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AbortedException - Exception in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Exception indicating that the result of a task cannot be retrieved because the task failed to run for some reason other than being cancelled.
AbortedException() - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.AbortedException
Constructs an AbortedException with null as its detail message.
AbortedException(String) - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.AbortedException
Constructs an AbortedException exception with the specified detail message.
AbortedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.AbortedException
Constructs an AbortedException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
AbortedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.AbortedException
Constructs an AbortedException exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ALL_REMAINING - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
All available thread context types that are not specified elsewhere.
APPLICATION - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
Context pertaining to the application component or module, including its Jakarta EE namespace (such as java:comp/env/) and thread context class loader.
Asynchronous - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Annotates a CDI managed bean method to run asynchronously.
Asynchronous.Result - Class in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Mechanism by which the Jakarta EE Product Provider makes available to the asynchronous method implementation the same CompletableFuture instance that the Jakarta EE Product Provider supplies to the caller of the asynchronous method.


begin() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot
Applies the captured thread context snapshot to the current thread and returns a distinct ThreadContextRestorer instance.


cleared() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
Types of context to clear whenever a thread runs the contextual task or action.
clearedContext(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider
Returns empty/cleared context of the provided type.
complete(T) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous.Result
Completes the CompletableFuture instance that the Jakarta EE Product Provider supplies to the caller of the asynchronous method.
completedFuture(U) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is already completed with the specified value.
completedStage(U) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletionStage that is already completed with the specified value.
context() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
The name of a ContextService instance which determines how context is applied to tasks and actions that run on this executor.
context() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
The name of a ContextService instance which determines how context is applied to tasks and actions that run on this executor.
context() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition
Determines how context is applied to threads from this thread factory.
ContextService - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
The ContextService provides methods for creating dynamic proxy objects (as defined by java.lang.reflect.Proxy).
ContextServiceDefinition - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Defines a ContextService to be injected into ContextService injection points including any required Qualifier annotations specified by ContextServiceDefinition.qualifiers() and registered in JNDI by the container under the JNDI name that is specified in the attribute.
ContextServiceDefinition.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Enables multiple ContextServiceDefinition annotations on the same type.
contextualCallable(Callable<R>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a Callable with context that is captured from the thread that invokes contextualCallable.
contextualConsumer(BiConsumer<T, U>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a BiConsumer with context that is captured from the thread that invokes contextualConsumer.
contextualConsumer(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a Consumer with context that is captured from the thread that invokes contextualConsumer.
contextualFunction(BiFunction<T, U, R>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a BiFunction with context that is captured from the thread that invokes contextualFunction.
contextualFunction(Function<T, R>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a BiFunction with context that is captured from the thread that invokes contextualFunction.
contextualProcessor(Flow.Processor<T, R>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a Flow.Processor with context captured from the thread that invokes contextualProcessor.
contextualRunnable(Runnable) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a Runnable with context that is captured from the thread that invokes contextualRunnable.
contextualSubscriber(Flow.Subscriber<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a Flow.Subscriber with context captured from the thread that invokes contextualSubscriber.
contextualSupplier(Supplier<R>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Wraps a Supplier with context captured from the thread that invokes contextualSupplier.
copy(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed by the completion of the specified stage.
copy(CompletionStage<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletionStage that is completed by the completion of the specified stage.
createContextualProxy(Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Creates a new contextual object proxy for the input object instance.
createContextualProxy(Object, Map<String, String>, Class<?>...) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Creates a new contextual object proxy for the input object instance.
createContextualProxy(T, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Creates a new contextual object proxy for the input object instance.
createContextualProxy(T, Map<String, String>, Class<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Creates a new contextual object proxy for the input object instance.
cron() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Cron expression following the rules of CronTrigger.
CronTrigger - Class in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Cron-based Trigger implementation, which supports 5 or 6 fields delimited by a single space character, plus a ZoneId.
CronTrigger(String, ZoneId) - Constructor for class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Constructor that accepts a cron expression.
CronTrigger(ZoneId) - Constructor for class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Constructor for the fluent configuration pattern.
currentContext(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider
Captures from the current thread a snapshot of the provided thread context type.
currentContextExecutor() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Captures thread context as an Executor that runs tasks on the same thread from which executeis invoked but with context that is captured from the thread that invokes currentContextExecutor.


daysOfMonth() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Days of the month on which the asynchronous method aims to run.
daysOfMonth(int...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-month cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-month.
daysOfMonth(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-month cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-month.
daysOfWeek() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Days of the week on which the asynchronous method aims to run.
daysOfWeek(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-week cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-week.
daysOfWeek(DayOfWeek...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-week cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-week.


endContext() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextRestorer
Invoked by the Jakarta EE Product Provider to remove the thread context that the ThreadContextSnapshot began on this thread and restore the previous context that was on the thread prior to that point.
executor() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous
JNDI name of a ManagedExecutorService or ManagedScheduledExecutorService upon which to run the asynchronous method.


failedFuture(Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is already exceptionally completed with the specified Throwable.
failedStage(Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletionStage that is already exceptionally completed with the specified Throwable.


getContextService() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a ContextService which has the same propagation settings as this ManagedExecutorService and uses this ManagedExecutorService as the default asynchronous execution facility for CompletionStage and CompletableFuture instances that it creates via the withContextCapture methods.
getExecutionProperties() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
Provides additional information to the ManagedExecutorService or ManagedScheduledExecutorService when executing this task.
getExecutionProperties(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Gets the current execution properties on the context proxy instance.
getFuture() - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous.Result
Obtains the same CompletableFuture instance that the Jakarta EE Product Provider supplies to the caller of the asynchronous method.
getIdentityName() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The name or ID of the identifiable object, as specified in the ManagedTask.IDENTITY_NAME execution property of the task if it also implements the ManagedTask interface.
getManagedTaskListener() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
The ManagedTaskListener to receive notification of lifecycle events of this task.
getNextRunTime(LastExecution, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Using the cron schedule, and based on the end of the most recent execution (or absent that, the initial scheduling time), retrieve the next time that the task should run after.
getNextRunTime(LastExecution, ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ZonedTrigger
Retrieve the next time that the task should run after.
getNextRunTime(LastExecution, Date) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Trigger
Retrieve the next time that the task should run after.
getNextRunTime(LastExecution, Date) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ZonedTrigger
Retrieve the next time that the task should run after.
getResult() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
Result of the last execution.
getRunEnd() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The last time in which the task was completed.
getRunEnd(ZoneId) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The time, in the specified time-zone, at which the most recent execution of the task completed running.
getRunStart() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The last time in which the task started running.
getRunStart(ZoneId) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The time, in the specified time-zone, at which the most recent execution of the task started running.
getScheduledStart() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The last time in which task was scheduled to run.
getScheduledStart(ZoneId) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.LastExecution
The time, in the specified time-zone, at which the most recent execution of the task was expected to start, per its schedule.
getThreadContextType() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider
Returns a human readable identifier for the type of thread context that is captured by this ThreadContextProvider implementation.
getZoneId() - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Returns the timezone to use for ZonedDateTime that is supplied to the getNextRunTime and skipRun methods.
getZoneId() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ZonedTrigger
Returns the timezone to use for the ZonedDateTime that is supplied to the getNextRunTime and skipRun methods.


hours() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Hours of the day at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
hours(int...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the hours cron field, overwriting any previous value for hours.
hours(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the hours cron field, overwriting any previous value for hours.
hungTaskThreshold() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
The amount of time in milliseconds that a task or action can execute before it is considered hung.
hungTaskThreshold() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
The amount of time in milliseconds that a task or action can execute before it is considered hung.


IDENTITY_NAME - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
Execution property to be returned in ManagedTask.getExecutionProperties() or ContextService.createContextualProxy() to provide a String that identifies the task.
isCurrentThreadShutdown() - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutors
Utility method for checking the isShutdown() value of the current thread if it is a ManageableThread created from ManagedThreadFactory.newThread().
isShutdown() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManageableThread
This method is used by the application component provider to check whether a thread created by the newThread method of ManagedThreadFactory has been marked for shut down.


jakarta.concurrency - module jakarta.concurrency
jakarta.enterprise.concurrent - package jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Classes and interfaces that make up the Jakarta Concurrency specification.
jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi - package jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi
Interfaces for third-party providers of thread context to implement.


LastExecution - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Contains information about the last execution of a task.
LONGRUNNING_HINT - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
Execution property to be returned in ManagedTask.getExecutionProperties() or ContextService.createContextualProxy() to provide hint about whether the task could take a long time to complete.


ManageableThread - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Interface to be implemented by the Jakarta™ EE product providers on platform threads that are created by calling ThreadFactory.newThread(java.lang.Runnable).
ManagedExecutorDefinition - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Defines a ManagedExecutorService to be injected into ManagedExecutorService injection points including any required Qualifier annotations specified by ManagedExecutorDefinition.qualifiers() and registered in JNDI by the container under the JNDI name that is specified in the attribute.
ManagedExecutorDefinition.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Enables multiple ManagedExecutorDefinition annotations on the same type.
ManagedExecutors - Class in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Utility methods for classes defined in this package.
ManagedExecutorService - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
A manageable version of a ExecutorService.
ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Defines a ManagedScheduledExecutorService to be injected into ManagedScheduledExecutorService injection points including any required Qualifier annotations specified by ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition.qualifiers() and registered in JNDI by the container under the JNDI name that is specified in the attribute.
ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Enables multiple ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition annotations on the same type.
ManagedScheduledExecutorService - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
A manageable version of a ScheduledExecutorService.
managedTask(Runnable, ManagedTaskListener) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutors
Returns a Runnable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided ManagedTaskListener when the task is submitted to a ManagedExecutorService or a ManagedScheduledExecutorService.
managedTask(Runnable, Map<String, String>, ManagedTaskListener) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutors
Returns a Runnable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided ManagedTaskListener and to provide additional execution properties when the task is submitted to a ManagedExecutorService or a ManagedScheduledExecutorService.
managedTask(Callable<V>, ManagedTaskListener) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutors
Returns a Callable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided ManagedTaskListener when the task is submitted to a ManagedExecutorService or a ManagedScheduledExecutorService.
managedTask(Callable<V>, Map<String, String>, ManagedTaskListener) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutors
Returns a Callable object that also implements ManagedTask interface so it can receive notification of lifecycle events with the provided ManagedTaskListener and to provide additional execution properties when the task is submitted to a ManagedExecutorService or a ManagedScheduledExecutorService.
ManagedTask - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
A task submitted to an ManagedExecutorService or ManagedScheduledExecutorService can optionally implement this interface to provide identifying information about the task, to provide a ManagedTaskListener to get notification of lifecycle events of the task, or to provide additional execution properties.
ManagedTaskListener - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
A ManagedTaskListener is used to monitor the state of a task's Future.
ManagedThreadFactory - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
A manageable version of a ThreadFactory.
ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Defines ManagedThreadFactory instances to be injected into ManagedThreadFactory injection points including any required Qualifier annotations specified by ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition.qualifiers() and registered in JNDI by the container under the JNDI name that is specified in the attribute.
ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Enables multiple ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition annotations on the same type.
maxAsync() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
Upper bound on contextual tasks and actions that this executor will simultaneously execute asynchronously.
maxAsync() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
Upper bound on contextual tasks and actions that this executor will simultaneously execute asynchronously.
minutes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Minutes at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
minutes(int...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the minutes cron field, overwriting any previous value for minutes.
minutes(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the minutes cron field, overwriting any previous value for minutes.
months() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Months in which the asynchronous method aims to run.
months(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the months cron field, overwriting any previous value for months.
months(Month...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the month cron field, overwriting any previous value for month.


name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
JNDI name of the ContextService instance being defined.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
JNDI name of the ManagedExecutorService instance.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
JNDI name of the ManagedScheduledExecutorService instance.
name() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition
JNDI name of the ManagedThreadFactory instance.
newIncompleteFuture() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new incomplete CompletableFuture.
next(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Advance to the next date/time according to the cron schedule.


priority() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition
Priority for platform threads created by this thread factory.
propagated() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
Types of context to capture from the requesting thread and propagate to a thread that runs the contextual task or action.


qualifiers() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
List of required qualifier annotations.
qualifiers() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
List of required qualifier annotations.
qualifiers() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
List of required qualifier annotations.
qualifiers() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition
List of required qualifier annotations.


runAsync(Runnable) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed by a task running in this executor after it runs the given action.
runAt() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous
Establishes a schedule for repeated execution of the method.


schedule(Runnable, Trigger) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService
Creates and executes a task based on a Trigger.
schedule(Callable<V>, Trigger) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService
Creates and executes a task based on a Trigger.
Schedule - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Defines schedules for scheduled asynchronous methods.
seconds() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Seconds at which the asynchronous method aims to run.
seconds(int...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the seconds cron field, overwriting any previous value for seconds.
seconds(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the seconds cron field, overwriting any previous value for seconds.
SECURITY - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
Context that controls the credentials that are associated with the thread, including the caller subject and invocation/RunAs subject.
setFuture(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous.Result
Before invoking the asynchronous method implementation on a thread, the Jakarta EE Product Provider invokes this method to make available to the asynchronous method implementation the same CompletableFuture that the Jakarta EE Product Provider returns to the caller.
skipIfLateBy() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Seconds after which an execution that is late to start should be skipped rather than starting it late.
SkippedException - Exception in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task cannot be retrieved because the task run was skipped.
SkippedException() - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.SkippedException
Constructs an SkippedException with null as its detail message.
SkippedException(String) - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.SkippedException
Constructs an SkippedException exception with the specified detail message.
SkippedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.SkippedException
Constructs an SkippedException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
SkippedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.SkippedException
Constructs an SkippedException exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
skipRun(LastExecution, ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ZonedTrigger
Return true if this run instance should be skipped.
skipRun(LastExecution, Date) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Trigger
Return true if this run instance should be skipped.
skipRun(LastExecution, Date) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ZonedTrigger
Return true if this run instance should be skipped.
supplyAsync(Supplier<U>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed by a task running in this executor after it runs the given action.
SUSPEND - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
Constant for the "SUSPEND" value of the TRANSACTION execution property.


taskAborted(Future<?>, ManagedExecutorService, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener
Called when a task's Future has been cancelled anytime during the life of a task.
taskDone(Future<?>, ManagedExecutorService, Object, Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener
Called when a submitted task has completed running, either successfully or failed due to any exception thrown from the task, task being cancelled, rejected, or aborted.
taskStarting(Future<?>, ManagedExecutorService, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener
This method is called before the task is about to start.
taskSubmitted(Future<?>, ManagedExecutorService, Object) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener
Called after the task has been submitted to the Executor.
ThreadContextProvider - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi
Third party providers of thread context implement this interface to participate in thread context capture and propagation.
ThreadContextRestorer - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi
Restores the prior context on a thread after a contextual task or action completes.
ThreadContextSnapshot - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi
An immutable snapshot of a particular type of thread context.
toString() - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Readable representation of the CronTrigger, which displays fields in list form or with the * character for brevity.
TRANSACTION - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
Context that controls the transaction that is associated with the thread.
TRANSACTION - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
Execution property to be returned in ManagedTask.getExecutionProperties() or ContextService.createContextualProxy() to inform the Jakarta EE Product Provider under which transaction should the task or proxy method of contextual proxy object be executed in.
Trigger - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Triggers allow application developers to plug in rules for when and how often a task should run.


unchanged() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition
Types of context that are left alone when a thread runs the contextual task or action.
USE_TRANSACTION_OF_EXECUTION_THREAD - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask
Constant for the "USE_TRANSACTION_OF_EXECUTION_THREAD" value of the TRANSACTION execution property.


value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition.List
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition.List
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition.List
value() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition.List
virtual() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition
Indicates whether this executor is requested to create virtual threads for tasks that do not run inline.
virtual() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition
Indicates whether this executor is requested to create virtual threads for tasks that do not run inline.
virtual() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition
Indicates whether this thread factory is requested to create virtual threads.


withContextCapture(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed by the completion of the specified stage.
withContextCapture(CompletionStage<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService
Returns a new CompletionStage that is completed by the completion of the specified stage.


zone() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Time zone id, such as America/Chicago or America/Los_Angeles, which identifies the time zone of the schedule.
ZonedTrigger - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Triggers allow application developers to plug in rules for when and how often a task should run.
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