check if the app server has HA enabled.InjectionProvider This interface defines an integration point for Jakarta EE vendors.SerializationProvider This interface provides a mechanism to allow the use of alternate Java Serialization implementations.ThreadContext -
Class Summary Class Description AnnotationProvider An integration point for integrators to provide custom annotation scanning.AnnotationProviderFactory ConfigurationResourceProviderFactory Factory class for creatingConfigurationResourceProvider
instances using the Java services discovery mechanism.DiscoverableInjectionProvider InjectionProvider
s that implement this interface can be configured viaMETA-INF/services/com.sun.faces.spi.injectionprovider
.InjectionProviderFactory A factory for creatingInjectionProvider
instances.SerializationProviderFactory A factory for creatingSerializationProvider
instances. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ConfigurationResourceProviderFactory.ProviderType -
Exception Summary Exception Description InjectionProviderException Wraps any exception thrown by an implementation ofInjectionProvider