Class Summary
Class |
Description |
ConfigManager |
This class manages the initialization of each web application that uses Faces.
ConfigureListener |
Parse all relevant JavaServer Faces configuration resources, and configure the Reference Implementation runtime
FaceletsConfiguration |
FacesInitializer |
Adds mappings *.xhtml, /faces, *.jsf, and *.faces for the FacesServlet (if it
hasn't already been mapped) if the following conditions are met:
The Set of classes passed to this initializer is not empty, or
/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml exists, or
A CDI enabled bean with qualifier FacesConfig can be obtained
InitFacesContext |
A special, minimal implementation of FacesContext used at application initialization time.
Verifier |
This class backs the com.sun.faces.verifyObjects feature which provides basic validation of Components,
Converters, and Validators.
WebConfiguration |
Class Documentation
Exception Summary
Exception |
Description |
ConfigurationException |
This represents any configuration processing problems that could occur.