Module jakarta.cdi

Interface InjectionPointInfo

  • public interface InjectionPointInfo
    An injection point defined on some bean. Injection points may be fields or method parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • type

        Type type()
        Returns the type of this injection point.
        the type of this injection point, never null
      • qualifiers

        java.util.Collection<AnnotationInfo> qualifiers()
        Returns a collection of qualifiers declared on this injection point, represented as AnnotationInfo.
        collection of qualifiers, never null
      • declaration

        DeclarationInfo declaration()
        Returns the declaration of this injection point. That is a FieldInfo for field injection, or ParameterInfo for:
        • constructor injection,
        • initializer method,
        • disposer method,
        • producer method,
        • observer method.
        the declaration of this injection point, never null