Package com.sun.faces.el
Interface Summary Interface Description ELConstants -
Class Summary Class Description ChainAwareVariableResolver This special VariableResolver serves as the "original" VariableResolver that is passed to the one-arg ctor for the first custom VariableResolver that is encountered during application configuration.ChainTypeCompositeELResolver Maintains an ordered composite list of childELResolver for Faces
.CompositeComponentAttributesELResolver ThisELResolver
will handle the resolution ofattrs
when processing a composite component instance.DemuxCompositeELResolver Maintains an ordered composite list of childELResolver for Faces
.DummyPropertyResolverImpl Default propertyResolver implementation that gets the ELContext from the argument FacesContext and calls setPropertyResolved(false) on it.ELContextImpl Concrete implementation ofELContext
.ELContextListenerImpl ELUtils Utility class for EL related methods.FacesCompositeELResolver Maintains an ordered composite list of childELResolver for Faces
.FacesResourceBundleELResolver ImplicitObjectELResolver ImplicitObjectELResolverForJsp ManagedBeanELResolver PropertyResolverChainWrapper PropertyResolverImpl Concrete implementation ofPropertyResolver
.ResourceELResolver ELResolver to resolve expressions like the following: #{resource['library:resource']} #{resource['resource']}ScopedAttributeELResolver VariableResolverChainWrapper VariableResolverImpl Concrete implementation ofVariableResolver
. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ELUtils.Scope FacesCompositeELResolver.ELResolverChainType JSP indicates this CompositeELResolver instance is the Jakarta Server Pages chain, specified in section 5.6.1 of the spec.