Interface DeserializationContext

public interface DeserializationContext
Provides JSONB Mapper functionality on top of JSONP parser.
JSON Binding 1.0
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • deserialize

      <T> T deserialize(Class<T> clazz, JsonParser parser)

      Deserialize JSON stream into instance of provided class using JsonParser. JsonParser cursor have to be at KEY_NAME before START_OBJECT / START_ARRAY, or at START_OBJECT / START_ARRAY to call this method. After deserialization is complete JsonParser will be at END_OBJECT / END_ARRAY for deserialized JSON structure.

      If method is called for the same type, which is deserializer bound to, deserializer recursion is suppressed. Otherwise deserializers are reentrant during deserialization process started by this method.

      JsonParser instance of JSONB runtime is shared with custom deserializer.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of class.
      clazz - Type to deserialize into. No arg constructor required.
      parser - JSONP parser to drive.
      Deserialized instance.
    • deserialize

      <T> T deserialize(Type type, JsonParser parser)

      Deserialize JSON stream into instance of provided class using JsonParser. JsonParser cursor have to be at KEY_NAME before START_OBJECT / START_ARRAY, or at START_OBJECT / START_ARRAY to call this method. After deserialization is complete JsonParser will be at END_OBJECT / END_ARRAY for deserialized JSON structure.

      If method is called for the same type, which is deserializer bound to, deserializer recursion is suppressed. Otherwise deserializers are reentrant during deserialization process started by this method.

      JsonParser instance of JSONB runtime is shared with custom deserializer.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type to deserialize into.
      type - Type to deserialize into. No arg constructor required.
      parser - JSONP parser to drive.
      Deserialized instance.